The Lovin’ List: My Top Ten Picks of the Month…

Monthly Favourite

As we wave goodbye to yet another month, that can only mean one thing amongst the calendar of most beauty bloggers… the monthly favourites. Oddly enough I seem to have skipped the last couple as I usually like to keep a page in my organiser to remind myself exactly what I’ve been loving.. yes my memory is THAT bad(!!) However as March exits and April enters I find myself with a wealth of little bits & bobs that have managed to make me smile in many different ways throughout the last 4 weeks. So if you fancy finding out what’s been high on my ‘Lovin List’ then make yourself comfy and check out this lovely lot…


Nail Polish Rack

Ikea Picture Shelf Nail Polish Storage

Storing nail polish has always been a bit of a stickler for me. I’ve had boxes, bags & cute little drawer units, but nothing has compared to how handy this picture rack from Ikea has been! Now I can reach for whatever colour I like at a mere glance, without having to spend an age rummaging through hidden stashes to find that perfect shade. Best of all it well well under £10 & saves loads of space into the bargain!


Tesco LIVE Wax Melts

Tesco Live Wax Melts

 I’m becoming rather impressed with some of the own-brand finds in my local Tesco’s of late, and being a lover of scented candles I simply had to invest in a few of these yummy looking little melts. I picked up the Vanilla, Damson & Pomegranate and Passionfruit & Melon. All of which smell absolutely divine and aren’t giving me a throbbing headache… unlike like many of the scented home goodies, including some of the elite brands! These cheerful little wax melts last such a long time too & are great value at under £2. Go get ‘em if you love a home filled with glorious scents too.


MAC Amplified Lipstick in Craving

Mac Amplified Lipstick in Craving

It may seem a tad deeper in the picture but don’t let it fool you as this stunning shade is totally build-able. It starts off as a sumptuous rosie pink and develops into a stronger tone the more you layer the formula. It’s incredibly comfy to wear and being rather pale in complexion I can vouch that it works wonders with lighter skin tones. Check out my post The Makeup Menu featuring MAC Craving to see a final look featuring this must-have shade!


Alex Drawer Set, Ikea

Ikea Alex Drawers Makeup Storage

What an investment for any beauty enthusiast! I bought the mini set which cost approx £40, but it’s by far the best investment for make-up storage I’ve purchased to date. Having browsed around the internet I couldn’t believe that some of the designer cosmetic bags cost just as much, if not more! If you need a stylish looking home to store all your beauty goodies in then look no further than Ikea Alex range… they have a chic and simple solution for almost everything.


William Morris Notebook Trio

William Morris Writer Notebooks

There comes a point in every stationery addicts journey when hoarding gloriously designed paper goods becomes a bit of an issue in stock piling – particularly when storage for a small army of note books, post-it-notes & office accoutrements is limited *sigh* One of my lovely friends treated me to this beautiful little trio of notepads quite a while back & it’s only now that I’m getting round to finally using them. I’m not gonna lie, it was a hard decision to make to use them, but the reality of buying no more stationery until I’ve used what I’ve got is a rule I’m determined to stand by. However, I’ve a lingering feeling that my blog buddy Emma from Puddleside Musings will at some point lead me astray with her cutesy paper purchases & awesome craft hauls!


Makeup Revolution Golden Sugar Palette & NYC Cream Blush


It’s all about radiant cheeks & a subtle dewy complexion for me this spring, and nothing has brought a delicious smidgen of glorious colour to my cheeks more than these two. I’m beyond impressed with the pigmentation and shade selection of the Makeup Revolution Golden Sugar palette, not to mention the creaminess of the NYC Beautifying Blushable Creme Stick in Soho Pink… perfect for those days when you just want a natural dewiness radiating from your skin. Love them both, though utterly gutted the NYC blush has now been discontinued *sob*



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Stocked with more Marian Keyes books that you could shake a librarians stick at, I’m very much in literary heaven. For quite a few months I went to bed without lifting my Kindle last year, which was unusual for me as I’m a nighttime reader. But from getting back into books since last October I’ve noticed that I’m sleeping better at night and looking forward to getting tucked into bed to find out what happens next. Now that the sunshine is making a more regular appearance I’ve even been able to sit out in the garden with it too – albeit with a few layers on, it aint summer yet gals! It may be one of the first edition kindles, but it’s working like a dream… how cute is the little owl cover that my brother bought me? hehe


Max Factor Excess Shimmer in Pink Opal

Max Factor Excess Shimmer in Pink Opal

Since buying this shadow I don’t think there’s a day has gone by when I haven’t wore it. Super long lasting & the prettiest colour for spring, this is a gorgeous shadow for all you gals who adore an icy wash of pink (which works perfectly with a defined crease in a rich damson shadow, or any warm earthy tone) I adore the soft mousse formula that’s so easy to apply & sets beautifully without any creasing or moving. Max Factor have truly struck gold with this one.  *Click Here* to check out my very own eyelids modelling it proudly for y’all on Mondays Make-up Menu.


