Behind The Blog featuring Dawn from March To The Aisle…

March To The Aisle

Hey Beauty Buddies

It’s Tuesday which can only mean one thing on Confetti & Curves… our first fun-filled Behind The Blogger of the week joins us on the virtual sofa! *woo hoo* Today I’m deeelighted to introduce the lovely Dawn from March To The Aisle. As I’m sure you can tell, Dawn’s blog follows her journey as a bride-to-be in the throws of wedding planing alongside her fiance Lee (the rather handsome chap pictured below!) Of course being a seemingly cool & collected bride, Dawn is taking to wedding planning like a duck to water and as a result her blog is sprinkled with some valuable hints & tips that will undoubtedly come into great use for others in the same bridal boat.

However fear not for those readers who aren’t currently up to their eye’s in bridal fairs and dress fittings, as Dawn wonderfully intertwines a sprinkling of beauty & life-style features to keep readers of all marital statuses entertained along the way.

You know the drill by now ladies, flick the kettle switch & nestle into your comfiest chair as we take a quick peek Behind The Blog


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Weddings, wanderings and wonderful things


What inspired you to start blogging?

I’m a designer but have always been interested in writing. I wrote a few blog posts a couple of years ago when I ran my first marathon and then just stopped (for no real reason) once the race was over. Once I was engaged last September I found my self reading lots of online resources for brides to be. My one issue with some of them is that they’re not that ‘real’ and so my idea for a blog where I would share my real life journey was born. Finally in June I published my first post and I’m enjoying writing about my journey so far. March To The Aisle isn’t just about the big day, it’s all the little things that happen in the lead up, so I’ll be reviewing products that help me in my everyday life and trips I take with my fiancé for example.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

March To The Aisle is a bit of a play on words. I’m heading to the aisle myself in March next year and The Wedding March is traditionally played at a wedding ceremony. So it’s my journey to the aisle next year, and I’ll be doing it in March. It made sense to me when I thought of it…


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

I’ve only been actively blogging for just a few months and so at the moment ideas seem to be flowing thick and fast. I tend to do a lot of my writing on the train (as I have an hour commute to work) and I carry my iPad with me most of the time to note down any ideas I have. I’m trying to make a note whenever I think of an idea for a potential post so that I can expand on it later and I’m hoping that if I ever get Blogger’s Block I’ll have a little pool of ideas to turn to. Failing that I always find that a little browse on Pinterest helps to fuel my creative ideas.


What’s your favourite post to date? 

For me this is a tough one. It’s a toss up between Honeymoon planning: It’s all booked and Saving our date

I loved writing about our honeymoon plans as it makes me feel excited about the amazing trip we’re going to take and I got to reminisce about holidays Lee and I have taken. But the save the dates were a chance for me to share some of my designs with my readers and it was cathartic to list out why I’d been delaying sending them for so long. I’ll let you pick a favourite!


Describe your everyday clothes style:

At the moment I wear a lot of pencil skirts, camisole tops and leather flip flops. Once the weather cools down I’ll be back in skinny jeans, chunky jumpers and ankle boots!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Coconut oil – it’s so versatile

Benefit Gimme Brow – makes my brows look full and groomed

Perfectil – I’m not sure if it’s helping my hair but it’s definitely improved the dark circles under my eyes


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I like to cook a nice dinner and enjoy it with my fiancé Lee, then sit on the sofa with our cats Freddy and Missy and watch a good film.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

A nice meal and cocktails with Lee and our friends.


What do you do to relax?

I enjoy running and find that a good run will help to clear my head if I’m stressed. Otherwise I absolutely love a facial, it’s one of my favourite treats!


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

I can find it quite hard to make decisions. It’s actually driving Lee a bit nuts with the wedding plans I think. For example I’ll suggest a style of cake I like and then 2 days later will find another one and then be unsure of which I prefer.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

Holidays with my mum, dad, brother and nan.


What was your favourite school subject?

Graphics, I loved drawing and designing and now I get to do both everyday.


What’s your dream job?

Formula One reporter – If I ever win the lottery I’m going to spend a year going to every race on the calendar!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Married, happy and doing something I love.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Go on safari

Marry Lee

Start a family

Start my own business

Get an article published in a magazine


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Running the London Marathon. It’s an achievement in its own right but it’s also how I met the love of my life.


Who inspires you?

As cheesy as it sounds mum is a total inspiration to me. She is the kindest, most selfless person I know. She works hard and it’s the centre of our family, I admire the way she lives her life and what she has achieved. If I grow up to be like my mum it would make me proud.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

Never above you, never below you, always beside you – Walter Winchell

It’s something my friends and I say to each other if we’re going to have a shot when we’re out drinking. I have the most amazing group of girlfriends from school and I know we’re always there for each other no matter how our lives change. This quote just fits us so well.


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Give it a go, what do you have to lose. There’s never going to be a right time to start blogging and you could put it off forever. I’d say write about something you have passion for as this will come across in your posts and things will develop from there.



