Behind The Blog featuring Dawn from March To The Aisle…

March To The Aisle

Hey Beauty Buddies

It’s Tuesday which can only mean one thing on Confetti & Curves… our first fun-filled Behind The Blogger of the week joins us on the virtual sofa! *woo hoo* Today I’m deeelighted to introduce the lovely Dawn from March To The Aisle. As I’m sure you can tell, Dawn’s blog follows her journey as a bride-to-be in the throws of wedding planing alongside her fiance Lee (the rather handsome chap pictured below!) Of course being a seemingly cool & collected bride, Dawn is taking to wedding planning like a duck to water and as a result her blog is sprinkled with some valuable hints & tips that will undoubtedly come into great use for others in the same bridal boat.

However fear not for those readers who aren’t currently up to their eye’s in bridal fairs and dress fittings, as Dawn wonderfully intertwines a sprinkling of beauty & life-style features to keep readers of all marital statuses entertained along the way.

You know the drill by now ladies, flick the kettle switch & nestle into your comfiest chair as we take a quick peek Behind The Blog


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Weddings, wanderings and wonderful things


What inspired you to start blogging?

I’m a designer but have always been interested in writing. I wrote a few blog posts a couple of years ago when I ran my first marathon and then just stopped (for no real reason) once the race was over. Once I was engaged last September I found my self reading lots of online resources for brides to be. My one issue with some of them is that they’re not that ‘real’ and so my idea for a blog where I would share my real life journey was born. Finally in June I published my first post and I’m enjoying writing about my journey so far. March To The Aisle isn’t just about the big day, it’s all the little things that happen in the lead up, so I’ll be reviewing products that help me in my everyday life and trips I take with my fiancé for example.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

March To The Aisle is a bit of a play on words. I’m heading to the aisle myself in March next year and The Wedding March is traditionally played at a wedding ceremony. So it’s my journey to the aisle next year, and I’ll be doing it in March. It made sense to me when I thought of it…


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

I’ve only been actively blogging for just a few months and so at the moment ideas seem to be flowing thick and fast. I tend to do a lot of my writing on the train (as I have an hour commute to work) and I carry my iPad with me most of the time to note down any ideas I have. I’m trying to make a note whenever I think of an idea for a potential post so that I can expand on it later and I’m hoping that if I ever get Blogger’s Block I’ll have a little pool of ideas to turn to. Failing that I always find that a little browse on Pinterest helps to fuel my creative ideas.


What’s your favourite post to date? 

For me this is a tough one. It’s a toss up between Honeymoon planning: It’s all booked and Saving our date

I loved writing about our honeymoon plans as it makes me feel excited about the amazing trip we’re going to take and I got to reminisce about holidays Lee and I have taken. But the save the dates were a chance for me to share some of my designs with my readers and it was cathartic to list out why I’d been delaying sending them for so long. I’ll let you pick a favourite!


Describe your everyday clothes style:

At the moment I wear a lot of pencil skirts, camisole tops and leather flip flops. Once the weather cools down I’ll be back in skinny jeans, chunky jumpers and ankle boots!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Coconut oil – it’s so versatile

Benefit Gimme Brow – makes my brows look full and groomed

Perfectil – I’m not sure if it’s helping my hair but it’s definitely improved the dark circles under my eyes


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I like to cook a nice dinner and enjoy it with my fiancé Lee, then sit on the sofa with our cats Freddy and Missy and watch a good film.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

A nice meal and cocktails with Lee and our friends.


What do you do to relax?

I enjoy running and find that a good run will help to clear my head if I’m stressed. Otherwise I absolutely love a facial, it’s one of my favourite treats!


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

I can find it quite hard to make decisions. It’s actually driving Lee a bit nuts with the wedding plans I think. For example I’ll suggest a style of cake I like and then 2 days later will find another one and then be unsure of which I prefer.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

Holidays with my mum, dad, brother and nan.


What was your favourite school subject?

Graphics, I loved drawing and designing and now I get to do both everyday.


What’s your dream job?

Formula One reporter – If I ever win the lottery I’m going to spend a year going to every race on the calendar!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Married, happy and doing something I love.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Go on safari

Marry Lee

Start a family

Start my own business

Get an article published in a magazine


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Running the London Marathon. It’s an achievement in its own right but it’s also how I met the love of my life.


