Behind The Blog… featuring Oh So Dora

Oh So Dora

Morning Chums…

How is everyone this fine September day? It’s all bizz here as I’m preping a few crafty projects that are perfect for fall… I’m sure you’ll all love them as much as I will doing them, however a quick trip to Ikea is essential before I tackle anything so I’m keeping fingers firmly crossed that I’ll get a little creative shopping spree squeezed into the schedule this week! It seems this time of year ignites a whole host of DIY notions as I’ve also taken to organising the house from top to bottom as well as having a maaahoosive clear out in the process. Feeling super renewed for the new season!

However enough of my chatter as it’s time to plump up the cushions on the virtual sofa once again and make room for another sassy young lady to give us a peek behind the scenes. This week I’m joined by the fabulous Dora from Oh So Dora! I’m sure quite a few of you will be only too familiar with her but for those of you who aren’t get yourself over and check out her chic little corner of the interweb… this gal really know how to create a superb mixture of fun filled features to keep us entertained and craving her stash of stunning cosmetics.

In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Beauty, Fashion and occasional Humour.


What inspired you to start blogging?

I’ve been watching beauty vloggers for a long, long time and have always wanted to do that, but, due to a lack of confidence, I didn’t. I found out that a lot of them had blogs and that seemed super fun and less scary. So, one day, I was bored and just thought: ‘You know what? I’m going to start a blog!’ And a few days later, I did. 🙂


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

Oh, that was a process and a half haha. I saw so many people say ‘That’s super important, don’t mess it up!’ I actually spent about 3 days trying to decide which name I should pick and ended up using ‘SoDora’ as I was going to write about stuff that is just… so me. 🙂


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Yes, I do. I actually find that the best thing for me to do in those situations is just to close my laptop and relax, watch some YouTube, light a scented candle, just not think about it. Ideas pop into my head at the most random times and when it’s forced, it’s usually not good. (in my experience)


What’s your favourite post to date? 

I really enjoyed my ‘Types Of Single Girls’ post, as I literally just described my friends and what they do when they’re single haha 😀

And I really enjoyed making my July Favourites as it was something new I tried recently. 😀


Describe your everyday clothes style:

I usually go for a cutesy dress and All Stars.

Or at least I try, sometimes it’s way too cold for that so then it’s just trousers and a sweater, possibly oversized.


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Clinique Chubby Stick (04 or Mega Melon)

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara

Kiko Baked Blush (03 or Wild Mauve)


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I like to take a walk or sit at my balcony – fresh air helps a lot and after that I usually watch some YouTube (there’s going to be a lot of that, just a warning), as I find it’s the best distraction from the stresses – I forget all of my problems and have a giant grin on my face. Sigh,  I love YouTube… hahaha 😀


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

No one yelling or arguing around me, some music playing maybe (preferably  jazz) snuggled up in a duvet, watching YouTube/a movie/writing a post whilst drinking some Choco Banana Coffee and eating chocolate. :3 Oh goshhhh..

Or having a few of my friends over and having a girls’ night in, whoop, whoop!


What do you do to relax?

 I like to do either lay in my bed, with my tablet, doing the things I mentioned above or take a walk/sit on my balcony. 😀


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

I’m a very scared and anxious person, in general, so I think over thinking is one of the worst things.  Unrealistically negative and plainly unnecessary thoughts sometimes get the best of me, but I feel like everyone deals with that occasionally. (or at least I like to tell myself that) Hypochondria also – I could feel a slight twitch in my leg or a little pain in my stomach and my mind would instantly go to the worst possible scenario haha 😀


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I remember hanging out with my best friend in my room and going to school with 2 of my friends (at the time we got a camcorder) – I was basically forcing them to film funny skits, fake commercials and news reports, song covers and random things with me. (yes, both in my room and in public) They  must’ve hated me for it, because I was such an annoying little twat, but still did it, so that’s how you know you have true friends. ;D

Oh, and also preparing pickled cabbage with my grandpa hahaha (it’s not as disgusting as it sounds!)


What was your favourite school subject?

Weirdly enough, I liked Chemistry (or science) and Choir. (that’s an actual subject in music schools)


What’s your dream job?