Tea or Coffee = Tea (in a teapot)

Coke or Pepsi = Coke

Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super organised

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Playful puppy (but only because I already have 2 cute cats)

Night In or Night Out = Night out

Heels or Flats = Heels

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip gloss

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Pop princess

Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Dawn:

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

Happy 1st Blogiversary Confetti & Curves…

Happy Birthday Confetti And Curves

I can’t quite believe it’s been 1 whole year since I created my little online haven, Confetti & Curves. Over the course of this last year I’ve learned so much & met so many amazing people that have inspired me creatively & made my blogging journey such a memorable one.

Casting my mind back twelve months ago, I was in a very different place than I am today. As a few of you already know, I battle daily with OCD & GAD – two incredibly draining disorders that have the power to control, if not ruin, your life. It hasn’t been an easy ride I can assure you, but logging in every day to read an abundance of encouraging & supportive comments has been the driving force to keep me going – all the while enjoying every moment I spend writing, creating, photographing, planning, filming & just generally having fun chatting with you lovely lot.

I really don’t say this as often as I should but from the bottom of my heart thank you all so very very much for your support… and for coming along on this exciting journey with me! I’ve had the opportunity to work with such a wonderful mixture of exciting brands & pr teams, whilst continually building a small army of undoubtedly the best blog buddies & regular readers a girl could hope for.

So today I’m going to raise a rather full champagne glass *hiccup* and make a heartfelt virtual toast to every single one of my fantastic friends & readers across the globe for making Confetti & Curves the lively little corner of the interweb that it is. The impact blogging has made on my life has been the most worthy form of medicine. So thank you. Here’s to many more years of blogging bliss ahead… bottoms up chums *clink*


my fav posts

Create your own DIY Photo Studio

Mini Photo Studio

This was one of my very first crafty posts, and probably still one of my most successful! Having dived head first into the world of beauty blogging, a productive little space to photograph my lotions & potions became a necessity rather than a luxury. For anyone on a budget or simply looking for a fun but handy DIY project (that costs mere pennies to make) this is right up your street!

Celebrating With Wedding Ideas 

Wedding Ideas

Having previously made a career in the wedding industry by owning two gorgeous bridal suites, Wedding Ideas was always one of my favourite bridal magazines. It’s never short of a wonderful range of creative and innovative suggestions for all tastes & budgets. Seeing my very own article feature with them was probably one of my most exciting personal highs to kick start 2015! *energetic air-punch*

From Tears to Triumph; Leah’s Weight-Loss Story

Leahs Story

Anyone who struggles with weight loss & adapting to a healthier lifestyle knows only too well how difficult the process of taking a healthier approach to life can be. However, when your health & well being depends on that change you’ve no other option than to boldy battle through. Watching my younger sister, Leah, completely turn her life around has been phenomenal. In this interview-style post she shares her own personal story on how she turned her weigh-in woes into ‘woo hoo’s’!

Confetti & Curves YouTube Launch

Pink YouTube

Never in a million years would I have ever imagined gathering up enough confidence to start my own YT channel. In my world, blogging was already a big enough stretch… in fact I even initally shied away from sharing it with close friends and family. However let it be known folks that I’m living proof miracles really do occur, and creating my 1st video was indeed one of those miracles. See just how much confidence you guys lavish upon me? Amazing 🙂

Helpful Resources for Budding Beauty Bloggers

Helpful Resources For Beauty Blogging

In theory there’s no right or wrong way to blog, if you love it you simply just do it. However, if your blogging with an audience of regular readers in mind there are a few tips & tricks that can be really useful to keeping your blog ticking over like a well oiled machine. In my case, I’ve learnt a lot by making a mound mountain of mistakes – there’s nothing quite like the journey of a steep learning curve! However, those bumps along the way have paved my own personal growth as a blogger. Being able to share what I’ve learned with others is just a simple way to give new bloggers a helping hand in avoiding the pitfalls such as bloggers block and crazy scheduling mishaps; this post pretty much catalogues some of my own helpful resources that might come in handy for others!

pink heart

Once again, thank you all so very much for tagging along & making Confetti & Curves one of my most cherished projects to date. If anything, blogging has made me realise that no matter where we are in the world, what our cultural backgrounds are, size, shape or skin colour… a genuine passion for what we love doing pulls us all together to become the greatest of friends that have yet to meet.

Happy 1st Birthday Confetti & Curves…

Karen signature

Catch me on:

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The Very Inspiring Blogger Award…

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hey lovelies,

I’m chuffed to be posting another exciting award feature this morning for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award  – you guys are far too good to me!! So before I begin a huge big thank you to the gorgeous:

Jen from The Avon Insider,

Silky from Silky Resh’s Product Reviews

Steffie from SteffieKbeauty

Ev & Cin from Petite & Pretty


Lanies from Spiffy Boheme

 Thank you so much chums – what a title to bestow, right?! These fab ladies are avid beauty, fashion & lifestyle bloggers and an all-round super gals… if you haven’t already checked out their fabulous little corners of the inter-web then do pop over pronto!

