Sunday Shenanigans…

Sunday Shenanigans

Hey Beauty Buddies…

Yaaaay for a brand new month! I always get excited for March arriving as sunny spring is just peeking round the corner… time to clear out the closet and relish in a whole new season of adventures.

 How was your weekend? Did I miss anything? We had one of the quietest 48 hours in a loooong time. Forget a pj day, it was more like a full weekend of lounging around doing absolutely nothing apart from recharging our batteries… I even managed to close the laptop for (most) of the duration too – I know, shocking right?!

However come Sunday morning I woke with a huge urge to spring out of bed and fill my lungs with some fresh salty sea air by taking a lovely dander along our local beach. Considering the sun was streaming in through the cracks of the blinds it would’ve been a shame not to take advantage of such a gorgeous morning – anything to get out in a bit of much needed sunshine.

Tottering down the stairs semi-ready for my seaside dander, Steve was busy working away in the kitchen… he’d gotten up early to prepare a yummy Sunday lunch and had the entire house cleaned from one end to the other. Seeing as I usually tackle most of the cooking it was such a welcomed break and a great feeling having absolutely nothing to do… so Ems’ and I grabbed our coats and headed out for a bit of fresh air whilst Steve stayed at home sipping his coffee and pre-booking the all important Ireland v England rugby game (that would undoubtedly exercise my vocal chords)

Anyways, I thought it would be fun to take a few piccies of our little Sunday shenanigans to share with you guys…


Sunday Dinner

Yep, photographic evidence that a huge Sunday lunch was all prepared by my very own head-chef. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy eating it… what a lucky lady 🙂

Spring Flowers

On our way out the front door I noticed (for the 1st time I must add) my little spring flowers have made an appearance meaning it’s ‘almost’ time to shed the winter woollies *happy dance*

Emma and Karen

So we made the 45 second walk to the breezy shores (yes we live that close!) and I have to say that although my teeny little spring flowers are in full bloom I’ll not be hanging up my chunky knits just yet… it was SO cold but worth the teeth chattering!

Beach 6

Searching for little weird shaped pebbles (preferably heart ones) to add to Emma’s collection of seaside memorabilia she has stored in various places, including a little pile by the front door and a jar full of shells in the bathroom. Love seaside life ❤

Beach 3

Time for a dander along the shoreline… so good for clearing your thoughts and unbelievably therapeutic. Any time I feel my anxiety playing up a walk along the beach always helps calms me down. Everyone needs a bitta beach in their lives 😉

Beach 4

I don’t care what anyone says, no matter what age you are you can’t resist playing catch with the waves… even if it means squelching home in soggy gym shoes! Thankfully I have a 9 year old daughter I can excuse my childish Tom foolery on *rolls eyes*

Beach 2   Beach 5

Tide well on it’s way out, getting windy and cold…

Beach 8

A windswept Em’s

Beach 9

Homeward bound for some tea & warmth by the fire.

Did you do anything exciting this weekend, or like us did you spend it chillaxing? As always thanks so much for reading, do say a quick hello in the comments below, you know how much I enjoy a little chatter! Happy March y’all 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature