Behind The Blog… featuring Chloe & Annie from Two Little Owls

Two Little Owls

Hey Beauty Buddies…

Firstly a huuuge thank you to all who stopped by yesterday’s post Simple Design Layout Tips For Your Beauty Blog, the feedback was pretty incredible – so many fantastic comments, emails & messages. That’s the great thing about this community, we’re all on our own virtual learning curve, it’s great to share & discover others valuable little pearls of wisdom picked up along the way. Reading lots of other bloggers comments & suggestions can be a real source of support and encouragement… so thanks y’all for taking the time to stop by and say a quick hello. Much appreciated!

Talking of great blog buddies I have a fabulous duo of talented ladies gracing the virtual sofa this morning as the gorgeous Chloe and Annie stop by to chat about their cute corner of the interweb Two Little Owls! For a gal who’s OBSESSED with owls, I knew instinctively I’d utterly adore these two ladies. If you’re a cosmetic craver, beauty addict, fashion fanatic or simply looking for a fabulous little online haven to check out then get yourself over and say a huge hello. I’ve no doubt you’ll adore them every bit as much as the rest of us do 🙂

Time to grab your cuppa & curl up as we get to meet the girls Behind The Blog…

Chloe and Annie


What inspired you to start blogging?

C: I had been reading blogs for a long time and suddenly decided that I wanted to do it too! I asked Annie and she was down with it… we both got super excited and had set up our blog, email, twitter and instagram within about an hour!

A: I was pretty unaware of the whole blogging world until Chloe mentioned it, and then I was hooked! We both started watching youtubers and reading blogs, and she suggested we go for it – so we did!

Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

C: We were originally twowise owls…but we managed to break that blog so had to start again!

A: And we aren’t sure that we are that wise – so we went with two little owls instead, thought it had a nice ring to it!


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

C: Not really, sometimes I am too lazy to blog? But that is the good thing about running the blog with Annie, when one of us is having a bit of a slump the other can take over for a while! We also keep lots of drafts saved ready for posting emergencies!

A: No – we both share in it together. I’ve had a bit of a manic time since I started my new jobs and struggle to find time to blog as much, and Chloe has done a super good job of taking charge. I know it’ll be my time when Chloe’ s baby arrives though so I’ve been filling my blogging notebook with ideas!


What’s your favourite post to date? 

A & C: I think for both of us it would have to be our post on the Bloggers festival which we attended last September, it was our first proper bloggers event and we absolutely loved it!

The post for which is here:


Describe your everyday clothes style:

C: I love anything sparkly, glittery or slightly strange! I also really hate wearing trousers, so my every day look would be a flowery dress, tights and my doc martens, but when going out you could basically just change that to a sparkly dress!

A: I don’t like anything normal either – give me velvet/floral/lace/crochet/sequins any day of the week and I’ll be happy!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

C: Benefit They’re Real Mascara, Mac Lipstick in Creme Cup and  Clinique Dramaticall Different Moisturising Gel

A: Instablur from The Bodyshop, Kate Moss for Rimmel Lipstick in 03 and Lush Ultrabland.


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

C: Ideally by eating lots of pasta/bread/cheese and having a nap!

A: Hahaha same as Chloe but with a spritzer thrown in (I’m sure she would say the same if she could have a drink!).


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

C: When I wasn’t pregnant this would have been by going out for a few drinks with friends, or by going camping for the weekend. Now my ideal Saturday night involved a Domino’s pizza and being asleep by 8.30~!

A: This is boring but pretty much the same as Chloe (we are friends after all so have the same interests!). Our friendship group is pretty close, our bf’s are basically as bezzie as us so any evening spent with them is a winner for me. Camping is ideal, hopefully without the rain and with a bbq!


What do you do to relax?

C: Watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix all day! I purposely save episodes up so I can have a little marathon when I have had a bad day or need to relax!

A: I’m really into reading at the moment, I’ve always loved it but I’m finding more time for it now. Especially teamed with the hammock in our garden – bliss!


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

C: I am super messy, Annie always gets mad because her house looks like a bomb has hit it when I am round! I literally leave my stuff everywhere and then loose it!

