Behind The Blog featuring Chloe from CNM Beauty…

CNM Beauty

Somehow over the weekend May just happened. Here we are, a new month and summer fast approaching. It feels like the year is passing by in a blink and yet I’ve still so much to achieve on my 2016 ‘To Do’ list. Anyone else with me? However having that one little day off yesterday really helped to clear up a few of the things I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time – including heaps of organising. Which reminds me, if you missed yesterday’s post and are on the hunt for a new home to store your make-up stash then check out Bargain Acrylic Makeup Storage Finds. There’s a few nifty little options to help house a host of beauty goodies!

Talking of beauty, I’ve another talented blog buddy to introduce y’all too today as the gorgeous Chloe from CNM Beauty joins us for a quick chatter about her flourishing beauty & lifestyle blog. Cat lover & chocolate craver with a passion for all things beauty is how Chloe describes herself… sounds like your kinda blogger? Then why not check out her online haven for yourself, right after you’ve caught up with her her fun-filled interview below of course!!


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Beauty, reviews, skincare, tips and opinions


What inspired you to start blogging?

I started watching beauty YouTube videos a long time ago and I have always wanted to do something like that, but never had the confidence to start making videos. So I decided to create a blog instead and instantly loved it.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

Well, my actual blog address is ‘chloemartinn’ but I decided to keep it and give my blog a little nickname instead, which is ‘CNMbeauty’. I kept ‘chloemartinn’ as my address because that is my username on social media like Instagram and Twitter, so it just makes things easier.


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Yes, I did suffer from it a couple of weeks ago but I keep a little list on my phone of potential posts I could do, so they always gets me back into it. Also, I always find that going on Instagram helps to motivate me and give me new ideas.

My Instagram:


What’s your favourite post to date? 

Most probably the post about ‘Hair-do and don’ts – Collab with Madison Reed’. This is because it was the first ever collab I did on my blog and it was so exciting!


Describe your everyday clothes style:

I love my Black Topshop Joni Jeans, so if you ever see me then I’ll probably be wearing those. Also, I like to switch up my shoes, from high boots to flats. I think my everyday clothes style would be simple, comfy but with a splash of colour!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Mac – New York Apple lipstick

Review on my blog-

No7 Stay Perfect Primer

Review on my blog-

Spectrum Highlighter Brush


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

A big bar of chocolate, my duvet, the TV and maybe a few cuddles from my boyfriend.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Lots of food (especially Chinese!) and watching ‘Take Me Out’ on television.


What do you do to relax?

I like to have a nice bath or shower, do a face mask and paint my nails.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

Mine is not too often but sometimes I get really lazy when it comes to taking off my makeup. Some days I love doing it but others I just don’t want to, and end up taking it all off with a makeup wipe (which I know is bad!)…


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

This is a hard one… but it probably has to be when my family got our first dog, which we still have! And we have another dog now too, oh and two cats!


What was your favourite school subject?

Well, I am still in Sixth Form so I’ll tell you my favourite subject from GCSE and then my favourite from A-Levels. My favourite GCSE subject was either business or music, and for A-Levels I think it is English Language.


What’s your dream job?

I never know how to answer this question because I honestly don’t know. I’m not sure if I want to go to University yet or just start to get a job somewhere. It’s a tricky one!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully in a job that I enjoy, in a nice house and in a happy relationship J


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?


Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Have a beauty/makeup room in my house

Go to Pairs

Have a shopping spree in New York


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

When I was in year 11 I achieved my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, I wish I did silver and Gold but it is a lot to cope with, along with GCSE’s and Sixth Form.


Who inspires you?

Lots of people inspire me, when I started Sixth Form I made sure to surround myself with people that inspire me and support me. But if we are talking about who inspires me to do my blog then it would be people like Tanya Burr, Inthefrow and Niomi Smart.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I’m not really sure if it’s inspirational but my dad always says this to me – “If you don’t ask, you don’t get”


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Just be yourself, don’t be scared to create a blog, come up with a great blog username, have a good camera, find people who have similar blogs to yours and make new friends, I’m always around for a chat!



Tea or Coffee = Neither! 

Coke or Pepsi = Coke

Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super organised

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Cute kitten

Night In or Night Out = Night in

Heels or Flats = Heels

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip gloss

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock chick

Paperback or E-book = Paperback


Contact Chloe:






Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves

Karen signature


6 thoughts on “Behind The Blog featuring Chloe from CNM Beauty…

    • Awh thank you so much for sharing Chloe – it’s been such a pleasure having you on board huni & getting to know you a little bit better through it 🙂 Glad you had as much fun as I had reading it!!! hehe xXxx

      Liked by 1 person

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