Behind The Blog… featuring Kelly from KellyBean


Happy Thursday Chums…

Today is *groan* shopping day! Now as much as I enjoy a little retail therapy, food shopping never has the appeal of swanning round glitzy department store aisles in search of the latest beauty goodies. Scanning the shelves for kitchen rolls and canned soup just doesn’t cut it ladies, and with a mountain of writing projects building up I can’t help feeling I’d be much better off sipping tea right here by my paper laden desk! Maybe I’ll just have to pop into Costa’s for a cheeky little hit of caffeine – with a work related notepad and pencil of course 😉

However this morning I’m thrilled to bring you our second Behind The Blog interview this week, courtesy of the lovely Kelly from KellyBean! If you haven’t already checked out her fabulous little corner of the interweb then I suggest you make your way over asap. Kelly’s blog is a true reflection of how full of beans this gal really is – hence why I feel the name is perfect. Her posts are instantly smile inducing and make you want to settle down for a cuppa & a chat… you know that cosy feel? That’s KellyBean for ya 🙂

So without any further rambling here’s the gorgeous gal herself to give you a little more low down on the girl Behind The Blog…


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Food, products, and sharing experiences.


What inspired you to start blogging?

I’ve always loved posting photos and experiences on Instagram and Facebook.  And I read other blogs almost every day, wishing I had one as well.  So I finally decided to just go for it and make a blog of my own.  I’m inspired by the other lifestyle bloggers out there who produce amazing posts and seem to have lots of fun in the process!


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

Coming up with a blog name was a bit of a challenge.  I had multiple ideas and wasn’t sure which would best suit my future blog.  It took me over a month to choose one!   I decided to go with Kellybean, which was a nickname given to me by a friend in Middle school.  It’s always been my favourite nickname, and since it is specific to me, and not specific to a topic, it provides more freedom in my posts.


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

I’ve only just started my blog, so luckily I have not suffered from Blogger’s Block yet.  But I have no doubt I will! I think the best way to overcome it is to look around you for inspiration, or if you’re really stuck but set on posting something, visit WordPress’ daily prompts page for ideas.


What’s your favourite post to date?
Spring Sushi for sure.  It was my first post that really felt like a lifestyle blog post.  Plus. it was a fun day in the city, and of course, because I love Sushi!


Describe your everyday clothes style:

I usually keep it casual but smart. Since it is winter, I am usually in black leggings paired with a cable knit sweater.  At the moment my favourite sweater is my Cabin Collection cardigan by Roots.  The rest of the year I tend to wear either dresses with leggings under a cardigan or jean jacket, or dark denim skinny jeans with a blazer.  I try my best to look stylish while staying comfortable at the same time!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

1) Hands down my CLINIQUE All About Eyes cream. I have really dark circles and lines under my eyes because I stay up late, and this cream really helps keep my eyes looking fresh and rested.
2) Benefit Speed Brow gel. I don’t leave the house without it on!
3) Pink Mint Lip Tint by C.O. Bigelow Apothecaries.  Normally I hate lip gloss, but I use this one every day! It’s gives a nice shine to my lips, but not over the top.  It also contains Peppermint Oil, so it is a great moisturizer, as well as gives your breath a “long lasting freshness” (according to the label).


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

A cup of tea and Netflix.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Going to a nice restaurant followed by a movie.  There is always extra room for popcorn.


What do you do to relax?

Warrior Yoga. It’s a workout for sure, but it takes my mind off of everything else and leaves me feeling strong and relaxed.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

Snacking on junk food.  Preferably Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

When I was younger, my family used to visit my grandparents in Florida every March Break.  I remember we would leave really early in the morning, and since it was the middle of winter my little teeth would be chattering, but I didn’t care.  There was just so much anticipation and excitement to set off on our two day road trip! All of my memories from our Florida vacations are very important to me.


What was your favourite school subject?

Visual Arts!  I had an amazing teacher who supported us and inspired us to try new things.


What’s your dream job?

Stage Manager on Broadway or in London’s West End.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully travelling to amazing places, and being a brilliant Assistant Stage Manager


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

1) Meet Julie Andrews and Meryl Streep
2) Attend a movie premiere as a guest (actually, as a Personal Assistant sounds pretty cool too)
3) Tour Europe
4) Live in London, England
5) To be happily married and have a baby


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Achieving my goal to be an Assistant Stage Manager for a musical in Toronto.


Who inspires you?

I think everyone inspires me in different ways. My friends, family, and the greats in Theatre and Film.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

“Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside, but it doesn’t help if you’re ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.”    -Audrey Hepburn


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Go for it! Write about whatever interests you.  There are bound to be others who share your passion for whatever it is you want to blog about.



Tea or Coffee = Tea (but I do love my coffee)


Coke or Pepsi = Coke


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super Organised


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Puppy!


Night In or Night Out =Night In


Heels or Flats = Flats


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip Gloss


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Pop Princess


Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Kelly:

Bloglovin’ :

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog to feature on Behind The Blog then do get in touch via our contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading and of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves 🙂

Karen signature

28 thoughts on “Behind The Blog… featuring Kelly from KellyBean

  1. Pingback: Behind The Blog | Kellybean

  2. Fab post!! So nice to meet you Kelly! I am looking forward to checking out your posts. 🙂 xoxo Also, a hello to Karen of course!! I hope your day is going well. I know what you mean about grocery shopping, I can’t stand to grocery shop! lol. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Karen;
    Through Kellybean’s bog I arrived here; so, I must be thankful to Kelly my good friend to introducing to your blog; though, still I have not gone through your entire blog but my initial impression about your blog is very very positive; I wish I should have a good friend like you.
    Wishing you all the best………………………

    Liked by 1 person

      • Karen;
        Thanks for your reply; Yes, I really enjoyed Kelly’s interview and I appreciate your efforts to promote other bloggers; you are doing wonderful work and keep it up.
        Though, nature of my blog is more or less motivational type but during the day of “International Women’s day” I published this post and where I promoted my some of the follower’s post; whenever you have spare time please read it and your comment on my post will means a lot to me.
        Eagerly awaiting for your arrival at my blog.



  4. Pingback: Happy New Year & Some Very Awesome Bloggers… | Confetti and Curves

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