Now onto the Award *woo hoo*

The rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog
2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers.
5. Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.
6. Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

Seven Random Things About Me: 

1) I’m allergic to wine – yep, you may read me mentioning ‘a good glass of vino’ throughout a scattering of my posts occasionally, but when it comes to drinking either red or white it sends bizarre aches and pains all throughout me. Ach well…. that can only mean I’m a very affordable date right? 😉

2) I love sneezing – bit of an odd one folks but my record number of sneezes is 32 *hay-fever season* Thankfully I find it bizarrely satisfying… I know, weirdo.

3) I HATE driving at night – it doesn’t matter how many times I tell myself there’s no escaped murderer hiding in the back, my fear factor is through the roof!! *Eeeeek*

4) My biggest celebrity crush is Jon Corbett. I still insist Carrie Bradshaw had rocks in her head when she let Aidan Shaw slip through the net! *sob*


 What was Miss Bradshaw thinking?!

5) I wear make-up every day… yes, lazy Sundays in included. I just don’t feel dressed without it!

6) I love being the first one up in the mornings – I have no idea why.

7) Although I was born & raised in Northern Ireland I’ve also lived in Scotland, Wales & Southern Ireland (Eire)

pink heart

So here’s my 15 Nominee’s *drum-roll please* 

Ladies & Lace


Ymor Beauty

Pale & Persian

Eclectic Blogaloo





Notes By A Russian

Nazneen Zainal

Very Erin

Shopper Lottie


The Glasgow Girl

As always, there’s absolutely no pressure whatsoever to accept – and my apologies if you’ve been nominated before and I’ve missed your post!

Once again a huge thanks to my fellow blog buddies for the kind nomination and of course to YOU for reading! Don’t forget to say hi in the comments below 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

Behind The Blog… featuring Erin from Very Erin

Very Erin

Hello again blog buddies…

I hope you’re all settled down, cuppa in hand and ready for another Behind The Blog post? If not, get the kettle switch flicked and put your feet up for ten as we meet another gorgeous blogger.

As always, If you’re new to Confetti & Curves *friendly wave* and not entirely sure what Behind The Blog is all about *click here* to bring yourself up to speed – you may even find yourself getting involved too!

So today I’m deeeelighted to present the stunning Erin from Very Erin. One of the reasons I adore Erin’s blog is the variety of posts she features. Having recently organised her own wedding she loves wedding planning (something that obviously strikes my own interest too) She’s also a fabulous fashion inspiration, has an interest for beauty, cooking and writing about general lifestyle interests. So if this sounds right up your blogging street then get yourself over to Very Erin and say hi – she’s a such a friendly face so you’ll be warmly welcomed.

However enough from me… it’s now time to hand you over to the lovely lady herself. Enjoy!


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Personality, Fashion, Wedding Inspiration, Reflection

What inspired you to start blogging?

I love writing. I always have. I previously wrote a blog about politics, but didn’t enjoy writing it anymore once I was doing that as a job. I wanted something that would get me away from my daily work, not remind me of it. That’s why I started Very Erin.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

I just wanted something associated with me and my name, not a blogging niche or topic. This blog isn’t 100% about fashion or beauty or food, but it is 100% me. I felt it was the only name that could really encompass my blog and fit every post.

Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Since I post 6 days per week, I don’t leave a lot of room for Blogger’s Block. I do have a hard time thinking of a good topic at times, so I usually browse Pinterest until I’m feeling inspired.

What’s your favourite post to date? 

Most of my Wedding Wednesday posts are my favorite because they’ve gone hand in hand with my own wedding planning. I think my favorite was my Something Blue post:

Describe your everyday clothes style:

My typical weekend style is almost always jeans and a sweater. For work, I have a very classic style. I wear a lot of pencil skirts with blouses, pumps, etc. I would also say like  75% of my work wardrobe is black. Not intentionally, that’s just the colour I gravitate toward when I’m shopping.

What are your current top 3 beauty items?

  1. Revlon Grow Luscious Mascara. This has been my go-to mascara for quite a while and the one product I repurchase every time.
  2. Garnier Fructis Leave-In Conditioning Cream: My hair gets super dry and static in winter, and this helps a lot!
  3. Red lipstick.

How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

The first thing that happens when I get home from work is Dave and I chatting about our days. It helps me transition from work mode to home mode and lets us both let go of anything stressful that happened that day.

Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Saturdays vary for us a lot because we visit friends and family often. But my mom’s family (aunts, uncles, cousins) gets together every Saturday night for dinner (hamburger night). It’s been a family tradition since my mom and her siblings were growing up. That’s an ideal Saturday night for me.

What do you do to relax?

I love to binge-watch Netflix. I love TV shows, so there’s nothing more relaxing to me than lounging on the couch watching my current favorite show, perhaps with a glass of wine in hand.

Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

As organized as I am at work, I’m really messy at home. I’m awful at cleaning up after myself.

What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I honestly can’t pick one. I had a great childhood. I was very close to my cousins growing up, so any time spend with them is a great memory. Each year we go on a family camping trip, and those are some of my most cherished childhood memories.

What was your favourite school subject?

I always loved English and History growing up. When I got to college, it was Political Science.

