Behind The Blog… Featuring Anne from Doves and Roses

Behind The Blog with Doves and Roses

Hello lovelies…

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! This morning brings our 3rd Behind The Blog interview *yippee* however if you’re not sure what’s it’s all about then *click here* to find out more & how to participate!

Today I’m featuring the lovely Anne from Doves and Roses. If you haven’t already checked out her blog out, do pop over and say hi – she’s a super friendly gal who has an addiction to beauty, organic skincare and nail polish *don’t we all eh?!* I’ve known Anne for a number of weeks now and can honestly say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed catching up with all of her articles and find her such an encouraging and interactive person. So without further ado here’s more about the lady herself…

Anne Doves and Roses

In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

All things beauty!

What inspired you to start blogging?

Reading beauty blogs became one of my favourite hobbies over the last year or two. It is relaxing, inspiring, and very helpful: the tips and tricks I have picked up have improved the way my makeup looks and organic skincare has made my skin look better than ever. I decided to give blogging a go to share the love and the experience has certainly been very rewarding so far.

Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Not so far, but then I am relatively new at blogging and still have a lot of ideas. I do like to experiment with new topics, I recently tried out a travel tips post for example.

What’s your favourite post to date? *Please include link*

My post describing my nightly skincare ritual and briefly reviewing the products I currently use *Click here to read* 

I think creating and sticking to this ritual religiously and using organic skin care products wherever possible has really made an incredible difference for the condition of my skin, and I really hope sharing this on my blog may inspire others.

Describe your everyday style:

Lately, I have been suffering from a knitwear obsession: mainly beautiful finely knitted tops in a vintage style for work or chunky knitted long cardigans in my spare time.

What are your current top 3 beauty items?

1) Trilogy Organic Rosehip Oil

2) Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre in 20 Clair – Translucent

3) Essence Stays No Matter What waterproof eyeliner pen

How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I am a true couch potato: I love sitting down at night and relaxing with a cup of tea and my favourite tv show (currently the Walking Dead). If it has been really stressful, I also enjoy doing a bit of Body Balance – a combination of yoga, pilates, and tai chi – at my gym.

Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Relaxing dinner with friends, followed by a trip to a nice pub/Belgian beer care/cocktail lounge. A great excuse to dress up and play around with makeup.

What’s your favourite junk food snack?

Ice-cream: peanut butter or mint chocolate chip (see the next question 😉

Everyone has their hidden bad habits, what’s yours?

Ice-cream! I love the stuff way too much and whenever I have had a really bad day I reward myself with a tub of ice-cream which I eat in a single go while lounging on my couch (yes, there is that couch again).

What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

Family holidays, it is a little difficult to pick one particular moment! I vividly remember an outing to Bastogne (Belgium) with my parents and little brother, where we accidently ordered really large ice-creams and ended up with ice-cream and chocolate sauce all over our faces – and some awesome photos.

What was your favourite school subject?

History! I have always loved the way history tells stories and connects you to past people and events. I just wish our high school curriculum would have discussed a bit less World War 2 and a bit more fascinating non-European history.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would love to be a mum! I recently welcomed my first niece, an amazing experience which made me realise that, whatever else happens, I hope I will one day be lucky enough to become a parent myself.

-What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

1) Living in London

2) Hiking the Coast to Coast Walk in Scotland

3) Writing a book

4) Road tripping along the pan-American highway

5) A course in nature/landscape photography

Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

Perhaps not very inspirational, but whenever I feel a bit insecure I read this quote from Ricky Gervais: “The best advice I’ve ever received is, ‘No one else knows what they’re doing either’.”

Name 3 things that’s top of your Christmas list:

1) Diorskin Star Foundation

2) Estee Lauder Private Collection Jasmine White Moss

3) Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer

What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Spend a bit of time setting up your blog and all social media before going live, be organised and plan out your posts ahead, always bring paper or a notebook to jot down ideas for posts, but above all have fun!


Tea or Coffee = Tea


Coke or Pepsi = Coke


Salad Cream or Mayo = Mayo


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Kittens all the way


Night In or Night Out = Night In


Heels or Flats = Heels


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lip Stick (Red!)


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick


Paperback or E-book = E-Book



Twitter: @Annedovesroses


 If you would like to participate in Behind the Blog please either leave your details below or get in touch via *here* I’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to say hi in the comments below…

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