Who inspires you?

As cheesy as it sounds mum is a total inspiration to me. She is the kindest, most selfless person I know. She works hard and it’s the centre of our family, I admire the way she lives her life and what she has achieved. If I grow up to be like my mum it would make me proud.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

Never above you, never below you, always beside you – Walter Winchell

It’s something my friends and I say to each other if we’re going to have a shot when we’re out drinking. I have the most amazing group of girlfriends from school and I know we’re always there for each other no matter how our lives change. This quote just fits us so well.


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Give it a go, what do you have to lose. There’s never going to be a right time to start blogging and you could put it off forever. I’d say write about something you have passion for as this will come across in your posts and things will develop from there.



Tea or Coffee = Tea (in a teapot)

Coke or Pepsi = Coke

Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super organised

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Playful puppy (but only because I already have 2 cute cats)

Night In or Night Out = Night out

Heels or Flats = Heels

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip gloss

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Pop princess

Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Dawn:

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

Happy 1st Blogiversary Confetti & Curves…

Happy Birthday Confetti And Curves

I can’t quite believe it’s been 1 whole year since I created my little online haven, Confetti & Curves. Over the course of this last year I’ve learned so much & met so many amazing people that have inspired me creatively & made my blogging journey such a memorable one.

Casting my mind back twelve months ago, I was in a very different place than I am today. As a few of you already know, I battle daily with OCD & GAD – two incredibly draining disorders that have the power to control, if not ruin, your life. It hasn’t been an easy ride I can assure you, but logging in every day to read an abundance of encouraging & supportive comments has been the driving force to keep me going – all the while enjoying every moment I spend writing, creating, photographing, planning, filming & just generally having fun chatting with you lovely lot.

I really don’t say this as often as I should but from the bottom of my heart thank you all so very very much for your support… and for coming along on this exciting journey with me! I’ve had the opportunity to work with such a wonderful mixture of exciting brands & pr teams, whilst continually building a small army of undoubtedly the best blog buddies & regular readers a girl could hope for.

So today I’m going to raise a rather full champagne glass *hiccup* and make a heartfelt virtual toast to every single one of my fantastic friends & readers across the globe for making Confetti & Curves the lively little corner of the interweb that it is. The impact blogging has made on my life has been the most worthy form of medicine. So thank you. Here’s to many more years of blogging bliss ahead… bottoms up chums *clink*


my fav posts

Create your own DIY Photo Studio

Mini Photo Studio

This was one of my very first crafty posts, and probably still one of my most successful! Having dived head first into the world of beauty blogging, a productive little space to photograph my lotions & potions became a necessity rather than a luxury. For anyone on a budget or simply looking for a fun but handy DIY project (that costs mere pennies to make) this is right up your street!

Celebrating With Wedding Ideas 

Wedding Ideas

Having previously made a career in the wedding industry by owning two gorgeous bridal suites, Wedding Ideas was always one of my favourite bridal magazines. It’s never short of a wonderful range of creative and innovative suggestions for all tastes & budgets. Seeing my very own article feature with them was probably one of my most exciting personal highs to kick start 2015! *energetic air-punch*

From Tears to Triumph; Leah’s Weight-Loss Story

Leahs Story

Anyone who struggles with weight loss & adapting to a healthier lifestyle knows only too well how difficult the process of taking a healthier approach to life can be. However, when your health & well being depends on that change you’ve no other option than to boldy battle through. Watching my younger sister, Leah, completely turn her life around has been phenomenal. In this interview-style post she shares her own personal story on how she turned her weigh-in woes into ‘woo hoo’s’!