I’ve been in love with acting and musical theatre since I was a little kiddo, and that would be great, but realistically – a professional makeup artist.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Well, first of all, school. I’ll most likely be out of it by then and hopefully be living in the UK (I’m targeting Brighton haha) with a full time job. By then, I would’ve hopefully started a YouTube channel and finished enough makeup courses to become a professional makeup artist. 🙂 I hope to have a serious relationship by then, you know, find a good boyfriend (I just had to throw that in there!) and keep my current friends/meet some more amazing people.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Live in the UK

Have a pet Fennec Fox (and name it Eevee)

Go on a spontaneous road trip

Start that darn YouTube channel

Have a career successful enough to support myself (and live in the UK hahaha)


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I realised that I don’t really have achievements that big… I mean, I have a few little piano competition prizes, but nothing major. Which is good, that hopefully means that my bigger achievements are still to come. So my answer is I don’t know… yet. 🙂


Who inspires you?

My mother – she’s so strong and whatever she does seems to be a success.  ( might sound cheesy, but it’s true 😀 )

And out of the famous personas: Tina Fey and Zoe Sugg (Zoella)


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

A few, actually:



Dr Seuss


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Here’s 3 of them:

Just start! No one had it figured out in the beginning and it the earlier you start, the earlier you’ll figure it out.

Be yourself. (cheesy, I know, but really!) There are so many people in this world and every single person is different. You’re a beautiful individual and you have a voice, so let it be heard! (wow, that was way too serious haha)

Have fun. 😀 Do it for fun, because you enjoy it. Don’t start to ‘get famous’ or ‘to have millions of followers’. Blogging is so fun and you’ll make so many friends who share the same interests as you. 😀



Tea or Coffee = Coffee

Coke or Pepsi = neither really, but if I had to pick: Pepsi (Twist)

Messy mayhem or Super Organised = I like to think of it as ‘Organised Mess’, but in reality Messy Mayhem.

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Playful Puppy!

Night In or Night Out = Night In

Heels or Flats = Flats

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip Stick, all day, every day!

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick

Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Dora:

Blog: SoDora

Twitter:  @thisbeatiscrack

Instagram: @so.dora


Tumblr: somuchdora

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

23 thoughts on “Behind The Blog… featuring Oh So Dora

  1. Reblogged this on SoDora and commented:

    So, today I have for you a little treat – I had the absolute honor of being featured on the lovely Karen’s ‘Behind The Blog’ series (where she interviews other bloggers) – here is the interview!
    And if you’re not already, you should pop over there and give her a cheeky hello! 😀 Her blog is truly amazing – one of my favourites!

    Also, if you’d like to get involved, all the info will be linked in the post. 🙂

    Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Karen!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwwwh Dora this has made me smile sooooo so much – thank you huni for such a gorgeous intro… beaming from ear to ear 😀 You’re such a gem and it was an absolutely pleasure to feature you… honestly without you guys Behind The Blog wouldn’t be possible so thank YOU. Sending huge hugs – once again it was a treat getting to know you huni 🙂 ❤ XXXXXXX

      Liked by 1 person

      • Awwww, Karen, so much love in one comment section! ^^
        I’m glad I got to at least make you smile, as I am super grateful for everything you do – not just for me, personally, but in general! Your blog is a huge inspiration to me and many other people!
        Thanks for the sweet words! 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

      • You really are the sweetest wee being…. need to take a screen shot of this comment and read it on those crappy days lol Cheer me up instantly!!! 😀 Thank you SOOOO much once again – my heart is melting here ❤ *huge hugs* XXXXXX

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooh Karen, can’t wait to read all about the DIY projets you’re working on – I love those so much! If I had more time and supplies, I’d do them way more often than I do.

    Thank you so much for featuring me! It was such a fun experience! 😀

    Have an incredible day. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Oooh Dora I do love a good crafty little project too hehe 😀 Can’t wait to share them huni! I’m with you on the time… I have a ridiculous amount of craft stuff but the time is super limited!! Need a proper few days to nail some projects 😉 hehe You are SOOO welcome – it was such a pleasure and thank YOU for getting involved huni, it’s been such a blast getting to know you that little bit more 🙂 XXX

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A fun quiz, I feel like know more about you now!

    By the way, you’ve been chosen as one of today’s nine blogs in That’s So Jacob’s Ninth Month Blog Challenge (! I challenge you to find nine blogs you find interesting and give them a comment to brighten their day…well, eight other blogs and mine 🙂 Copy this message in your comment and enjoy your new blog friends!


  4. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  5. Pingback: Happy New Year & Some Very Awesome Bloggers… | Confetti and Curves

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