Barry M Brow Kit

Barry M Brow Kit Shape & Define a

EVERY time I wear this brow kit (and I do mean every!!) I always get asked and complimented on where I get my HD Brows done. Who would’ve guessed a mere £5 investment would have been so influential! The easy-peasy 3 step system consists of 1) Wax to smooth and shape, 2) Eyebrow powder to fill and define 3) Highlight powder to accentuate. It literally couldn’t be any simpler!  As many of you lovely lot already know I adore my brow products, but rummaging through my brow stash (including products ranging up to & slightly beyond £60) this is by FAR my favourite, and the one brow kit I reach for most often. If you haven’t tried it already then bump it to top of your shopping list, I’m pretty sure you’ll love it every bit as much as I do ❤


Spiral Hair Bobbles

Spiral Hair Bobbles

I honestly thought getting my hair cut a little shorter would save me hassle, instead it’s gave me more grief as whatever I do I have to constantly style it… gone are the days when I could leave it dry in bouncy spiral curls. One of the biggest challenges is keeping my follicles tied back neatly, and with them being much shorter than before my hair often slips out of the usual hair bands UNTIL I discovered these fabulous little life savers. If you have super-slippy hair that simply won’t hold its grip, then check these fabulous spiral bobbles out. They are phenomenal! Particular handy for gym-ers & swimmers who need a great solution for water or workouts. Available from Claire’s Accessories, Primark, Asda and a whole heap of other local stores!


My Beauty Room


I still give a little ‘EEEEP’ with excitement every time the words ‘Beauty Room’ rolls of my tongue. Having a spare room that was pretty much dormant of use 99% of the time, Steve suggested I use it as a little blogging/makeup haven, as a corner of our bedroom was vastly becoming stock piled with an army of lotions and potions. So with a teeny budget and a lot of hard work we embarked on transforming our little spare room into the fabulous Confetti & Curves sanctuary it is today. Wanna check out the finished results for yourself? Then *Click Here* to take a mini tour!

pink heart

What’s been your favourite picks of the month? Have you got something you’ve been loving over the last 4 weeks that you’d like to share? Whether it be make-up, accessories, beauty, lifestyle, a great book or something totally random? Whatever your thoughts I’d love to read them in the comments below so do pop by and say a quick hello 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

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58 thoughts on “The Lovin’ List: My Top Ten Picks of the Month…

  1. I’m also loving my kindle this month – it’s got more use in the last two months then it had in the entire previous year. I think that could mostly be because of my wi-fi problems but also it’s a sign that I’m recovering from my English degree (turns out studying books means you stop reading for fun).
    And hey, it’s for the good of the economy! If I keep saying that I can justify my stationery purchases endlessly 😀 But those notebooks are lovely! I can see why you hoarded them xD When I have really nice notebooks, I’m usually reluctant to actually use them because I keep thinking ‘but what if I’m using it for the wrong thing and it goes to waste’ which is a really silly thought but not using it is actually the waste!
    And I’ll have to keep an eye out for those wax melts next time I’m out and about.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can totally understand your break from the books Em, I reckon if I was doing an English degree it would take a few years for me to recover. Plus I’m one of these people who can only read what I want, when I want… so if I’m forced/expected to read something it feels like a drag 😦 Great though that our kindles are getting so much use!! I know many people prefer paperbacks over them, but the way I see it is if you’re reading it (either e-reader or paper) it can only be a good thing 😀
      YES! I’m so reluctant to use ne notepads too, it feels like I’m disturbing the prettiness of them… but like you say, the worse thing is thinking that you’re using it for the wrong purpose and then totally regretting it!!!!! lol lol I am SO glad someone else gets this hehe xxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Being forced to read isn’t very fun at all, especially when it’s a genre you have absolutely no interest in whatsoever *cough* the Irish literary revival *cough* 😀 I still love my paperbacks and hardcovers but I reserve them for really pretty books and favourites now. Plus, why spend €15 on one physical books when I can possibly get 4 or 5…or even more, ebooks for the same price! I’m able to support more authors that way 🙂
        Haha, yes! When you have a notebook that’s really pretty you can’t help but think that whatever you put in it will do it a disservice! A lot of people think I’m a bit weird for thinking that but it’s nice to know there are others out there xD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ooooooooooh… that’s a no no 😦 I’m afraid I’d have to swap it for a good Marian Keyes… hence why I’d end up flunking lol I tend to hoard the prettier ones too… or more special books. Emma has lots of childrens ones so it’s nice to keep them on a shelf as they’re so colourful and pretty 😀 You are sooo right with the pricing… and that’s a wonderful way of looking at it Emma! Very thoughtful indeed and a hugely valid point… particularly for those who are self-published!!xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well, if you ever need to force yourself to take a break from reading, try read something like Chaucer in middle English – it’ll definitely make you give up reading for a bit!
        True, there are quite a few good self published authors out there that you’d never know about if it weren’t for cheap Amazon ebooks. Moral of the story…buying books is good for everyone! Except possibly, bank balances…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ohhh flip… so dark and gloomy 😦 Think they need to throw in a bit of humour to break it up lol
        Again – you’re spot on… buying books is a winner all round for sure 😀 Yep, apart from the bank balances.. but who checks them anymore lol lol XXX