Confetti & Curves YouTube Launch

Pink YouTube

Never in a million years would I have ever imagined gathering up enough confidence to start my own YT channel. In my world, blogging was already a big enough stretch… in fact I even initally shied away from sharing it with close friends and family. However let it be known folks that I’m living proof miracles really do occur, and creating my 1st video was indeed one of those miracles. See just how much confidence you guys lavish upon me? Amazing 🙂

Helpful Resources for Budding Beauty Bloggers

Helpful Resources For Beauty Blogging

In theory there’s no right or wrong way to blog, if you love it you simply just do it. However, if your blogging with an audience of regular readers in mind there are a few tips & tricks that can be really useful to keeping your blog ticking over like a well oiled machine. In my case, I’ve learnt a lot by making a mound mountain of mistakes – there’s nothing quite like the journey of a steep learning curve! However, those bumps along the way have paved my own personal growth as a blogger. Being able to share what I’ve learned with others is just a simple way to give new bloggers a helping hand in avoiding the pitfalls such as bloggers block and crazy scheduling mishaps; this post pretty much catalogues some of my own helpful resources that might come in handy for others!

pink heart

Once again, thank you all so very much for tagging along & making Confetti & Curves one of my most cherished projects to date. If anything, blogging has made me realise that no matter where we are in the world, what our cultural backgrounds are, size, shape or skin colour… a genuine passion for what we love doing pulls us all together to become the greatest of friends that have yet to meet.

Happy 1st Birthday Confetti & Curves…

Karen signature

Catch me on:

Twitter   /   Instagram   /   YouTube

Have We Met?!

Social Media

Hey Blog Buddies…

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted an update on my social media details & seeing as I’ve had so many fab new followers jump aboard the Confetti & Curves bandwagon lately *friendly wave to y’all* I thought it was high time I shared a few links to the places you can find me other than WordPress!

Do pop by, say hello & hit a like button if you haven’t done so already. Just click on the links & you’ll be digitally transported right to other places you can find me… yeeehaaa!


Twitter: @KarenHeidiRees

Instagram: karenheidirees



pink heart

Wishing you all a fabulous Thursday & please feel free to leave your own links to social media below for myself or other potential blog buddies to find you too…

Karen signature

Six Month Blogiversary *woo hoo*


Today is mini celebration here at Confetti & Curve HQ ladies, champagne corks are a’poppin as today is our 6 month Blogiversary! Yes indeedly, a whole 6 months from I hit ‘publish’ on my very 1st post… which you can take a trip back down memory lane by *clicking here*

Before I started this blogging expedition I had no idea what to expect. I was digitally venturing into a whole new genre of topics & features. My biggest apprehension was that I was entering into a community full of judgemental beauty experts that would cast a perfectly raised HD brow on my meagre offerings… how wrong I was, for instead I was warmly welcomed into a thriving online neighbourhood full of like minded make-up mavens, beauty buffs & lifestyle lovers. I had found my blogging niche & was having more fun than I could’ve imagined. So what’s been my highlights over the past six months?


Becoming a blog mama

Creating my own little online haven and watching it grow has been one of the most exciting projects I could’ve imagined. Having a vision of how I wanted my little corner of the interweb to look and seeing it flourish into life has been such a great experience & something I’m incredibly proud off.


Blog buddies

Networking with other bloggers regarding of how experienced (or inexperienced) they are has always been an integral part of blogging for me. From starting Confetti & Curves I made it my mission to interact with other like minded people as positively as I could. Through that I’ve met some of the nicest people from all over the globe, getting a peek into new cultures & creating great friendships with people I’ve never met but feel like I’ve known almost all of my life. Some of my most toughest days has been made a whole lot better by the encouraging & supportive words from you guys, and for that I’m super grateful.


 Awards Gallore

(Almost) every week I get a little notification pop up that I’ve been nominated for yet another blogging award and I can’t tell you how happy these make me, whether or not I’ve been nominated before! Not only are they often a fun and light hearted way of getting to know each other, they’re a great way to meet new bloggers I’ve not yet stumbled across before.


Behind The Blog

Back in November I launched (what was initially) a mini blog series called Behind The Blog. I was pretty convinced it would last a few weeks before fizzling into oblivion… five months later it’s going stronger than ever thanks to you guys. Most importantly it’s achieved it’s ultimate goal many times over – connecting new blog buddies. Yet none of it would be the success it is without the amazing bloggers who take the time to get involved. Getting to know you guys that little bit better has been bags of indescribable fun! We’re currently booked into June featuring two bloggers a week so if you want to get involved *click here* to find out more details, we’d love to have you feature!


