Behind The Blog featuring Myra from The Plus Size Movement…

The Plus Size Movement

Howdy chums…

WHAT A DAY!!! Talk about nightmare Mondays… try breaking down miles from home at 7 am followed by a 5 hour wait in a freeeeeezing cold mechanics waiting room as my poor wee Florence (AKA my beloved Ford Focus) was slowly brought back to life with the help of a new alternator. Curse these mechanical gadgets that have nothing better to do than ruin my day! Thankfully I’m now fully thawed out & have a working car once again on my drive way *happy dance* If anything yesterday highlighted A) How much I take my little veee-hickle for granted, B) Car garage waiting rooms are a place of torture & grimness of immeasurable depths, C) WHO in their right frame of mind would electively want to make a career out of working with dirty cars in the freezing cold anyway? D) Actually, on hindsight, I’m incredibly grateful that folk out there do make that career choice… unsung hero’s the lot of them!

However, time for calmness & a steaming hot cuppa as I delight in introducing y’all to the gorgeous Myra, who’s kindly gracing the virtual sofa this nippy November morning, to give us a quick peek behind the scenes of her blog The Plus Size Movement. This curvacious beauty adores sharing posts about friends, lifestyle, body positivity & encouragement. One thing I love about Myra’s features is how incredibly genuine they are which gives such a warm & natural flow to her writing. It almost feels like you’re reading a letter from a friend or pen pal (anyone else remember the days of pen-pal letter writing?)

Anyways, enough gabbling from me; time to hand you over to the lady herself as we go Behind The Blog


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Honesty, body positivity, encouragement, motivation, personal experience


What inspired you to start blogging?

I was looking for a blog that I can personally relate to but all the blog I kept finding had to do with either fashion or makeup. I’m plus size and I wanted to read about other plus size females and how they get through life. When I couldn’t find any blog like that, I decided to make a blog based on plus size but also body positivity and encouraging others to love who you are no matter the size. I wanted to touch on different topics and be honest about it.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

My blog name is The Plus Size Movement. I started thinking about how plus size and body positivity is becoming a current movement, thus the name. I loved the sound of it, it had a ring to it to me so I decided to use it.


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

All the time!! Sometimes it is difficult trying to think of what should I write next. I overcome it by going into my thinking mode. I think of anything and everything that could possibly relate to my blog, I pick a thought and I run with it.


What’s your favourite post to date?

My favourite post to date is Validation to love yourself, it’s a poem about how we feel we need society’s approval to be beautiful.


Describe your everyday clothes style:

It definitely depends on how I am feeling for the day but my overall appearance is vintage inspired. I love vintage things so most of my clothes kind of look old fashion but modern. But I never fail to run to jeans and a t-shirt when I just want to be comfy.


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

My eyebrow makeup kit, my mascara, and my lipsticks.


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

After a stressful day, most of the time I will stay in my room and just listen to music and watch movies. Food is usually involved of course.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Well I am an introvert, that night life is not my life. My perfect Saturday night would be doing anything but going to the club. I like going out to eat, going to the movies, bowling, laser tag, go kart riding, I’ll even settle for a water balloon fight, I’m a kid at heart. But sometimes I do appreciate my alone time and would rather stay home and relax or have a nice conversation with a friend.


What do you do to relax?

I have different things I like to do to relax but my top ones are listening to music and writing. Both provide me that escape into my own world.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

I avoid talking about my problems. When it comes to other people, I encourage them to talk and remind them I’m always here but when it comes to me, I just tell everyone that I am fine and I smile.  The people who really know me, can see through my act.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I guess my most cherished childhood memory would have to be the first time I got to go to Florida with my mom and sister. It was just something new and I loved it, but that is also how I found out I am terrified of planes.


What was your favourite school subject?

My favourite school subject was English. It had to do because of the fact that I love to write.


What’s your dream job?

My dream job will always be to be a journalist, to be a writer. It’s why I love blogging, it gives me that feeling, in a small way it’s like my dream came true. But I am currently working on becoming a substance abuse counsellor, that’s something I want to do also.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully married with a stable job and a family. I hope to generally be happy with myself and my life.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

I actually don’t have a bucket life. Well maybe I do but the only thing on my list is to go to Italy and to travel and experience different thing.s


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Graduating College with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and a minor in Sociology.  I was never more proud of myself than the day I crossed that stage.


Who inspires you?

No one really. I was never the one to look up to someone else and gather inspiration from them, I always did my own thing. I have respect for those people who are inspiring though.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I don’t have a favourite inspiration quote, but I love a lot of different quotes, it’s hard to pick one.


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

I would say just do it and keep going. If it is something that you feel will help you and help other’s, go for it and don’t stop. I’ve been blogging for a few months now and I love it. Even if my posts don’t reach the amount of audience I would like it to, I’m honestly happy just to have the couple views I get. Be interactive with other bloggers also, that really helps and you will make friends.



Tea or Coffee = Coffee


Coke or Pepsi = Pepsi


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super Organized (Sometimes)


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Cute Kitten


Night In or Night Out = Night In


Heels or Flats = Flats


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lipstick


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick


Paperback or E-book = E-book

pink heart

Contact Myra:

Instagram : @the_plus_size_movement


Twitter: @ShadesOf_Ray

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

36 thoughts on “Behind The Blog featuring Myra from The Plus Size Movement…

    • Yes, the arse was well and truly frozen clean off me…. thought it was going to need sewing back on it was that frozen!! Horrendous!! Took me the following 24 hours to properly thaw out…. and people choose this car fixing malarkey as a profession?!?!?! lol xxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lol. I’m so sorry to hear that my friend. 😦 We freak out when it’s 60 degrees here but I have traveled to NYC during the winter and I can say I feel your pain. It was about 14 degrees or so and holy moly, it gets painful. I so understand the saying, biting cold, because that is exactly what it felt like. I was in NYC though so I loved every second of it since it was my dream. 🙂 My uncle fixes cars and totally loves it. At least there are people willing to do it because I don’t care to do so and that I can respect. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ahhh that sounds incredibly cold 😦 I think the coldest I ever felt was when I lived in Scotland – the winters are freeeezing. So much snow too – hard to think it’s so darn cold lol Well, greatest respect to your uncle, how they do it is beyond me!! 😮 xx

        Liked by 1 person

      • That seems to be the driving force for many in that field – my uncle was the same too, though he’s now living in Scotland & working as a diesel engineer on buses. Rough job, but someone’s gotta do it I guess… hope you had a lovely weekend chummy 🙂 X

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well isn’t that funny.Different strokes for different folks. Heaven knows there are probably people who say who would want to blog about makeup? They are insane of course (lol) but well, I’m sure they exist. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Sorry he about the all the wait and the car 🚗, but happy that you are okay and your car is running super well. Now. Waiting in these rooms always seems like hell to me, but without my car… I just can’t, lol.

    It is so nice to meet you Myra 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers and your blog seem like a fun blog to follow and read, can’t wait for your future posts 😀

    This is why I love this feature so much, meeting new and fun people and enjoy their blog 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  3. Pingback: Happy New Year & Some Very Awesome Bloggers… | Confetti and Curves

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