The Makeup Revolution Menu: First Impressions…

Makeup Revolution First Impressions Haul

A few months ago I treated myself to a rather sizeable Makeup Revolution haul… you can *Click Here* to check it out if you missed it! Having never tried any of their products before, I was filling the contents of my virtual shopping basket based on two things: blog buddy opinions & my own curiosity. To be perfectly honest, I’ve never been a fan of buying makeup over the internet, simply because I’m one of those curious little individuals that like to swatch half way up my arm, whilst casting a critical eye under the harsh lights of my local drug store. So with fingers firmly crossed & hope in my heart I hit the ‘Buy Now’ button – quietly confident that all really would be as good as what my fellow cosmetic critics had announced. Needless to say, over the weekend I was *finally* able to try out a few of my new purchases whilst sipping over a cup of tea & basking in time to really get to know my new products.

Fancy finding out more about my first impressions of Makeup Revolution? Then get yourself comfy and let’s get started….


Makeup Revolution - face makeup haul

The One Foundation in Shade 1: Okay, so I’d never read a review about this particular foundation, but the description on the website intrigued me enough to take a punt… after all £4 wasn’t going to break the bank if it was an epic fail. Unfortunately though (at the time of ordering) the shade selection wasn’t clear on the website and the colour I choose (shade 1) is literally as white as an Arctic landscape. Having had to mix it with a considerable amount of an alternative everyday-foundation to build up a bit of warmth, I couldn’t honestly say what my final thoughts were. Thankfully though my skin did feel surprisingly velvety soft, however come my next haul I’ll be aiming for shade 4/5 . Review to be continued gals…

Link To Buy:


Focus & Fix Foundation Liquid Concealer: As many of you already know, concealers & I have had a bumpy road this past year. I haven’t reeeeeally found the one that I can honestly say ‘voila – that’s IT!’. However that’s not to say I don’t appreciate the qualities that some of them bring to the beauty table. Focus & Fix is a quite a light weight concealer, and although buildable I have to say my skin almost drank it within a few hours (though that’s no surprise as it does with most things these day). Thankfully this one didn’t sit in my lines and cause that horrid aging effect that most do. If you’re looking for something that’s affordable, brightening and light enough to compliement a light/medium foundation then I’d certainly encourage you to give it a go. What’s there to lose with a price tag of £2?

Link To Buy:


Ultra Blush Palette in Golden Sugar: Having seen a number of reviews of this stunning blush palette from several bloggers I literally couldn’t wait to get my hands on it; and ladies it didn’t disappoint! Hailed as ‘The one you have been waiting for’ on the description, it certainly ain’t far from the truth.

Makeup Revolution - Golden Sugar Blush Palette

What a beautiful selection of creamy, warm and totally wearable bronzers, merged blushers, baked bronzer and 2 merged baked highlighters. Simply gorgeous & incredibly pigmented, for £6 it’s such a bargain.

Link To Buy:



Makeup Revolution - eye makeup haul

5 Baked Eye Shadows in Electric Dreams: I have hunted shelves high & low for that perfect pigmented purple, and just when I thought it wasn’t to be Makeup Revolution save the day with this little beauty. Five glorious colours ranging from soft shimmering lilac to an intense deep purple. These shadows are so intense they almost seem foiled in consistency – particularly when used with a wet brush for an even more striking finish. At £2.50 they are more than worth the investment!

Link To Buy:

Amazing Eyeliner in Stardust: I confess, I very rarely (if ever) wear kohl eyeshadow on my lids but tend to reserve it for my water line when I’m dressing my eyes up for a sassy night out (which, funnily enough, is another rarity). However glitter Kohl liners have always intrigued me and having had a few bad encounters in the past they’ve been something I’ve naturally migrated away from…

MUR Eyeliner pencil

Yet something told me this little guy with the built in sharpener would change all that… thank you intuition – you done me proud!! Such a great liner that works perfectly when smoked out. The flecks of glitter aren’t too intense but not subtle enough to completely disappear depending on how you build or blend it. It didn’t crumble or make me work to get colour payoff. £1 well spent I’d say ladies 😉

Link To Buy:



Makeup Revolution - ultra velour lips

Ultra Velour Lip Cream in Their Eyes Can’t Find Us: A velour matte lip cream with a beautiful wash of colour. From the moment of application I knew I’d fallen head over heels – even the sweet fudge cake smell of the formula is enough to win your heart before it even touches the lips. Okay, so the colour didn’t make it the full 8 hours for me, but with it feeling and smelling so darn good I certainly wasn’t grumbling when it came to re-applying. Available for a jaw dropping £3!

Link To Buy:






Truthfully the quality, affordability, pigmentation and formula of the entire selection is without a doubt WOW. If you’re looking to top up your makeup stash with high quality products that won’t break the bank then I’m pretty sure you’ll be back-flipping with joy when your Makeup Revolution order arrives. Beautifully presented and a great colour payoff, it’s absolutely no surprise that beauty guru’s across the globe are stocking up their cosmetic kits with this fantastic range!

pink heart

Have you tried any of the cosmetic range from Makeup Revolution? If so what’s your opinion, do you have any favourites of your own? Or maybe they’re top of your next ‘Me Spree’?

Whatever your thoughts I’d love to read them in the comments below so do stop by and say a quick hello 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

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49 thoughts on “The Makeup Revolution Menu: First Impressions…

  1. I really want to try some Makeup Revolution products, I’ve heard so many good things about them! You look beautiful as per especially your cheeks! Fingers crosses you’ve found your perfect purples now too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh Laura, I must check out the concealer palette – that’s new to my ears!!! Sounds like something I’d love to try out 🙂 Thanks so much indeed for stopping by huni, such lovely feedback XXXX


    • It really is beautiful huni, cannot recommend this brand enough for their eye shadows, blushes and lippies. Beautiful quality and soooo affordable! I’m pretty sure you’ll fall in love with it when you try it out for yourself 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! XXX


  2. Pingback: Behind The Blog featuring Jessica Anne from The Lawyer Look… | Confetti and Curves

  3. Oh no, this is making me want to do another makeup revolution haul. Love all of your choices, everything looks so pretty (that blush palette!) and the resulting look is great 😀
    xo Anne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Go for it Anne!!! It’s so darn affordable, makes for guilt free treating 😉 hehe So glad you like it huni, and the blush palette is phenomenal – really beautiful 🙂 Thanks so much chum *huge hugs* XXXX


    • I know – isn’t it crazy?! Such a great brand, their products are sooo impressive huni 😀 Keeping fingers crossed you’ll get to treat yourself to one soon enough 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by *hugs* XXX


  4. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  5. Love those purples! 💜 You should also try the Iconic Pro palettes (dupes for the Lorac Pro palettes) and Iconic 1,2&3 (dupes for UD Naked palettes). Never have I seen more dupier dupes! 😉 Love this brand, great review. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I have one of the Iconic palettes huni!!!!!!!! Aren’t they amazing!?!! Must check which one it is but it’s just so beautiful to use – incredible pigmentation. How do they do it??!?! Thanks so much indeed lovely 😀 Glad you enjoyed it *huge hugs* XXXX

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