Fizzy Berry Nails…

Blackberry Coloured Nails

I seem to be going through a bit of a polish infatuation at the moment. Updating my collection with fabulous fusions of pretty seasonal shades and glittering top coats is what’s really exciting me for fall. I literally go weak at the knees for anything sparkly and this week I have yet another little polish partnership that I’ve fallen madly in love with. Check it out gals, are you swooning as much as I am over it?

Collection blackberry
I should begin by mentioning that like any deep coloured polish I started by applying a clear base coat to help prevent staining. Once dried it was time to break out the fun stuff! This week I’ve opted for shade no. 14 Blackberry  from Collection 7 Day Wear Range.

Priced at only £1.99 this is such pocket friendly polish & boasting a 7 day wear it should last a little longer than a standard varnish. After trying it out by itself (2 coats with no glitter top coat) I only managed to get 4 full days before I noticed any chipping… maybe I’m just a ferocious typer who causes havoc to her dressed up digits?!However thankfully after applying my sparkly top coats it lasted much longer… but we’ll get to that in a minute!

The formula of the Collection polish is actually quite a nice consistency, it’s not too runny however with being such a deep colour it needs at least two coats to banish any streaks or patches. Naturally, the more costs applied the darker the result. Fear not though ladies, for in natural daylight (and after a good day’s wear) the colour settles quite a bit and becomes a beautiful rich berry tone that is super pretty and a distinctively rich-plum shade.

*Click here to visit Superdrug for more info on this product range*

When I spotted this glittery little glass ball of goodness in shade 889 Amethyst Dust from Miss Sporty,  I knew it would be the perfect complimentary top coat to adding some sassiness to my Collection Blackberry colour. The consistency of this polish is actually quite runny however the plus side being that it dries relatively quickly. You will need to build up quite a few layers to really pack a punch with this glitter. I opted for 3 layers which might seems a lot but the results are incredible & it lasts a good 7-10 days providing you maintain it well – for £1.99 it’s well worth the pocket money. I find using a really good nail & hand cream daily helps to prolong the lifespan and keep my nails looking glossy and bright!

*Click here to visit Superdrug for more info on this product range*



Fizzy Berry Nails

Overall this perfect partnership of polishes will set you back under £5 for a sparkly fall look that lasts all week long. Not a bad investment, eh ladies?
pink heart
Don’t forget to check out last weeks post: Fall Inspired Rose Gold Nails especially if glittery golds & coppers are what makes your little heart flutter! Yet another stunning combo 🙂

Do you have favourite polish at the moment? What are your thoughts on my Fizzy Berry nails? As always don’t forget to say a quick hello in the comments below. Have a great weekend y’all!

Cheerio Chums…

Karen signature

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This post is not sponsored, nor does it contain affiliate links – all views expressed are my own.


81 thoughts on “Fizzy Berry Nails…

  1. I hear sparkling,shimmering splendid! So, I’m here. 😀
    I haven’t check it out those Maybelline ones you introduced and now here you go with the other? Why you’re so bad Karen! 😀
    As I’ve mentioned on my blogs, nail polish is the only one that could break my rules on shopping. So, tehee, found a loophole!
    Sad though that this couple isn’t available here but just so got me inspired to do my little huntings with somewhat similar to these. Well the color per se but your top coat? Aaah!!
    I just wonder what you use to take them off, in a very easy way. Any tips? Because it’s one of my bo-boo’s when wearing polish of such.

    Liked by 2 people

    • lol lol A little magpie just like moi 😀 haha I have to admit I’m starting to get a little roped into it myself now… soooo many gorgeous colours, I had to have another little spree after work today!! *tut tut*
      Oh I don’t use anything other than regular nail polish remover… however seeing as I end up with so many layers it usually just peels off very easily 😀 However Anne from Doves & Roses mentioned a little tip for glitter polish… if you sandwich everything between a clear top coat and a clear base coat it comes off very easily!! Maybe give that a go huni? XXX

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh yes, Corinne I’ve been there myself huni – trial and error on my behalf lol I only wear a base with dark colours or very vibrant shades though – anything else just gets applied as it is 😀 Why thank you lovely lady, I’m so glad you like them… just wish you could see how awesome the sparkle is in real life! It’s fabulous 🙂 Have a super weekend xxxxx


    • You know what, I’m thinking I love them even more too Anne – and I was majorly in love with the rose gold, but these are just sooooo beautiful! Wish you could see them in reality, the colours are fantastic! Yep, well on top of the Christmas must wear list 😉 hehe Have a super weekend chummy *hugs* XXXXX

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hope your weekend is going well hun because mine has been a bit frustrating so far…Ikea messed up my sofa delivery so I am now surrounded by massive boxes I cannot put together because something is missing. Pff here’s to hoping you had a better one!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Awwwk no Anne – that is so utterly frustrating and disheartening… sorry to hear that huni! So annoying to be looking forward to something and then it totally useless due to some eejits mistake. Fingers crossed Ikea’s customer service is top notch!! Wish I was there to steal you way for a lunch date to help cheer you up for a little while! Keep me posted on the progress!!! XXX

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for cheering me up 😀
        Their service started off really bad (some one said three to four weeks and I might have had a little tantrum) but they have now promised it will be delivered this afternoon. Lying in wait at the door as we speak.
        Really love the idea of lunch together, I might have to plan a trip to ireland and accidentally stop by!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well done you!!! Isn’t it so annoying to have to throw a tantrum to get it sorted pronto? Why couldn’t they have offered that in the first place?!?! *dramatic sigh* Grrr. You can stop by for as long as you like on a trip to Ireland 🙂 In fact I think it would be safe to say the guest room would be occupied for a number of days let alone lunch!! lol More than welcome any time Anne!
        So glad you got the delivery sorted… hope it has arrived and you’re arrived perched comfortably chum hehe XXX

        Liked by 1 person

      • I know, proper customer service seems to have slipped a lot lately. Sitting on it very happily right now 😀
        Oh you are too nice blogging twin! Sounds like it would be a blast ♥
        xx Anne

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The sparkles drew me to the post!! And of course you posting it 🙂 I love these nails and the color. It’s like a party on your nails. It’s so fun to be creative with the polish color and design scheme. Very, very nice!!! 🙂 xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Base coat is important. Sometimes I get lazy and then later I’m regretting the stain polish leaves behind! Your rose gold polish has my heart fluttering for sure. Going out today to find it!!!! Hahahaha. Thank you for sharing! Cheers, Koko:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Another gorgeous Mani!! I love it Karen! ❤ I am so terrible at doing my own nails! You're so good at it! I have a beautiful fall shade of nail polish that I got in my Ipsy bag from Formula X but will have to wait to use it until I move back because all my packages and goodies are being sent to my Mom's house until I can pick them up. I figured I don't need any extra products to just pack up lol. I have no polish on my nails right now and I just have a nude pink shade on my toes. So how are you doing? Any fun plans for the weekend? 🙂 XXXXX Sorry just had to get in a little chit-chat! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

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