What’s your dream job?

This changes constantly. Right now I think it would be amazing to be a full-time blogger/writer.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I’ll hopefully be a home-owner! I’ll also either advanced to the next level in my current career or made a more serious commitment to blogging.

What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

  1. Continue to see the world. Dave and I want to plan international trips every two years or so. We’re starting with a honeymoon in Ireland in May.
  2. Write a book. I’ve wanted to do this my entire life. I’ve been working on one this year, but don’t know if it will go anywhere.
  3. Be a mom. This definitely isn’t going to be happening in the near future, but someday!
  4. Read all the novels that have been on my list for years.
  5. Own a home.
  6. Get married. This one seems like a cop-out since I’m getting married in May, which is why I listed it as #6. For as much work as I’ve put into this wedding, it deserves a spot on the list!

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

I think graduating college and starting my career has been my greatest achievement.

Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by my mom. She’s a great role model and worked very hard to give us an amazing childhood. She’s the most selfless person I know.

Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I don’t. I’ve really never been one to look to quotes for inspiration.

What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Blog because it’s something you love to do and would continue to love, even if you never made a dime or had high traffic. Blog about things that you are interested, not just those things you think you’re readers want to see. Your blog is YOUR space.


Tea or Coffee = Coffee


Coke or Pepsi = Coke


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = I would like to say organized. But in reality, I’m more messy.


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Puppies!


Night In or Night Out = Night in.


Heels or Flats = Heels.


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lipstick.


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick.


Paperback or E-book = Paperback.

pink heart


Contact Erin:






Don’t forget: If you would like your blog to feature in Behind The Blog then please either leave your details below or alternatively get in touch via *here*, I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for reading and of course do say hi in the comments below… we always enjoy a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves 🙂

Karen signature

Celebrating with Wedding Ideas…

Wedding Ideas

Top O’ the morning lovelies,

I mentioned briefly in yesterdays Behind The Blog post that I seemed to have hit the ground running this January *gasps of shock & disbelief*  something I must admit is a complete and utter rarity for me… needless to say I’m enjoying all the buzz as I’ve so many exciting projects lined up for 2015!

However last week I quietly celebrated a little achievement as an article I wrote in late 2014 was finally published on the fabulous Wedding Ideas website. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Wedding Ideas, it’s one of the best selling bridal magazines in the UK – hence why I’m grinning like a Cheshire cat… without the stripes of course!

Cheshire Cat

Celebrating a personal achievement is that little stamp of verification and shot of self-belief in reaching for those bigger and better goals, which is something I’ve been dreaming about recently as there’s so much more I want to accomplish in my career – and of course with 2015 being the year of taking back my self-confidence through the inspirational #TakeBackWhatsYours campaign, I’d say I’m off to a pretty positive start ladies! *yippee*

If you fancy a quick cyber-trip over to check my article out for yourself then just *click here* It’s a cheery little piece titled ‘How to stop your in-laws becoming outlaws’, and as I’m sure you can already guess the article focuses on how to keep the relationship between the happy couple and their future in-laws as positive as possible… particularly throughout the wedding planning process which can often be fraught with emotional pot holes when it comes to keeping the entire clan feeling part of the big day!

As for Wedding Idea’s magazine… if you’re getting married (or just enjoy a good nosey through bridal mags) then I’d highly suggest getting your hands on a copy of this gorgeous glossy. It’s packed full of quirky, innovative and creative ideas to suit couples on almost every budget! What I also love about the magazine is that it comes in such a cute handbag size; another reason it’s just so darn popular! Alternatively you can download the digital edition – whatever format you choose I’m pretty certain you’ll be whisked off into a bridal wonderland for hours!

Wedding Ideas Mag

As always thanks so much for reading & wishing you all a wonderful week ahead…

Karen signature

Shopping For The Perfect Dress…

Dress Shopping

Shopping for any dress can be quite the task but when it comes to shopping for the most memorable dress you’ll probably ever wear it’s a whole new ball game girls! Having worked with hundreds of brides over the years and booked many (many) appointments, it’s safe to say I’m well aware of how exciting it can be for any blushing bride out browsing for her gorgeous gown. Yet in the midst of all the eager emotions it’s deceptively easy for things to get a little overwhelming. To keep things cool, calm and collected here’s a few of my tips when preparing to shop for that show stopping frock…

The budget
Okay ladies, it’s not all fun and games so let’s get the boring bit out of the way first – budget! It’s absolutely ESSENTIAL you do the maths before running riot in your local boutique. Wedding dresses can range from a few hundred pounds right up to thousands, and falling in love with a fancy frock before you’ve ascertained what your purse strings can stretch to is undoubtedly playing with fire. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than nursing a broken hearted bride on a budget! If your funds are limited let the consultant know in advance so she’s not under the assumption you have an open cheque book, otherwise it wastes both your time & hers… especially if you’re playing dress up in gowns you can’t afford to commit to rather than trying on the ones you can!

