Behind The Blog featuring Teresa from Mama Muse Me…

Mama Muse Me

Happy Tuesday Beauty Buddies…

Okay, Okay, I admit – I may have put a scud on the mild November weather having been caught gloating about it on Sunday’s Keep Up With Karen post as ever since that post has been published it’s like mama nature has flicked a switch and sent nothing but howling wind and rain. On the plus side, it’s guilt free weather for dusting off the candles, lighting the fire, grabbing a cup of hot chocolate & snuggling down into a comfy chair… which I what I suggest y’all do right this very moment as I have the fabulous Teresa from Mama Muse Me joining me on the virtual sofa this morning!

Teresa’s blog pretty much sum up her positive & warm nature. Reading through her posts feels like you’re catching up with an old friend over a great cup of coffee. Maybe it’s her former career in journalism & promotional writing that makes her features such a great read? It’s chatty, inspirational & very much focused on creating a positive and welcoming online haven for anyone interested in a sprinkling of curvy couture, lifestyle & beauty musings.

Teresa Mama Muse Me

In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

curvy fashion, creativity, encouragement, musings.


What inspired you to start blogging?

I was a journalist and promotional writer before I married my husband. I was very dedicated to my career and even won several state-level journalism awards. My husband and I dated long-distance and saw each other on the weekends while I continued my promotional writing career, but when I moved back to a rural area to marry him in my late 20s, I never found another solid writing job, even though I tried very hard. It was heart-breaking for me. The economy had a lot to do with it (it was a rough time for print journalists), and I also realized that, since I was ready to start a family, I had to be more selective about the hours I would work than I would have been in my single days. I did some freelance work, but eventually I decided to look seriously at teaching as a career path for myself. It seems like the doors are opening for me in that direction. Writing is still a passion of mine, so that is why I blog. I want to send my words out into the world. Yet, if some career doors had not closed, I probably would not have had the opportunity to stay home with my son full time, which has been priceless to me.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

Mama Muse Me is word play. I was thinking about “muse” as inspiration, and I was also thinking about how the phrase sounds like “Mom, amuse me” since I spend a lot of days amusing my little guy.


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

After I come up with an idea, the words usually flow pretty easily. I think this comes from writing on a deadline for many years. On the other hand, when I try to write fiction, that’s when I get writer’s block.


What’s your favourite post to date?

It’s a tie between these two.


Describe your everyday clothes style:

I love skinny jeans, boots, and a boho top. I also like classic, timeless styles.


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm, anything from Clinique, imPRESS Press-on Nails


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I usually don’t get to relax since I am a full time mom, and I’m working on my master’s degree (lol). When I do get some time, I like to read other people’s blogs or a good book.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

It would be a relaxed date night with my husband. We would go to dinner and a movie, take a walk, or come up with something else fun. Most of the time, Saturday nights are family time, but that is beautiful too.


What do you do to relax?

I go for a walk, drink chai tea, or read.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I used to show goats, chickens, and rabbits at the fair through 4-H. I was a farm girl.


What was your favourite school subject?

English and art


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Teaching, being a mom and wife, writing in some form


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Travel to France, travel to Prince Edward Island (an Anne of Green Gables pilgrimage!), write a novel, ride an adult tricycle (I never learned to ride a regular bike), ride a jet ski


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Motherhood, writing a children’s book (Sweet Sallie’s Squirrel Scarf Factory is on Amazon.)


Who inspires you?

Jesus, Melissa McCarthy, Rachael Ray, Jen Hatmaker, Steve Harvey (the comedian), Maggie Gobran, Tia and Tamera Mowry


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

“Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. “Be still,” they say. “Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” – Linda Hogan, Native American writer


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Just start it! It probably will not make you rich or famous, but if you can handle that, you will be fine. If you want to make money or be famous, you will need advice from someone else!


Tea or Coffee = tea!


Coke or Pepsi =Pepsi


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = organized


Cute kitten or Playful puppy =puppy!!


Night In or Night Out = night in


Heels or Flats = cute flats


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = indie meets country


Paperback or E-book = paperback

pink heart

Contact Teresa


“If you’re a WordPress user, you can click the follow button on my blog. Otherwise, type in your email to follow me! I know there are a lot of great bloggers online these days, so I deeply appreciate readers who follow my blog”


“I like to keep life simple, so that’s why I connect with my readers either in my comments section or through email instead of through several media platforms. I love connecting with my readers and other bloggers.”

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

20 thoughts on “Behind The Blog featuring Teresa from Mama Muse Me…

    • Teresa you are more than welcome lovely lady – it was a pleasure featuring you!!! Thank YOU for getting involved, great interview & wonderful to get to know you better. Wishing you all the best with your blogging adventures, God bless XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

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