Behind The Blog…


Hello lovelies…

As most of you know, back in November I launched my little blogging feature Behind The Blog as a celebration of reaching a milestone in my blogging achievements… all thanks to you amazing guys I must add! So as a way to pay my gratitude forward I wanted to give the opportunity for some of the wonderful bloggers who both follow and inspire me a chance to show case themselves and potentially connect with lots of lovely new blog-buddies as a result!

 Little did I know that Behind The Blog would be so warmly welcomed and seemingly loved by so many of you – again something both myself and all the beautiful bloggers that have featured are incredibly thankful for!

So for all those busy little blogging bee’s out there who fancy the thought of taking part in a fun filled interview about you & your blog, I warmly invite you to jump on-board. Not only does it give ‘little old me’ a deeper insight to getting to know you a bit better, it brings awareness to lots of others who are also itching to meet like minded bloggers to follow, interact with & be inspired by… people like you, yes YOU!

So how do I get involved?

Well basically it’s as simple as dropping me an email (all details are on my contact page) stating that you’d like to be a part of Behind The Blog or alternatively you can simply leave a little message in the comments below and I’ll send all the information straight to you!

Erm, you’ll send me what?

All the info! Basically it’s a simple MS Word attachment with details and your questions, however if there’s anything you don’t particularly want to answer you can just leave it blank! There’s also a prompt to include all your social networking links such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. You can add as many or as little as you like so we know where else to find you!

What happens next?

Once you complete the questions provided & send them back I’ll be in touch with your publish date to confirm exactly when your interview will go live. Don’t worry there’s no rush to return anything within a specific time frame, so don’t feel under pressure to get onto it right away! Remember it’s simply a light hearted, chatty, fun-filled feature to give us all a little bit more insight into the person behind the blog and hopefully help connect you with new blogging chums in the process!

pink heart

Literally it’s as simple as that. You can also pop over to Confetti & Curves ‘Blog Chat’ page on the main menu bar to meet the many awesome bloggers who’ve taken part so far! They really are a dazzling bunch so don’t forget to check out their blogs and say hi 🙂

Once again thank you all so much for your continued support, likes, wonderful comments and friendship. As always, I’ll continue to do the same in return!

Thanks a million lovelies & get in touch via *here* or the comments below if you’d like to feature…

 Karen signature

128 thoughts on “Behind The Blog…

    • Hey Mel, cannot thank you enough for such encouraging words!! Reading this has made my day huni 🙂 Of course, I would, love to have you feature! Shall keep a look out for your email 😉 hehe Have a super weekend!! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This reminds me – I got sent your email and still haven’t filled mine in! I remember being really busy when I got it. I’m going to head on over and fill out mine now, I can’t wait to see it featured here. I love this idea! xx


  2. Karen, you are such an inspiration and vibrant personality.. I came in contact with you recently and it’s been a pleasure knowing you ( little bit:) ) and following your blog….I might drop you an email one of these days ..take care lovely and good luck with everything …:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Michelle, so chuffed you enjoy getting to know the others – you’re all an amazing bunch!! Do let me know if you’d like to feature someday, it would be a pleasure having you. Enjoy your weekend lovely 🙂 X


    • That’s fantastic Jo – soooo excited to have you on board huni. Have had a wee look about your blog for an email address but can’t seem to spot one. Could you pop over to my contact page & drop me a line so I can reply with all you need to get started? Thanks for such a supportive comment 🙂 Xo

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Harmony, so sorry I’m only spotting this now as seemed to have been sent to my ‘pending’ file! If you could drop me a quick line via my contact page & I’ll send all the info over for you 🙂 Apologies again for the late reply X


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