Get In Touch 
Believe it or not but here in the UK January-March is one of the busiest times for bridal boutiques so it’s only natural that diaries fill up fast. If you’re eager to secure a Saturday or late night appointment it’s vital you get in touch ASAP to avoid disappointment. However before you make plans on where to book always do your research by contacting the shop first to ask if they carry your size, confirm if they have any specific dress styles you’re on the hunt for and also what their price range is… there’s no point in making the effort to visit somewhere that doesn’t cater for your shopping needs!
Don’t solely rely on what their website states either as it may not have been updated in quite a while. I know a few retailers who aren’t sensational at keeping their websites or on-line presence updated, which only leads to disappointed and agitated customers.
When I was shopping for my dress (quite a few years ago *gasp*) I found a good way to test the customer service of a shop was by emailing a query. If they got back to me pronto and professionally I felt pretty confident the customer care was going to be positive, however if I received a late response without justification, or worse still none at all, it made me think long and hard about whether I wanted to spend a significant amount of money with a store that doesn’t seem to be making much effort with me.

Battling Body Confidence
If you’re quivering at the mere idea of trying on all those gorgeous gowns in front of a shop full of strangers, it’s probably best you opt for some of the smaller boutiques and/or those that offer one-on-one appointments instead of multiple bookings. That way you can bring along your nearest and dearest without the worry of having to feel too uncomfortable in a shop full of unfamiliar faces and other browsing brides. I’ve found many of the girls I’ve worked with in the past actually much prefer solitary appointments so they have time to look & try in complete privacy before choosing ‘the one’.
Quite a common yet personal issue that many brides face is often feeling conscious about stepping in and out of the gowns in front of the consultants. Just keep in mind they’re professionals that have worked with a small army of women who own an eclectic range of boobs, bums and tums! However, if you’d still prefer to step in and out of the dresses without assistance don’t be afraid to say so. Some brides are terrified at touching the gowns let alone putting them on single-handedly, whereas others are much more confident when left to their own devices and simply only want help to zip or lace them up.

A good way to help boost body confidence is by donning support wear that offers more coverage than just your undies… even something simple as a pair of tights can make you feel less exposed during those quick gown change overs!

Taking Shape
Even if you’ve spent hours flicking through your favourite glossy magazines and top wedding websites it’s safe to say that many girls who fall in love with a dress on paper may find it surprisingly disappointing when they eventually try the shop sample on. However those gorgeous images you’re swooning over are indeed air-brushed, digitally perfected and the models chosen because of their seemingly appealing height & body shape – yes even the curvy girls!
However in the real world we come in a wonderful range of shapes and sizes. As beautiful as your favourite dress may look in the advertisement you need to be realistic that the sample may not look quite as amazing on you… a harsh pill to swallow but unfortunately it happens to us all *sigh*
Instead lean on the experience of your consultant – with any luck she will have worked with enough brides to advise on what materials, tones, shapes and silhouettes are going to compliment you best. Remember it’s her job to make you feel and look amazing!

No Pressure 
This is your day, and like every other bride out there you’ll want it to be uniquely perfect. Never conform or agree to buying a gown you’re not 100% sure about, regardless of how much others try to convince you otherwise. A good bridal consultant will never make you feel cornered, pressured or uncomfortable – instead they’ll give you time to mull your decision over and respect that you may want to explore other options elsewhere.
The same applies when it comes to choosing who accompanies you on your dress shopping trip. Whatever you do don’t bring a whole bus load of onlookers as it will only add mass confusion to your shopping experience, particularly if you’re easily dented by others opinions!

I’ve witnessed quite a few brides fall in love with a gown only to be shattered when one of their many on-lookers blurts out ‘yeah, it’s amazing – but just not what I would personally pick.’ Arrrrghh! This often made my blood boil… it’s such a rude and pointless remark that unnecessarily scars judgement and could be very hurtful for a bride in love with the dress she’s standing in.
Those few simple words can break hearts and cause mass confusion, so if you’re bringing along additional friends or family for support keep it to a maximum of 2 people who have similar tastes, are open minded and fully understand what you want… not a self obsessed bridesmaid that only has eyes for herself or half a dozen huffy aunts that have very distinct tastes and no room for yours! Having positive leading ladies around you will make for a much more relaxed & productive experience for everyone involved.

pink heart

Have you made your trip down the aisle yet? If so how was your shopping experience… did you love or loathe it? Have you any tips of your own to share? Or, if you’re yet to make the trip down the aisle are you looking forward to shopping for your perfect gown?

As always I’d love to read your thoughts and feedback in the comments below, whatever your relationship status!

Cheerio Chums…

Karen signature

Passionate for Purple?

Passionate for Purple profile image

Purple is by far one of my favourite wedding colour themes. It’s sassy, classy and full of visual flavour so it’s no surprise that in recent years it’s became one of the top requested colours by brides all over the world. From soft lilac hues to rich Cadbury tones – purple is an instant hit that can exquisitely compliment all four glorious seasons.

However as we’re all feeling a little festive now that December has arrived, I thought I’d put together a post of inspiration for all you lovely ladies out there who are either planning a trip down the aisle, dreaming of it, or just like me – done it but still swooning over the finer details!