New Finds

Urban Decay Naked Palettes, Real Techniques brush sets, Garnier Micellar Water, Miss Dior, Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara, Clinique Chubby Sticks… these are just a few of my favourite products I’ve uncovered from reading a virtual mountain of your awesome reviews, monthly favourites & empties posts. You guys may have emptied my bank account but you’ve filled my vanity table with some of the best lotions and potions I’ve had the pleasure of revelling in!


Great Opportunities

I’m not gonna lie ladies… every time an opportunity to collaborate with new & existing companies arise I get super excited at how flattered I am to have been approached but also getting the experience of working alongside some fantastic brands! Unfortunately though not all opportunities have been suitable or fitted the content of my blog,  however just being offered the chance to get involved is a huge compliment. Don’t forget if you want to add your name to my list of Sponsored Bloggers by potentially getting involved in upcoming opportunities *click here* to find out more info!


 Featuring in Wedding Ideas

Confetti & Curves started 2015 with an exciting bang… having an article feature in one of my fav wedding magazines was a huge achievement for me. If you wanna check it out for yourselves ladies *click here* to be digitally whisked off to the Wedding Ideas website. Be prepared though, if you’re as obsessed with wedding gossip as what I am you could be on there quite some time! Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya 😉


Giveaways Gallore

Not only did I win a gorgeous little box full of Benefit goodies from the lovely Melissa Claire Leslie but yesterday I was bestowed with the slightly sensational news  that I’d won a gorgeous Chanel lippy from Anne’s awesome blogiversary giveaway over at Doves & Roses!! I shall leave my squeals of excitement & frantic arm flailing vision to your imagination… what must the neighbours be thinking?!


Building Confidence

As many of you know I consider myself to be a gal with all the wrong curves in all the wrong places… so not being a fan of having my picture taken at the best of times, blogging and reviewing products has really nudged me out of my comfort zone. However the ongoing support and encouragement from my little army of blog buddies has done me wonders. You guys have really been a pivotal part of helping me overcome some of my own personal anxieties & self-confidence fears!


You Tube

This year I made a vow to take a (not just a step) but a huge leap out of my comfort zone by setting myself a challenge. As my blog continues to grow I think it’s important for my goals and aspirations to grow with it. Doing something new is always nerve wrecking but (for me) I don’t think there’s anything more terrifying than stepping out from behind a computer screen and putting myself on camera. However after I uploaded my 1st video the response was more than I could’ve ever wished for. So many of you left such kind messages of support & revelations that many of you also wanted to create a YouTube channel… a dream that is being suppressed by fear and lack of confidence. Without sounding like a walking cliche but I promise you, if I can do it – you can do it too! Life is way to short to sit on the bench and watch everyone else get involved in the games. Often our greatest critics is ourselves.

So there you have it, my blogging highlights. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who continue to support Confetti & Curves each & every day. For those of you who hit the follow button, take the time to comment, like or even just drop by. You’ve made it one of my most gratifying projects ever, not to mention the amazing friendships that continue to flourish & grow as each week passes.

Here to another six months of fun filled blogging adventures *clink*

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

Beauty Buyers BEWARE…


Hey Beauty Buddies…

I’ve quite a serious post for you to feast your eyes upon today, but firstly a quick question for you all:

Have you ever bought or would consider buying a product online?

If the answer is ‘yes’, then let me take a teeny moment of your time…

Having worked in the Wedding Industry for quite a few years I’m certainly no stranger to comforting heartbroken brides left sobbing over shoddy ill-quality garments they’d spent their hard earned cash on– especially after expecting a top quality product to be delivered right to their door but instead ending up with a vacuum packed bag of rags. Take a peak at these terrifying threads….

fake Bridal gowns

However you don’t need to be a budget conscious bride to get stung online. There’s a whole inter-web packed full of dodgy sellers, flogging all sorts of goods that are about as useless as a chocolate fireguard.

In fact only a few days ago I spotted a post from one thoroughly disappointed beauty blogger who had parted with cash for what she assumed was a legitimate high-end product. Unfortunately when the package arrived the contents were nothing like the original she had previously tried and tested, and was immediately able to suspect a well disguised fake. Thankfully she chose to discard the product however unfortunately other buyers aren’t always so well trained on spotting a dud! *Click here* to check out this terrifying article I recently uncovered in the Mail Online highlighting the cocktail of potentially life threatening chemicals discovered in some fake & counterfeit finds both on the high street and more increasingly on the internet.

