The Blog Makeover: A Whole New Look for Confetti & Curves…


Confetti & Curves Logo On Background White

I can’t believe it’s been 18 months from I launched Confetti & Curves. As many of you will wholeheartedly sympathise, it’s surprisingly nerve shredding putting yourself out into the big wide blogisphere. Granted I’d had a teeny bit of experience with a previous blog that I dabbled with once or twice a month, but nothing to the extent of what I’m doing now. Over the space of a year and a half I’ve met countless fantastic blog buddies, worked with some fabulous brands, tripled my wish list, set up a YouTube channel, have watched a video boom to almost 400K views (and counting), have been supported daily by so many regular readers, and best of all I’m STILL loving the learning curve of it. Blogging is one of the most exciting creative journeys I’ve been on. I’ve adored every moment of it – yep, even the occasional drizzle of ‘bloggers block’ has been a bizarre and enjoyable challenge. However, when you pour your heart into something you adore so much the testing times become irrelevant very quickly!

Being a proud blog mama though, you know when it’s time for a change. As much as I love my little virtual haven just the way it is, I feel like I’m ready to give it a bit of a make-over… especially as it’s hosted so many makeover’s of my own face!! During the past few weeks I’ve spent some time rolling up my sleeves and getting creative with branding & design. Oddly enough it’s felt like I’ve been redecorating a sacred part of my home. I’ve had mental mood boards and spent many cups of tea deliberating over colour schemes… including all those little accessories that are so important to the finishing touches ( aka = the widgets!!)

FINALLY today is the day I can throw my hands in the air, perform a ritualistic happy dance & declare the transformation complete *excited air punch* The new design feels crisp, clean, minimal, a little chic but still a tad playful – pretty much everything I’ve aimed to encapsulate. Even down to the little widgets on the side wall, everything blends, feels comfy and has a harmonious mood for me… don’t worry I won’t start humming loudly whilst trying to contort myself into one of those pretzel shaped yoga poses!

So for those of you who are used to the old branding & graphics, it’s certainly a little bit different to what it was before but I really hope y’all like the new changes as much as I do.

pink heart

Thanks so much for an amazing 18 months of support, encouragement & friendship! You guys rock the socks off blogging 😀

Cheerio Chums…

Karen signature

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77 thoughts on “The Blog Makeover: A Whole New Look for Confetti & Curves…

    • Hey huni, congrats on your new blog!!! Starting out is SOOO exciting (and a bit nerve wrecking too if truth be told) the community on here is amazing so you’ll feel the love very quickly 😀 What a super encouraging comment – that really is so lovely, can’t thank you enough! Wishing you all the best on your blogging journey… can’t wait to check it out 🙂 Karen xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so muchhh! I’m so thrilled an established blogger is replying! Yes, the community here has been so incredibly supportive. Do you have any tips for new lifestyle writers? xo


    • Awwwh Chanelle, thank you SO much – that’s really lovely to read huni 🙂 I sure did do them myself, thought I might as well seeing as I’ve all the art packages going to waste lol Hope you had a lovely weekend chum, always great to get a wee chatter with you 🙂 XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

      • Why thank you – I shall remind my hubby of that next time I take onw of my ditzy moments (which are a recurring theme here lol) Yep, weekend was grand but like you the weather wasn’t great 😦 Damp & cold for spring… typical Irish weather *sigh* XXX

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hey lovely lady!!! Thank you so much, such an encouraging comment Lucie 🙂 You’re a wee gem! Really chuffed you like it, was getting a little tired with the old one… time to redecorate lol xxx