So without further ado, I bring a purple coloured sprinkle of inspiration for all you like minded ladies who relish in the thought of combining this beautiful tone with such a cheery time of year…

The Dress

Firstly, if you’re planning a purple winter wonderland themed affair you’ll probably want a dress that suits the occasion. I found this amazing a-line gown by the award winning Sonsie range from Veromia. It boasts the most beautifully detailed bateau neckline that gives an elegant visual with the sweetheart effect, but as a curvy girl I like a little bit of coverage without being too smothered in fabric and this is the perfect compromise… how pretty is the bodice detailing? *sigh*


The one thing I love about Sonsie is the quality behind every gown – it’s exquisite. And as a responsible ex-retailer & supporter of local businesses make sure you visit their website to get a list of authorised stockists, rather than opting for an inferior internet copy that could potentially cost you heartache and money!

The Jewellery

If you’re opting for purple, why not incorporate hints of colours into your wedding accessories? This delicate lilac charm bracelet, necklace and earring range by Julieanne is the perfect way to playfully add your favourite shade into your ensemble. I love the range of purple tones and with prices starting from £19.50 for such beautifully crafted handmade items, they’re a must-have! Of course items like this can be worn time and time again after the big day so you’re able to always make use of your stunning accessories; rather than hiding them away in a jewellery cabinet for years to come.

Purple jewellery

The Shoes

Of course no outfit would be completely without a dazzling pair of party feet – and this isn’t the time to get all tootsie shy girls! A statement pair of coloured stilettos has been fast becoming the rage amongst brides for quite some time now, and with high street stores awash with so many lavish designs it’s not hard to find yourself feeling just as excited as the iconic Carrie Bradshaw would be. I’m personally in love with this designer pair from Alexander McQueen. I know, I know – you’re lost for words right?! *deep breaths*


The Maids

One of the things I love most about this sassy shade is the fact that’s is so darn versatile. Literally any shape, size, skin or hair tone can pull off purple with ease – unlike many of the other shades on a colour chart. Purple is incredibly flattering and with a multitude of seriously beautiful hues you’re never stuck for choice. It can look amazing teamed up with other vibrant shades such as fuscia, merged with dazzling metallics, or kept classy with mono-tones such as black or ivory. Take a peek at this gorgeous trio of purple clad lovelies also available from D’Zage by Veromia… the striking colour, soft dipped neckline and flattering bodice that is gathered by a side embellishment makes for the perfect maids gown, don’t you think?


The Venue

I must say in all my experience of working with brides the venue is something that can easily overwhelm, thankfully wedding planners and venue designers are much more affordable and easy to come by these days, so if you’re stuck for inspiration the best place to start for guidance is your venue who will more than likely have their own wedding co-ordinator on site. For me this wonderful Purple Winter décor is an absolute visual stunner – just look at the detail, it’s like something from a Disney movie. Again, it shows how incredibly well purple and winter go hand-in-hand!

Purple Venue

The Little Details

As I was wading my way through images of inspiration, I came across this beautiful little picture of a table set with some cute clear/purple baubles that can also double as place settings. Aren’t they gorgeous? I’m also rather taken by the purple wine glass too – it’s all those fun little touches that bring the whole look together.

Purple table details

The Cake

Gone are the days of boring cake designs as the revolution of self taught bakers and cup-cake makers take over our social media news feeds and dominate our extra special occasions. However for me I still love the classic ivory cake finished off with just a pop of colour, and what better way to do this than with gorgeous purple sugar petals? Just look at how vibrant it sits against the traditionally classic cake. I’d happily renew my vows for this alone!! *hehe*

Purple Cake

The bouquet

Brooch bouquets are one of my all time favourite bridal accessories and this one by the talented Noaki absolutely blows me away – it’s utterly breathtaking. The wonderful thing about a brooch bouquet is not only is it something you can keep forever as a sentimental heirloom, you can also incorporate any little treasures from loved ones who aren’t able to join you on your special day.

Purple Brooch Bouquet

So there you have it, my little pearls of inspiration when it comes to planning a purple themed winter wedding – I hope you like all my top picks.

Is purple one of your favourite colours? What theme would you fall in love with? Whether you’re single, engaged or already hitched I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below…

Karen signature

*Please note this is not a sponsored post – all product choices & opinions are my own*

Getting Back to Gorgeous Black…

Back To Black Main

If I asked you ‘Would you wear a black dress?’ the chances are you’d reply ‘Of course’ without having to think about it. However if I asked you ‘Would you dress your bridesmaids in black?’ chances are you’d either immediately refuse or have to have a good long think about it.  This assumption is based on the reactions of many brides I’ve worked with that having loved black as a staple wardrobe shade,  still wouldn’t consider incorporating it into their big day or many other occasions for that matter! But why? Why do we tend to hesitate when it comes to wearing black to weddings? After all black is timeless, black is classy, black is elegant, black is incredibly forgiving, black is beautiful.

So what’s the big deal?