Fake Makeup

As a nation of bargain lovers (especially when it comes to luxurious lippies and magnificent mascara’s etc) many of us will spend our time combing the internet for hot deals on the latest must have cosmetics… but at what ultimate price?

Before you splurge on your next beauty treat I urge you to take a quick look at this incredibly informative link from the team over at Get Safe Online… it’ll take only a moment of your time but will most certainly arm you with oodles of knowledge of what to look out for before spending your hard earned cash on products that could potentially be funding a range of serious crimes or simply leave you out of pocket with a product that’s only worthy for the confines of your trash can.

Remember ladies, if the price is too good to be true it (often) generally is!


Have you had any disappointing experiences with buying online? Or do you prefer to shop safe from a reputable seller directly on the high street? Whatever your thoughts do feel free to share them in the comments below, I’d love to read your feedback on this folks…

Thanks for reading,

 Karen signature

Behind The Blog… featuring Erin from Very Erin

Very Erin

Hello again blog buddies…

I hope you’re all settled down, cuppa in hand and ready for another Behind The Blog post? If not, get the kettle switch flicked and put your feet up for ten as we meet another gorgeous blogger.

As always, If you’re new to Confetti & Curves *friendly wave* and not entirely sure what Behind The Blog is all about *click here* to bring yourself up to speed – you may even find yourself getting involved too!

So today I’m deeeelighted to present the stunning Erin from Very Erin. One of the reasons I adore Erin’s blog is the variety of posts she features. Having recently organised her own wedding she loves wedding planning (something that obviously strikes my own interest too) She’s also a fabulous fashion inspiration, has an interest for beauty, cooking and writing about general lifestyle interests. So if this sounds right up your blogging street then get yourself over to Very Erin and say hi – she’s a such a friendly face so you’ll be warmly welcomed.

However enough from me… it’s now time to hand you over to the lovely lady herself. Enjoy!


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Personality, Fashion, Wedding Inspiration, Reflection

What inspired you to start blogging?

I love writing. I always have. I previously wrote a blog about politics, but didn’t enjoy writing it anymore once I was doing that as a job. I wanted something that would get me away from my daily work, not remind me of it. That’s why I started Very Erin.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

I just wanted something associated with me and my name, not a blogging niche or topic. This blog isn’t 100% about fashion or beauty or food, but it is 100% me. I felt it was the only name that could really encompass my blog and fit every post.

Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Since I post 6 days per week, I don’t leave a lot of room for Blogger’s Block. I do have a hard time thinking of a good topic at times, so I usually browse Pinterest until I’m feeling inspired.

What’s your favourite post to date? 

Most of my Wedding Wednesday posts are my favorite because they’ve gone hand in hand with my own wedding planning. I think my favorite was my Something Blue post:

Describe your everyday clothes style:

My typical weekend style is almost always jeans and a sweater. For work, I have a very classic style. I wear a lot of pencil skirts with blouses, pumps, etc. I would also say like  75% of my work wardrobe is black. Not intentionally, that’s just the colour I gravitate toward when I’m shopping.

What are your current top 3 beauty items?

  1. Revlon Grow Luscious Mascara. This has been my go-to mascara for quite a while and the one product I repurchase every time.
  2. Garnier Fructis Leave-In Conditioning Cream: My hair gets super dry and static in winter, and this helps a lot!
  3. Red lipstick.

How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

The first thing that happens when I get home from work is Dave and I chatting about our days. It helps me transition from work mode to home mode and lets us both let go of anything stressful that happened that day.

Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Saturdays vary for us a lot because we visit friends and family often. But my mom’s family (aunts, uncles, cousins) gets together every Saturday night for dinner (hamburger night). It’s been a family tradition since my mom and her siblings were growing up. That’s an ideal Saturday night for me.

What do you do to relax?

I love to binge-watch Netflix. I love TV shows, so there’s nothing more relaxing to me than lounging on the couch watching my current favorite show, perhaps with a glass of wine in hand.

Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

As organized as I am at work, I’m really messy at home. I’m awful at cleaning up after myself.

