Behind The Blog…. featuring Dasha from Windy City Wardrobe

Windy City Wardrobe
Happy Thursday Beauty Buddies…
I’ve been trying my best to get a few earlier nights this past week and I have to say it’s done the world of good as much to my hubby’s shock I literally sprung out of bed this morning at 5:45am ready to tackle another productive day of manuscript work… why am I suddenly humming the theme tune to murder she wrote?!
However, before I break into another nostalgic writing tune or (worse still) wander onto E-bay to indulge in a vintage typewriter, it’s time to get cracking with yet another Behind The Blog *woo hoo*
As always, if you’re new to Confetti & Curves (friendly wave) and not entirely sure what Behind The Blog is all about *click here* to bring yourself up to speed – you may even find yourself getting involved, and why the heck not?!
So today’s gorgeous gal originally hails from Oklahoma *refraining from breaking into song*  but has made her home in one of my dream cities to visit – Chicago! If you haven’t already taken a virtual trip over to Dasha’s fashion inspired blog Windy City Wardrobe, please do take a few moments to check it out. This girl has curves in all the right places and really knows how to rock an outfit or two. As well as a dedicated fashion blogger, Dasha’s also a personal stylist who helps create the perfect look for every individual body shape and personality type – what a handy chum to have on a night out! 😉
Anyways do pop over and check Windy City Wardrobe for yourself, but not before finding out a little more about the girl Behind The Blog…
Dasha windy city wardrobe
In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:
Journey of fashion, photography, prose
What inspired you to start blogging?
My love for all things beautiful and the lack of commercial exposure to affordable fashion for a variety of shapes, colors, and genders pulled me into blogging.
Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?
I currently live in Chicago and the art and culture has significantly influenced my style. Each season is starkly different than the last in terms of temperature, precipitation, color, and humidity which requires a full wardrobe for each season. Chicago is also known as the windy city. Therefore, Windy City Wardrobe was born.
Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?
I’m new to blogging so I still have so much to say from my initial brain storming phase so I haven’t had my first bout of bloggers block.
What’s your favorite post to date?
Its In The Bag is my favorite so far.
Describe your everyday clothes style:
My everyday is the style featured on my blog minus the heels. I am a true city girl which involves a lot of walking, buses, trains, etc so that requires cute and comfortable shoes.
What are your current top 3 beauty items?
Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Night Cream
Revlon Colorstay for combination skin
MAC plushglass in the color posh it up
How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?
I vent about my day with family and friends, watch one of my favorite shows, indulge in retail therapy, and explore the city.
Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?
I dye my hair every 2 months.
What’s your most cherished childhood memory?
One Saturday like any other my nanny (grandmother) took me shopping, but on this particular Saturday so many dresses caught my eye and each one I tried fit as if it were custom made. As I began putting them back on the rack she inquired if I liked them to which I replied yes, i love them but where would i go in those dresses? My nanny’s response was if you love them get them and wear them anywhere. So I did. I wore them to banquets, church, school and that vey same year I wore one to her funeral. I still shop with that same mentality and I only buy items I love.
What was your favorite school subject?
English was my favorite because I loved writing essays.
What top 5 things are on your bucket list?
Visit at least one city or town in each state in the U.S
complete a walkathon
publish a book
vacation on an exotic island
work for myself
What’s your biggest achievement to date?
It’s definitely finding my better half, marrying her and maintaining a happy marriage.
Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

-Benjamin Franklin


“I like my money right where I can see it…hanging in my closet.”
-Carrie Bradshaw



What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?
Decide the focus of your blog. Visit blogs that regularly post on the same topic and play close attention to what you do and don’t like about the blog. Ask yourself what you can offer an audience and give it your best. Make sure you are an active member of the blogging community. You have to love blogging; not just your blog. Improve the blog as you go along don’t wait theres no time like the present; good luck!
Tea or Coffee = Both but if I’m forced to choose I’ll take coffee.
Coke or Pepsi = Neither
Messy mayhem or Super Organized = Super Organized
Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Playful Puppy
Night In or Night Out = Night In
Heels or Flats = Flats
Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Both; I apply lipstick then lipgloss
Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Neither
Paperback or E-book = Paperback
pink heart
Social Media Contact Details/Links including blog address:

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog to feature in Behind The Blog then do get in touch via our contact page by clicking  *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading and of course do say hi in the comments below… we always enjoy a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves 🙂

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