It seems that many of us still see black as code word for sombre, yet teamed up with the right accessories black can be the epitome of beauty, style and sophistication – begone all those morbid thoughts of typical funeral attire! Just take a peek at this stunning image and you’ll understand completely…

audrey hepburn

Thanks to Givenchy, here is one of the most iconic black dresses of our time!

Are you getting any hint of grave-side mourner or grim reaper? Nope, me either.

However, for us mere mortals who’s purse strings don’t exactly stretch to the Haute Couture boutiques of Paris, I’ve managed to uncover a few high street gems that are just as visually delicious in their own unique way – and with a price tag that doesn’t drain your complexion as well as your life savings. With the right accessories you too could have your very own Aubrey Hepburn inspired leading ladies, so take a peek at these black beauties….

Black Gown Line Up

 1) This sumptuous Lori Lee maxi gown is available from the rails of Coast, with its beautifully cinched waist and faux gems you’ll be sure to bring a touch of opulence to the occasion. A hidden feature is the incredible key-hole style back that is simply stunning!

2) This Felix Maxi, also available from Coast is the epitome of elegance. This beautiful floor sweeping gown skims over the bust and follows your curves ever so gracefully, it can also be cinched at the waist to create a little bit of added definition using the embellished slim-line belt.

3) This fun pleated ‘fit & flare’ dress sits playfully on the knees, perfect for showing off an eye-catching pair of stilettos don’t you think? The gown also boasts a wonderfully wide waist tie feature that is perfect for enhancing those feminine curves! Available from M&S.

4) For those of you who still like the idea of a little bit of colour on your frock, take a peek at this stunning JS Collection offering available from House of Fraser. This beautiful lace panel gown has a deep raspberry tone under the lace to create a sumptuous pop of colour *swoon*

5) I couldn’t believe my eyes when I stumbled across this beautiful Wallis maxi, also available at House of Fraser. Not only is it super flattering thanks to the beautiful ruched detailing, it also boast an impressive 3D necklace trim – best of all *brace yourselves*  it’s currently on sale for a mere £48!! Yes, you are reading correctly… in fact why are you still here?! Go grab your gown girl!

Black for any occasion should never conjure up visions of doom & gloom, in fact it’s the perfect way to play with a multitude of other colours! It’s perfect teamed up with the likes of beautifully bright fuscias or you can rock the metallic’s by opting for glam gold accessories. Whatever your taste black can look amazing, plus it’s an incredibly easy colour to wear time and time again. I dread to think how many girls have old bridesmaid dresses stuffed at the back of their wardrobe, that will never again see the light of day; and so with that said, I’ll leave you with these wise words from Karl Lager field…


Do you have a favourite little black dress? How would you feel about your maids dressed in black – yay or nay? What colour contrast would you add to liven up a black themed wedding?

Whatever your thought’s do let me know, as always I love reading them in the comments below 🙂

Karen signature

Covering A Tattoo For The Big Day…

Tattoo Cover up

At the tender age of 16 (and without my parent’s permission I must add) I totted off to a local Tattoo Parlour with the notion of signing up for my own little permanent patch of ink. Of course I hadn’t quite matured enough to stop and think of the long term implications, but conforming to the trends amongst my peers I opted for a small oriental symbol on the top of my right arm. The bizarre thing is I had no real inner desire for permanently etching such a tiny irrelevant symbol on my body, however what’s worse is after the initial unveiling I’ve buried it under long sleeved tops ever since because I’m so self conscious of showing my chunky pale arms. See, utter stupidity!

A few years later when I started working in the wedding industry, I quickly discovered I wasn’t the only rebellious teenager that made a thoughtless spur of the moment decision – there are in fact countless others who all highly regret their impulsive tats. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve worked with many gorgeous brides who have worn their full sleeves of amazing designs with pride and looked amazing for it. Maybe it’s because their markings have meaning, sentiment and look incredibly beautiful. Yes, the expression of personality is impressive but for other brides it leads to a common dilemma… how do I cover my tats?

Laser Treatments

This is probably the most common option for those who are eager to say goodbye to their ink permanently, however it doesn’t come without potential consequences. Yes, it may well be a permanent solution but it’s expensive, painful, can leave nasty scaring and take multiple sessions without the guarantee of removing it completely. However there is slightly more hopeful news for those of you who have a darker coloured designs as apparently it’s easier to break down the pigmentation of black and dark blue inks compared to colours. Definitely worth looking into if you’re adamant ink free is your only option.