What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I honestly can’t pick one. I had a great childhood. I was very close to my cousins growing up, so any time spend with them is a great memory. Each year we go on a family camping trip, and those are some of my most cherished childhood memories.

What was your favourite school subject?

I always loved English and History growing up. When I got to college, it was Political Science.

What’s your dream job?

This changes constantly. Right now I think it would be amazing to be a full-time blogger/writer.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I’ll hopefully be a home-owner! I’ll also either advanced to the next level in my current career or made a more serious commitment to blogging.

What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

  1. Continue to see the world. Dave and I want to plan international trips every two years or so. We’re starting with a honeymoon in Ireland in May.
  2. Write a book. I’ve wanted to do this my entire life. I’ve been working on one this year, but don’t know if it will go anywhere.
  3. Be a mom. This definitely isn’t going to be happening in the near future, but someday!
  4. Read all the novels that have been on my list for years.
  5. Own a home.
  6. Get married. This one seems like a cop-out since I’m getting married in May, which is why I listed it as #6. For as much work as I’ve put into this wedding, it deserves a spot on the list!

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

I think graduating college and starting my career has been my greatest achievement.

Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by my mom. She’s a great role model and worked very hard to give us an amazing childhood. She’s the most selfless person I know.

Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I don’t. I’ve really never been one to look to quotes for inspiration.

What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Blog because it’s something you love to do and would continue to love, even if you never made a dime or had high traffic. Blog about things that you are interested, not just those things you think you’re readers want to see. Your blog is YOUR space.


Tea or Coffee = Coffee


Coke or Pepsi = Coke


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = I would like to say organized. But in reality, I’m more messy.


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Puppies!


Night In or Night Out = Night in.


Heels or Flats = Heels.


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lipstick.


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick.


Paperback or E-book = Paperback.

pink heart


Contact Erin:






Don’t forget: If you would like your blog to feature in Behind The Blog then please either leave your details below or alternatively get in touch via *here*, I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for reading and of course do say hi in the comments below… we always enjoy a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves 🙂

Karen signature

Celebrating with Wedding Ideas…

Wedding Ideas

Top O’ the morning lovelies,

I mentioned briefly in yesterdays Behind The Blog post that I seemed to have hit the ground running this January *gasps of shock & disbelief*  something I must admit is a complete and utter rarity for me… needless to say I’m enjoying all the buzz as I’ve so many exciting projects lined up for 2015!

However last week I quietly celebrated a little achievement as an article I wrote in late 2014 was finally published on the fabulous Wedding Ideas website. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Wedding Ideas, it’s one of the best selling bridal magazines in the UK – hence why I’m grinning like a Cheshire cat… without the stripes of course!

Cheshire Cat

Celebrating a personal achievement is that little stamp of verification and shot of self-belief in reaching for those bigger and better goals, which is something I’ve been dreaming about recently as there’s so much more I want to accomplish in my career – and of course with 2015 being the year of taking back my self-confidence through the inspirational #TakeBackWhatsYours campaign, I’d say I’m off to a pretty positive start ladies! *yippee*

If you fancy a quick cyber-trip over to check my article out for yourself then just *click here* It’s a cheery little piece titled ‘How to stop your in-laws becoming outlaws’, and as I’m sure you can already guess the article focuses on how to keep the relationship between the happy couple and their future in-laws as positive as possible… particularly throughout the wedding planning process which can often be fraught with emotional pot holes when it comes to keeping the entire clan feeling part of the big day!

As for Wedding Idea’s magazine… if you’re getting married (or just enjoy a good nosey through bridal mags) then I’d highly suggest getting your hands on a copy of this gorgeous glossy. It’s packed full of quirky, innovative and creative ideas to suit couples on almost every budget! What I also love about the magazine is that it comes in such a cute handbag size; another reason it’s just so darn popular! Alternatively you can download the digital edition – whatever format you choose I’m pretty certain you’ll be whisked off into a bridal wonderland for hours!