  1. Wow hun (WOW) ❤
    I love the new look so much. It's so pretty, clean and sooo inspiring 🙂 ❤
    I am still working on my images and how to style the new look I am thinking off. It's such a hard work hun so HUGE congrats to you for finishing and how amazing it looks ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you SO much Galit, you are always so blooming encouraging!!! Chuffed to bits you like it, just felt it needed a little uplift 😀 It really is hard work getting it how you’re trying to visualise it – but bes tot let the creativity take its course than rush anything you’re not entirely happy with 🙂 Really looking forward to seeing yours in the future, it’ll be wonderful with you behind it!!! 🙂 xxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Karen! The new look is fantastic! It’s crisp but still you in the sense that it still has that element of fun. 🙂 It looks beautiful without looking forced. It’s perfect! You did a wonderful job! xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Dini, that really means so much coming from you huni ❤ Just nice to have a little change with the decor, I've seen the same virtual walls every day for 18 months now and need a changed lol lol Can you believe it's been THAT long since we started?!?! Craaazzzy!! XXXXXXX

      Liked by 1 person

    • Awwh thank you Mil, I’m so glad you like it lovely 😀 Always super encouraging to read such awesome feedback – kinda makes me wanna breath a sigh of relief in some aspects lol lol Hope you had a wonderful weekend & are keeping as well as can be… popping over shortly to say a quick hello with your online haven too Mil 🙂 XX

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yayyyy, it looks really nice. Not just nice, really, really nice! We’ve been blogging the same amount of time I think. You said 18 months; I think I did as well. But I don’t remember to be exact. I don’t even remember what I did a few days ago. You and your blog are just too damn awesome! Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this new design- it’s definitely a very nice transition! I love the new widgets on the sidebar and the peachy coloured theme (I’m assuming) you’re going for- very nice and I love the new header! What was the font you used? It’s very nice!
    Hatsy xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwh thank you lovely lady – I’m so glad you like it!!! Yes, a peachy pink is what I aimed for but with monitor/screen resolutions who knows what colour it is lol lol
      I *think* the font is call tiny bird or little bird. It’s lovely isn’t it? Very sweet 😀 XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aloha beautiful,

    I just came across your blog so I am not familiar with how it used to look but I LOVE your design and it def looks fresh, playful and inspiring. Congrats for all your achievements. You go girl!! I am looking forward joining you on your journey .-)

    I just recently started my blog where I will write about my 60lbs weight loss journey (and hopefully motivate and inspire you to become the healthiest and strongest you :-)) beauty, fitness, different places around the world and different types of cuisines.

    I would love to see you on my blog and being part of my journey:-)

    Check it out and follow me if you are interested:-)

    My last blog post is about how I, being half French half German – living in Australia for 4 years – ended up living in Hawai’i:-)

    Hawai’i – the islands that have captured my heart!

    Leave me a comment and I would love to chat:-)

    Have a lovely day!

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello lovely 🙂 So nice to hear from you and thank you so much indeed for leaving such an encouraging comment – that’s very sweet to read!!!
      Congratulations on your blog and the new healthier you! That sounds a wonderful read and I certainly have it book marked to get over very soon to check it out!!! Just followed so hopefully I catch all in the news feed too (when I get a chance to check it that is lol)
      Thanks again for stopping by, and looking forward to reading all about your journey too 🙂 Karen xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much, Karen! I truly appreciate your support. I love when women empower and encourage each other!
        I am looking forward on getting in contact and exchanging ideas through our blogs.
        Wishing you all the best (it is amazing, that you are doing so well!!)

        Have a lovely day!


        Liked by 1 person

      • Me too Claudia – so much better to build each other up huni, we all need the support and encouragement of each other!!! Thank you so much indeed for the lovely well wishes, that is incredibly kind of you – and of course I wish the very same for you too huni. It’s a pleasure meeting you – always a treat finding new blog buddies to chatter & enjoy the blogging journey with! *huge hugs* XXXXX

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Behind The Blog featuring Carrie’s Beauty Pouch… | Confetti and Curves

  7. Congrats on the 18 month anniversary! It made me realise we started around the same time so mine must also be about that age…weird. Time has just flown by.
    Love the new look and I am so happy to have met you through blogging!
    Big virtual hugs
    Anne – Doves & Roses

    Liked by 1 person

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