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Those hair spirals are super cute and colorful ! 😄 omg… I need to buy that ikea nail polish holder ! It would be perfect .. I have way too many polishes and storing them is such a hassle! I also have the Alex drawer and it’s a life saved, such a great way to organize all our makeup!!!! I can’t wait till I move out lol, I’m totally calling dibs on a spare room as well and making it a beauty room!:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, sounds like you have your next spare room as sussed and you’ll be on an Ikea spree like I was huni lol 😉 go girl!!!!
      Honestly the Ikea shelf is AMAZING for polish display, so good to be able to see them all at once – and I adore the colour co’ordination 😀 That’s the OCD in me peeping through haha If you find the spiral hair bobbles do get one, they are fantastic huni!!! Thanks so much for stopping by, so lovely to get a chatter with you 🙂 Karen xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I LOVE those spiral hair bobbles! They do hold hair so well and I also love that they don’t leave a kink in your hair if you decide to loosen it after having it tied up like normal elastics do.
    Your beauty room looks wonderful! I am heading over to your post about it to see the finished result right now. 😉 That’s so thoughtful of your husband to suggest turning your spare room into a little blogger sanctuary. 🙂 xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nadine they are amazing huni… literally couldn’t be without them now! They’re the only thing that does the job of keeping my hair tied back 😀
      Awwh thank you for the lovely compliment on my new little room… I really do enjoy having it, it’s such a lovely little sanctuary 🙂 Isn’t he a keeper?! hehe Hope you’re having as awesome a weekend as you are lovely XXXXX

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I kept seeing girls with those spiral hair bobbles so I finally got myself some and wow, they ARE really good! I got the Invisibobble ones – they’re pricier but I like that they come with JUST black (I’m boring, what can I say?)

    Great list! I’m envious of your beauty room!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aren’t they awesome?!?! Oooh I was looking for the plain black and couldn’t find any 😦 Everything was bright colours and I love dark colours for my hair! Not boring… just chic huni 😉 Gotta get me a black one!!!
      Awwh thank you for the lovely comment, glad you like it huni 😀 XXXX


  5. Favourited for the next time I need things to add to my ginormous wishlist. Okay, I never NEED anything to my wishlist but I love shopping and buying things. Honestly, who doesn’t? The makeup! The shoes! The bags! The stationery! 😀
    Hatsy xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much lovely lady 😀 Honestly it’s such a fab wee investment Ingrid – I insist you treat yourself to one sometime 😉 hehe
      The spiral bobbles are superb, particularly if you have thick hair that’s hard to stay in regular bobbles! They’re fabulous, and great for swimming/gymming! XXXX


  6. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  7. Love your favorites. Craving is just so lovely, it might be worth braving the MAC counter for.
    Loving the little William Morris trio, his patterns are so beautiful and we share a little obsession on stationary. I have an obsessive need with owning endless notebooks that are too pretty to use.

    xo Anne – Doves & Roses

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so bizarre Anne as when I was taking a piccie fo the notebooks I kept thinking, I bet Anne would think the green one is pretty. She loves green. lol lol
      See, even in things aside from blogging we are twinnies… fabulous 😀 We’re certainly a pair of hoarders in many things lol

      Ps: Craving would look absolutely stunning on you… check it out if indeed you’re brave enough to take a trip to MAC! It’s beautiful, and the ‘Amplified’ formula is awesome 🙂 X

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Omg, so much to love, to see and to obsess about, lol 😀
    I love the notebooks, owls, kindle (Omg) and with these perfect items you put the makeup and polishes (Ahhhh), lol 😀
    Love the Mac shade (wow) ❤
    Great favs fun 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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