Behind The Blog… Featuring Hajara from ChocolateFrosst


Hello Lovelies, I trust you’re all having a fun filled week so far? Not to send you into mass hysteria or anything, but can you believe two weeks tomorrow and it will be Christmas Eve?! Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed time passing so quickly! However to help calm us all down a little, I present you with the lovely Hajara from ChocolateFrosst for another edition of Behind The Blog *woo hoo*

 If you aren’t familiar with her do pop over and say Hi. Like many of us, Hajara has a passion for make-up, fashion, food and lifestyle – so if that sounds your things you’ll feel right at home over at ChocolateFrosst as you’ll love her regular posts! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Behind The Blog, click here to read all about it – and as always if you’re interested in participating please do get in touch, we’d love to have you feature!

So without any further rambling, I’ll hand you over to the lovely Hajara…


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:
The world through my eyes. (exactly 5 words!! Wohooo!!)

What inspired you to start blogging?
I started blogging for this class I took back in uni and then a semester later I was in love with it. The fact that blogging lets you be ‘YOU’ inspired me to somehow start blogging more consistently. (You can read my blogging story in detail HERE)

Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?
Yes of course I do. I find something that inspires me in some way to read or watch so I can trigger my brain to come up with something. An intelligent conversation works like wonder but they are so rare.

What’s your favourite post to date?
There’s this post I wrote long time ago called ‘The Streets of Tokyo’ that happens to be my favourite.

Describe your everyday style:
Colourful, elegant, comfortable and modest.

What are your current top 3 beauty items?
1. Mac lipstick in Mocha
2. The Colossal Kamal by Maybelline
3. This lipstick from Bobbi Brown which is my absolute fav but I can’t really remember the name.

How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?
I listen to music or watch my favourite TV shows, read or blog.

Describe your ideal Saturday night:
A night in with food, comfort and a good conversation.
What’s your favourite junk food snack?
Burger Meal (fries+coke). You now know my weakness.

Everyone has his or her hidden bad habits, what’s yours?
Hmmm…. Never thought of this one. I stay up watching TV shows or reading stuff online and then regret it. It messes my sleep cycle and that’s bad. Like really bad.

What’s your most cherished childhood memory?
I can’t think of just one but the times vie spent with my family are the ones I cherish the most.

What was your favourite school subject?

What’s your dream job?
CEO!!! (You said dream right? ;))

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Happy, Smart and Successful

What top 5 things are on your bucket list?
1. Visit Paris
2. Learn to play something on a damn piano.
3. Go on a long drive with no plan or destination.
4. Have babies
5. ?

What’s your biggest achievement to date?
As of now the only thing I’ve achieved is a university degree. Biggest achievement would come eventually I guess (hope!).

Who inspires you?
My Dad!

Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?
There are so many inspirational quotes but there this one quote I read somewhere, which says ‘What God knows about you is more important than what people think of you’.
And the one is ‘If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything’ and I deeply believe more people should get inspire with this.

Name 3 things that’s top of your Christmas list:
I don’t celebrate Christmas so no real list as such.

What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting his or her own blog?
Be yourself, write about what makes you happy and start your blog now!


Tea or Coffee = Coffee

Coke or Pepsi = Coke

Salad Cream or Mayo = Salad cream

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = cute kitten but hopefully very far away from me. I am terrified of animals. Humans too sometimes 😉

Night In or Night Out = Night in

Heels or Flats = Heels

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = lip stick

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = pop princess

Paperback or E-book = paperback

pink heart

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If you would like to feature in Behind The Blog then please either leave your details below, otherwise get in touch via *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

As always, thanks so much for reading & do say hi in the comments below…

Karen signature

4 thoughts on “Behind The Blog… Featuring Hajara from ChocolateFrosst

  1. Well as you know I enjoy reading these Karen! I then find new blogs to follow and read. 🙂 The questions you ask just seem like so much fun! ❤ xo


  2. Reblogged this on chocolatefrosst and commented:
    The amazing Karen from Confetti and Curves let me be part of her amazing “Behind the Blog” series. Take a look at my interview/ answers here on her feature. I always love hearing your thoughts/opinions so please don’t hesitate to leave them. 🙂
    Always Keep Smiling Xx


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