Wedding Ideas Mag

As always thanks so much for reading & wishing you all a wonderful week ahead…

Karen signature

Let’s Connect…

Social Media

Since October 6th 2014 I’ve had the amazing pleasure of acquainting myself with so many of you gorgeous bloggers and followers right here on WordPress. However as we all know, that’s barely just the tip of the iceberg for us digital diva’s…

As with all my wonderful new inter-web chums, there are soooooo many others platforms we can reach each other on… and as I love chatting and getting to know you all so much here’s a few of the others places you can find me noseying around throughout the morning, afternoon, evening (& occasionally) middle of the night.

Do pop by, say hello & hit a like button if you haven’t done so already. Just click on the links & you’ll be digitally transported right to me… yeeehaaa!

Twitter: @KarenHeidiRees

Instagram: karenheidirees


pink heart

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend lovelies…

Karen signature

Behind The Blog…


Hello lovelies…

As most of you know, back in November I launched my little blogging feature Behind The Blog as a celebration of reaching a milestone in my blogging achievements… all thanks to you amazing guys I must add! So as a way to pay my gratitude forward I wanted to give the opportunity for some of the wonderful bloggers who both follow and inspire me a chance to show case themselves and potentially connect with lots of lovely new blog-buddies as a result!

 Little did I know that Behind The Blog would be so warmly welcomed and seemingly loved by so many of you – again something both myself and all the beautiful bloggers that have featured are incredibly thankful for!

So for all those busy little blogging bee’s out there who fancy the thought of taking part in a fun filled interview about you & your blog, I warmly invite you to jump on-board. Not only does it give ‘little old me’ a deeper insight to getting to know you a bit better, it brings awareness to lots of others who are also itching to meet like minded bloggers to follow, interact with & be inspired by… people like you, yes YOU!

So how do I get involved?

Well basically it’s as simple as dropping me an email (all details are on my contact page) stating that you’d like to be a part of Behind The Blog or alternatively you can simply leave a little message in the comments below and I’ll send all the information straight to you!

Erm, you’ll send me what?

All the info! Basically it’s a simple MS Word attachment with details and your questions, however if there’s anything you don’t particularly want to answer you can just leave it blank! There’s also a prompt to include all your social networking links such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. You can add as many or as little as you like so we know where else to find you!

What happens next?

Once you complete the questions provided & send them back I’ll be in touch with your publish date to confirm exactly when your interview will go live. Don’t worry there’s no rush to return anything within a specific time frame, so don’t feel under pressure to get onto it right away! Remember it’s simply a light hearted, chatty, fun-filled feature to give us all a little bit more insight into the person behind the blog and hopefully help connect you with new blogging chums in the process!

pink heart

Literally it’s as simple as that. You can also pop over to Confetti & Curves ‘Blog Chat’ page on the main menu bar to meet the many awesome bloggers who’ve taken part so far! They really are a dazzling bunch so don’t forget to check out their blogs and say hi 🙂

Once again thank you all so much for your continued support, likes, wonderful comments and friendship. As always, I’ll continue to do the same in return!

Thanks a million lovelies & get in touch via *here* or the comments below if you’d like to feature…

 Karen signature

Top Travel Essentials for your Jolly Holidays…

Travel Essentials

For many of us, the long haul of travelling to our destination is all part and parcel of the honeymoon or holiday excitement – but if you’re not properly prepared it can soon turn into a terror trip than that relaxing vacation you’ve been dreaming about for the last few months. So whether you’re off on a romantic getaway for two, heading home to family this Christmas or planning a fun weekend away with friends it’s essential you get yourself geared up & prepared for the journey ahead…

The Travel Bag:

Okay, so I’m assuming you’re checking an overstuffed trunk of holiday goodies into the check-in desk which leaves you pondering what handbag should accompany you on your journey. Well, before you dust off that favourite designer tote, stop and think about where you’re going and what you’ll be doing when you get there. If sightseeing is top of your list & you’re hitting a high tourist destination spot it could be worthwhile leaving your mesmerising Michael Kors bag at home and choosing a much safer option. With pick-pocketing, bag slashing, muggings and handbag theft at a serious high, it’s a good idea to treat yourself to one of these handy little travel buddies by Pacsafe

