Behind The Blog…. featuring Jo from Eclectic Feel

Eclectic Feel

Hey Beauty Buddies,

I hope you’re all settled snugly with your usual hot toddy in hand ready for another fun filled Behind The Blog? If not get that kettle flicked and curl up in your comfiest chair for a quick meet & greet of yet another awesome blogger!

As always, if you’re new to Confetti & Curves (friendly wave) and not entirely sure what this virtual shenanigans is all about *click here* to bring yourself up to speed – you may even find yourself getting involved. Why the heck not?!

So today we have the deliciously diverse Jo from her mighty blog Eclectic Feel joining us. If you haven’t already stopped by her sizeable slice of the interweb then get yourself over pronto peeps, she really is a blogging gem.

Jo is the proud parent of one of the most varied blogs I’ve stumbled across since launching Confetti & Curves… when I say there’s something gracing her pages for everyone I literally do mean it. Eclectic Feel really is a virtual haven jam packed with interesting articles, features, news and reviews.

So without further ado here’s the lovely lady herself to give us all a little more insight to the girl Behind The Blog…

Eclectic Feel 1

In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Eclectic – art, photography, fashion, mindfulness


What inspired you to start blogging?

I wanted a place where I could be free to be my real self, and which could be a creative outlet.

Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

I knew I wanted something that celebrated the unusual, the different, self expression…and I LOVE the MGMT song Electric Feel!


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Well I’m still quite new to this. So far I seem to have a LOT of ideas which I then list as draft posts, but I seem to then just come up with more new ideas rather than finishing the old ones! the joys of being eclectic and having a rubbish attention span!


What’s your favourite post to date?

“3 Emergency Online Stress-busters” – it was a post that I hadn’t got a clue I was going to write until that moment and the words just fell out of me as fast as I could write. People seemed to like it, hopefully because I was being very open and honest and it was very positive. If only I could repeat that whenever I wanted 🙂


Describe your everyday clothes style:

Eclectic boho hipster rock chick!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Refining Moisture Cream complex

Benefit The Porefessional

Guerlain Shalimar eau de parfum


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

Doing blog-related stuff! Also singing and playing my guitar.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Dinner, a couple of Gin and Lemonades, and watching a movie at my local cinema, which is really atmospheric and historic, and has been going since 1937.


What do you do to relax?

Have a nice hot bath.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

Not getting my gel nails removed professionally…gaa, that’s so bad!


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

A family camping holiday to Glen Nevis in Scotland – campfire dinners, playing “Block 123” and swimming in the river every day!


What was your favourite school subject?

English Literature and Geography.


What’s your dream job?

Being a singer and musician…or a full-time blogger of course!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Having a bit more money, some kids, and remaining wrinke-free!


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Visiting the family I sponsor in Uganda, we have a really close bond.

Having children

Travelling to all 50 American states (I’m on 11 at the mo)

Going to South America

Taming my rescued Welsh Mountain pony Tarren. he lives at my parent’s animal sanctuary, he had a terrible start in life (he’s 1 year old) and he’s a wild teeny tiny terror! So far I can feed him from my hand and brush his mane if I can dodge his hooves. I would like to be able to brush and play with him like My Little Pony!


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

My career…Boring answer! Driving through rush-hour Philadelphia in a Dodge Avenger.


Who inspires you?

Stevie Nicks.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

Yes it’s the header on my blog! “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” – Coco Chanel.


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Set up all of your blog-associated social media accounts before you start the actual blog. Use the same strong image as your avatar for all so that you are establishing a brand. Use your social media accounts to get a feel for what you want to write about and what catches people’s interests. Once you start blogging, reach out and engage with the blogger community. They are an amazingly supportive bunch aren’t they Karen? 🙂

*They sure are Jo, the best in fact 😉 – Karen*



Tea or Coffee = Coffee


Coke or Pepsi = Diet coke


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super organised


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Cute kitten like my cat Dolly Parton!


Night In or Night Out = Night in


Heels or Flats = Heels where practical!


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss =Lip Gloss


Rock Chick or Pop Princess =Rock Chick


Paperback or E-book = I’m half and half at the moment.

pink heart

Contact Jo: 

Don’t forget: If you would like your blog to feature on Behind The Blog then do get in touch via our contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading and of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves 🙂

Karen signature

41 thoughts on “Behind The Blog…. featuring Jo from Eclectic Feel

    • You’re so very welcome – you have such a great blog, I hope everyone enjoys it every bit as much as I do!! That’s wonderful you’ve met some new blog buddies too… mission accomplished hehe *hugs* 😀 XXX

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Reblogged this on eclectic feel and commented:
    Today I am very proud and excited to be featured on “behind the blog” over on Confetti and Curves. For those of you who haven’t come across Karen and her blog before, she is literally one of the most amazing, supportive and inspirational bloggers out there. Thanks Karen! Jo x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwwh Jo, I cannot thank you enough for such kind words, this has made my day!!! It really is my absolute pleasure, without all you awesome bloggers getting involved it wouldn’t be possible to share – so thank YOU 🙂 Love reading as many of my blog buddies posts as possible, it’s such an encouraging and positive community here on WP!!
      So good to get to know you that little bit better, keep up the amazing blogging work lovely ❤ XXX

      Liked by 1 person

    • Awwwh thank you so so much Amanda for leaving such an encouraging and supportive compliment – that really has made my day 🙂 Thanks again for stopping by lovely – hugely appreciated, Karen ❤ XXX

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Happy New Year & Some Very Awesome Bloggers… | Confetti and Curves

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