Confetti & Curves YouTube Video Launch…

Happy Friday Blog Buddies

Well today’s post is most certainly a bit of a milestone for Confetti & Curves as I celebrate the mini launch of my very first YouTube video! *champagne corks a poppin’*

Yes ladies it took a whooooole lotta nerves and determination to finally pick up my camera and bite the virtual bullet. I have to say filming this was probably one of the most nerve wrecking things I’ve attempted this year… definitely a moment for a few extra sugars in the tea or indeed a glass of something slightly stronger *hic*

However, as the postman had just delivered an exciting little package full of makeup and beauty goodies from the awesome team over at Direct Cosmetics, I thought it was a great opportunity to take a much needed break from the laptop and have a chatter with you guys instead! Why the heck not? After all I did make a promise to myself earlier in the year that I’d take back my self-confidence and challenge myself to a few new exciting projects… remember the #TakeBackWhatsYours campaign post back in January? Well I’m determined to keep my word 😉

So I hope you enjoy hearing/seeing me in the flesh… if you have a YouTube channel of your own that you’d like me to check out then please do leave a link in the comments below! As for the rest of you lovely ladies be sure to say a quick hello… it’s always a treat hearing from y’all.

Anyway enjoy the video, apologies for any nonsensical ramblings (I’m still quivering from the experience!) and as always have a super weekend whatever you’re up to 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

174 thoughts on “Confetti & Curves YouTube Video Launch…

  1. Congratulations on your very first video and it does not look like you are doing your very first video as you really look confident and it gone really smoothly. I am really looking forward to see more videos from you, I loved your eyemake up too <3. Congratulations again Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oooh gosh Silky that’s a huge compliment considering that my hands were shaking like you wouldn’t believe!!! 😀 Surprised I almost didn’t keel over lol lol
      Oh well thank you so much, I think it was the Naked palette by Urban Decay, I seem to be pretty hooked on it this month lol x
      Thank you again gorgeous gal, you’ve really made my day 🙂 XXXX

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      • I know I tried two three times doing vlogging but I was like so nerveous and could not speak properly and dropped idea of doing vlogging and started blogging lol, But you are also great at videos too, I have to get my hands on Urban Decay palettes they are gorgeous.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Awwwh bless – it is pretty terrifying, you almost have to imagine your talking to a friend or something & even that can be nerve wrecking lol Thank you so much Silky for the kind comment – it’s made my day!! Oh you really must check out the UD palettes – I know you will LOVE them!!! 🙂 X

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  2. Pingback: Happy 1st Blogiversary Confetti & Curves… | Confetti and Curves

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