A: (^^^^ this is SO true) my worst habit (and one that makes me super mad), is not being as creative as I used to be. I love sewing and craft projects but I struggle to find the enthusiasm for them now and it makes me so mad!


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

C: I have no idea, I had an amazing childhood and was really lucky. I get on so well with my brothers and sister, and we live on a farm so my whole childhood was pretty fun!

A: Not one in particular – but we used to go caravanning/camping with my aunt, uncle and cousins and my grandparents basically every holiday when we were little and it was the best fun ever.


What was your favourite school subject?

C: It was maths until I got to secondary school and it started getting too complicated! I then loved English, as I have always enjoyed reading!

A: Textiles and Art equally!


What’s your dream job?

C: my dream job is to be a Clinical Psychologist! I am handing in my Masters thesis soon, and then I will be freeeeee!!!! So hopefully after a little break (/having a baby = not a break apparently) I can get a job as an assistant psychologist and then get onto my doctorate!

A: Owing a little tea/antique shop would be perfect.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

C: Hopefully as a clinical psychologist, who still blogs with Annie and loves it!

A: Happily married and starting a family (hopefully!), and obviously running the blog and pushing ourselves to the max with it!


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

C: Have a healthy baby come September, become a clinical psychologist, attend more bloggers events, go to New York and own a Burberry handbag.

A: Get married to the most annoying person in the world (I do like him really), hopefully go to Sweden (?!) for our honeymoon, push myself with blogging, finish working on our house, start a family. Surely that’s all manageable hahaha.


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

C: the past year has been my biggest achievement. I will have finished my masters, bought a house/done it up with L, and had a baby. You can’t get much more productive than that in a year!

A: I’m doing a job I love, I’m with someone I love, I have friends and family around that I love – I’m happy and I think that’s a pretty big achievement!


Who inspires you?

C: my parents. If I am as happy as them when I am 55 I will be a very happy lady.

A: My aunt.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

C: Nope!


A: Not particularly inspirational, but Everything Happens for a Reason!


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

A & C: Just go for it! If its something you really want to do then you will love it, just know it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance, but if you love doing it then it wont seem like a chore!



Tea or Coffee = C: tea, A: neither..


Coke or Pepsi = C: Pepsi, A: neither..


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = C:mixture of both, A: both!


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = C: puppy every time, cats are the devil (apart from Annies), A: cats everytime.


Night In or Night Out = C: night in, A: in I think!


Heels or Flats = C: flats! I am already 5ft10, A: flats 100%


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = C: lipstick every time., A: lipstick


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = C: mmm…neither? More Rock Chick than Pop Princess though, A: same as Chloe!


Paperback or E-book = C: paperback. Nothing better than a real book, A: I do love my kindle for holidays but I also love a proper book!

pink heart

Contact Chloe & Annie



Twitter: twolittleowls1

Instagram: twolittleowlsblog

Bloglovin: twolittleowlsblog

Facebook: twolittleowls

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

Karen signature

25 thoughts on “Behind The Blog… featuring Chloe & Annie from Two Little Owls

  1. Pingback: Behind the Blog Feat Confetti and Curves | twolittleowlsblog

  2. So lovely to meet you ladies! I’m actually thinking about going into counseling, so I would be taking many of the courses Chloe covered for Clinical Psychology (and congrats on getting ready to hand in that thesis!). I’ll be popping over to visit the two little owls very soon!
    Jessica xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Such a lovely message to read Jessica – just had to gate-crash your message and say a quick hello! Amazed at how much we all have in common as I too completed qualifications in counselling however I now work in the local hospital Clinical Psychology Department – seems we’ve a keen interest in the workings of the mind! lol Hope you’re keeping well, thanks for stopping by 🙂 X

      Liked by 1 person

    • Awwh thank you so much Nihadd – I just love getting to know all you fab bloggers a little bit better so it’s lots of fun to feature… and of course if it helps other bloggers connect then that’s even better 😀 Hope you’re keeping well lovely XXX

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  4. Pingback: Happy New Year & Some Very Awesome Bloggers… | Confetti and Curves

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