Citysafe 100 anti-theft handbag

So what’s so unique about them? Actually, quite a lot! Not only are they designed to neatly store every gals travel needs, the sleek Citysafe 100 is undoubtedly the James Bond of women’s handbags. The adjustable straps are reinforced with lightweight stainless steel along with similar reinforced panels in the most vulnerable and commonly targeted areas to help prevent bag slashers running off with your contents.
As most passports, credit cards and ID Cards have an RFID chip that contains personal data that many thieves can access via certain radio frequencies (scary thought!!) the Citysafe 100 boasts the award winning RFID safe micro-chip that blocks out these transmissions – helping to prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands.
This brill bag also has a variety of anti pick-pocketing features such as zipper security hooks and secure fixture mechanisms that allow you to secure your bag in place when set beside you… making it even harder for any savvy snatcher to make a dash with your beloved belongings!

Are you considering taking your designer bag now? Hmm, maybe not!

Looking Good:

So now that we’ve got our super-safe travel bag, if you’re anything like me the first thing you’ll want to do is fill it with the absolute essentials of any trip… make-up! Considering all those hours waiting (patiently) in queues, recycled air, sweat, headaches etc. you’ll probably want to freshen up your holiday face at some point. Freebie samples and testers are perfect for this as they’re compact and easily tucked into a pocket. Other handy items to keep with you are make-up removal wipes, small deodorant, hair clip, nail file, travel hair brush with mini built in mirror.
Just don’t forget to bring along those little plastic zip-lock bags for security check-in!

The Nibbles:

Even just an hour or two of travelling on a rumbling tummy can leave you feeling like a wilted grape – however before you stock up on goodies wait until you’re through the security checks or you’ll more than likely end up waving goodbye to that huge bar of galaxy you’ve been hoarding. Once through security you can treat yourself to a range of snacks & refreshments. Cereal bars are a traveller’s best friend as they’re so easy to pop in your bag, won’t cause a huge mess and are a great little boost to keep the energy levels up. If you’re prone to air pressure ear popping *ouch!* it could be a good idea to buy a little bag of boiled sweets to suck along the way… I’ve heard it works a treat to help reduce the discomfort!

The Entertainment:

I personally enjoy catching up with some of my favourite glossy mag’s such as Glamour & Cosmopolitan when I’m on the move, especially the smaller travel sizes that are hassle free for popping in your handbag. If you’re a book reader it’s always a good idea to get your Kindle (or other device) well stocked up with a good variety of top reads. There’s even an app for your smart phones if you want to keep your e-book tucked up at home, or why not give Audible a go –you can just lie back and listen to a great story without even having to glance at a page! Alternatively if you’re travelling at night it could be a good idea to take along a sleep mask so you can catch a quick nap if you’re feeling worn out from all the excitement.

The Important Stuff:

Yes, you know – all those vital documents you need to get from A-B without the intervention of frenzied relatives or government officials. Make sure you keep an easy-access compartment in your bag for passports & other important paperwork that is easy to access when needed. Ensure you have confirmations of travel printed out & at hand should anything be queried (the same goes for medical insurance documents) and of course don’t forget to make a list of important contacts should your phone get misplaced or stolen! Important numbers to note should always include travel agents, family members, friends, Doctors surgery, your hotel, credit card company, insurance company, bank etc. Don’t be tempted to lift your address book, as if that goes walkies you’ve just handed a stranger the entire contact details of your nearest and dearest!

Feeling Comfy:

You may have your travel bag organised to perfection but it’s important you travel just as well as your belongings do. Wear something light & comfortable as opposed to tight and tailored. Stretchy layers are super comfy & a great way to let you regulate your temperature to the surroundings – if things get a bit chilly you can hop up in your vest top, long shirt tee & hoodie or if you’re feeling the heat you can remove whatever you need to cool off *within reason of course ladies, ah hem*
Slip on shoes should definitely be considered an essential! In fact I’d go as far as saying they should be a legal requirement… especially if like me you’re always the one who is stuck behind the person that decided to wear knee boots with 40-something zips and buckles *sigh*

Have you a romantic honeymoon booked or are you travelling over the Christmas Jollidays? If so, do you have any top tips or tricks when it comes to travelling? Is the commute something you enjoy as part of your holiday, or are you the ‘get me there pronto’ type?

As always I’d love to read your thoughts and feedback in the comments below, so do stop by and say hello…

Karen signature