 Laser removal

The White-Out Technique

From my own snippets of research this seems a bit of a touchy subject amongst the tattoo guru’s. Basically the concept behind ‘whiting out’ is when the tattooist covers over the unwanted tattoo with white ink to create a fading effect. Although it would seem that results depend solely on the design and colour, from a personal point of view I’m not entirely convinced on this option. There’s quite a bit of scepticism amongst experienced tattoo artists who disagree with whiting-out, deeming it a flawed concept that could potentially make the problem worse than better. Is it worth while exploring? I’m not convinced. But if it’s something you’re intrigued in learning more about make sure you do your research, speak with the pro’s and anyone who has tried and tested this controversial technique with designs similar to your own.

tattoo artist


I must admit, I’m genuinely surprised at the lack of products advertised claiming to solve this problem. I would have thought bridal magazines would be a perfect source considering it’s an obvious target market, clearly not, as I’ve yet to see anything advertised in any of the wedding glossies tackling the issue. However after some digging around online I found what I’d consider a bloody good solution for temporary tattoo coverage. Tattoo Secrets claims to provide all the fundamental solutions via a nifty little Tattoo Cover-Up kit for £29.99 – to be fair not a bad price for eradicating a sticky situation for many brides to be. However like any product, it’s worthwhile ordering this asap for an early test run to ensure it doesn’t flair up any nasty reactions and (of course) does the job it claims to… a pretty sound option if you ask me!



Of course the blazingly obvious choice is to cover up the key area using accessories, and with most tattoos being on the arm/back/shoulder/ankle this isn’t really a hard task. There are endless styles of pretty little boleros, shrugs, wraps etc to keep you covered. However one thing you’ll need to consider is if you intend to wear your accessory throughout the day. This might seem like an easy task in mid winter but many forget to take into account that that it can get pretty hot indoors when cooped up in a satin shrug. If you’ve bought (or are buying) your gown from a local bridal boutique it’s definitely important to highlight any areas you feel conscious about showing so as a potential solution can be pinpointed early on. Remember your consultant has more than likely worked with dozens of brides that have the same issue, so she may have the perfect resolution tucked right up her sleeve. If you’re currently on the hunt for something straight forward, check out the range of pretty accessories Liberty In Love have to offer. They’re rather fetching don’t you think?

 Liberty in Love

To be honest, prevention is always better than finding a cure. From someone who bitterly regrets the ‘spur of the moment’ decision to get a tattoo I’d highly recommend you think before you ink as it’s something you may later regret. Asking yourself why you’re getting it done can sometimes be enough to make you stop and think before you take the permanent plunge. Remember it’s not a crayon stain, it can’t be rubbed off if you get bored with the idea… once it’s there it aint going anywhere!

Do you have a tattoo regret or have toyed with the idea of getting one? Have you experienced laser treatment or had to disguise your ink at any stage? Whatever your thoughts I’d love to read them in the comments below… thanks for reading!

Karen signature

Top Tips For A Stress-Free Pre-Wedding Eve…

 Pre Wedding Eve


Picture this… it’s the eve of your big day, you’re filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement as your beloved besties descend upon you, all eager to commemorate your last ‘official’ night of freedom. However before you start popping the champagne corks and divulging in new posh pamper products take a few moments to consider the potential consequences…

1) Don’t Bring On The Bubbly:

It’s pretty normal for most of us to want to relax, unwind or even celebrate all those hard months of wedding planning with a little glass of something sparkling, but before you go hunting down the corkscrew consider the potential headache you could end up nursing the following morning… definitely not the best start to one of the biggest days of your life eh?

2) Leave Lathering Up:

If you’ve managed to keep your pores looking as pristine as possible, it’s probably safe to say the last thing you’ll want is an outbreak of spots or a ghastly rash from a seemingly harmless new bubble bath or luxurious face mask, to ruin that flawless blushing-bride glow. Making changes to your regular skin care routine the night before your wedding is like playing Potion Roulette, it’s simply not worth the risk regardless how expensive, fabulous or highly recommended the product is.

3) Ditch the Movie:

If you’re already up to high doe with nerves (as most brides are on the eve of their wedding) you’re probably best avoiding any wedding related chick flicks. As fun and harmless as they may seem, most of the time the story line is littered with pre-wedding disasters – not great for the nervous system if you’re potentially on the edge of your perch!

4) Hold the Hair Care:

Those ladies who religiously wash their hair every single day of the week will struggle with this one, however your hairdresser certainly won’t be impressed with your head full of super, soft & silky locks. Freshly washed hair can be incredibly hard to style and work with – so if you can bear the thought of lathering up the night before the eve of your wedding it’s probably best to do so.

5) Case Closed:

You’ve more than likely spent several months obsessing over the tiniest little details, so pawing through your planner file at 11:45 pm is a recipe for inducing a full on panic attack that will undoubtedly leave you pacing the floors hours later. Just remember *almost* every problem has a solution. Step away from the wedding paper-work and quit obsessing!



I know, I know… it’s much easier said than done when you consider the combination of emotions leading up to the big day. However having worked with hundreds of brides, I’ve discovered some of the most effective pre-wedding nights pretty much boils down to being super organised and willing to take some much needed time to yourself. Light exercise (such as a gentle walk) followed by a relaxing bath and curling up with a great book is a super way to keep you feeling calm and your mind distracted. Don’t forget to stock on some relaxing herbal tea that can help aid a great night’s slumber –  just make sure you try it well before hand so you don’t end up with an upset tummy. Take no chances, keep it stress-free, familiar and you’ll reap the rewards!

If you have any tips to share on what helps you relax or de-stress I’d love to read them in the comments below… as always thanks for reading!

Cheerio chums 🙂


Karen signature