The Dance Festival…

I know, I know, not a lipstick swatch or mascara wand in sight today – which I must say is very unusual for a beauty blogger HOWEVER as you’s all know from time to time I love to share little snippets of my personal with with y’all considering so many of you have become great blog buddies and just darn right lovely people to write to. Not to mention the fact that I’m far too excited, chuffed, thrilled and proud not to pay homage to what happened last weekend.

So for those of you who aren’t already filled in on the latest shenanigans, my little girl Emma enrolled in a local Irish dancing class last September and needless to say has absolutely adored every moment of it. To be honest I was a bit sceptical a few years ago as to how her health would progress after being diagnosed with Scoliosis (double curve in her spin) Of course being a feisty little Irish lady she hasn’t by any means let it get the better of her and although from time to time she does feel winces of discomfort from it on the whole she’s enjoying life to the full and seemingly winning trophies and medals for her efforts in dancing along the way. So, today my amigos I’ve compiled a little snippet of her very first dance festival that was held on Saturday. There’s also some bonus footage of her dance adjudicator (who’s a pro from Lord of The Dance) at the end of the video for y’all to feast your peepers upon too. How quick is his legs?!?! He’s like lightening!

Emma and Connor

As always I’ll be back once again with my usual beauty uploads next week but for today why not take a few minutes to check out Emma’s first Irish dancing performance and show her some love by leaving a little howdy in the comments below. She’s love to hear from y’all. Hope you enjoy it guys!

Don’t forget, you can subscribe to the Confetti & Curves YouTube channel by *clicking here* so you never miss a future upload!

Cheerio Chums…

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Behind The Blog featuring Tara from Dancing Through Life…

Dancing Through Life

Hey Beauty Buddies…

Firstly, a huge thank you to all who checked out yesterdays post 100 Blog Post Ideas for Beauty Bloggers, I’m beyond chuffed so many of you found it useful… I know I’ll certainly be using it to keep me topped up on blog ideas over the coming year!

However onto today’s post as I introduce y’all to an incredibly talented young lady as the gorgeous Tara from Dancing Through Life joins us for a chatter on the virtual sofa! I’m sure as you can already guess from Tara’s pic, she’s a ballet dancer with a passion for wowing audiences with her fancy foot work… and of course her blog is crammed full to the brim with posts that reflect her artistic spirit & craving to stay as healthy as possible!

So if dancing, lifestyle and health matters sound like your kinda read then why not pop over and say a quick hello, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy getting to know all about Tara that little bit better, but of course not before we’ve taken a peek Behind The Blog…


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Lifestyle, ballet, nutrition & medical awareness.


What inspired you to start blogging?

When I started blogging in 2013 I primarily kept it about ballet because that was my huge passion at the time. Lots of what I had learnt could not be found online so I started my blog to share my knowledge. As I got older and my blog grew, I branched out to adding life lessons I feel that my readers should learn, nutrition posts, workouts, interviews with other dancers and awareness for causes I’m an advocate for.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

I am also big on Broadway musicals, Wicked being my favourite. People are always telling me I “dance through life” which also happens to be the name of a song from Wicked. I thought it was rather fitting with my personality and blog theme.


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Sometimes yes. Not so much when I’m writing a post, but more like what to post when. Due to being in college now, I don’t have time to write a new post every week so I pre-write lots of posts during holidays and whenever I have spare time. I always have trouble deciding which “series” of my blog I should post when, the spacing between posts and all.


What’s your favourite post to date? 

It’s a tough choice between the post I wrote about why mental health is a public concern, or my most recent life lesson, which is about strategies for Empaths.


Describe your everyday clothes style:

If I’m at home, I’m in PJ pants and a tee shirt. But when I go out I try to look effortlessly put together. I classify my style as girly with an edgy twist. I love pairing florals with a black jacket and heels.


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

My Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation in Medium Sand. As expensive as it is, it suits my skin tone perfectly and is easily buildable. I love how you don’t need much to cover your entire face.

I also am loving Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara. It makes my eye lashes look HUGE which I really like.

My number one beauty product is my NARS matte lipstick in Curella. It doesn’t bleed on to my skin which I love and it’s a gorgeous color.


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

I’ve just started to get into taking walks around my neighbourhood. It feels so invigorating to feel the cold air on my face and to smell the earth after a rainfall. I’ll walk listening to music on my phone. I go into my little bubble where all the stresses around me slowly disappear.

If I don’t have time to take a walk then I’ll take a bubble bath, diffuse lavender oil in my bathroom and listen to piano music.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

It honestly depends on my mood. I love getting all glammed up to go out with friends for dinner but I also love staying in my bed with my cat while watching Grey’s Anatomy, Game of Thrones or Downton Abbey.


What do you do to relax?

I do a stretching/yoga routine for an hour every night. Lavender oil diffusing, piano music and a dark room relaxes me. It’s also the time when I can really think about things. I’ve done lots of problem solving while sitting in the splits before bed.

I also love reading so I’ll also read before bed. Again, reading takes me out of my reality and into the book. It’s a good break from real life.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

This bad habit of mine shocks everyone I meet. I have a pretty dirty mouth. I used to curse a lot when I was in school but I had to learn how to filter out my language when I was in dance class because I was always the oldest by three years there.

I don’t curse as often anymore but when I do I’m usually angry or upset. It freaks everyone out…and makes me laugh.


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

I don’t have one in particular. I loved the India trip my family and I went on in 2008, I loved all the dance performances I was in as well as all the performances I would do at home. The most recent ones I cherish was winning 1st overall at my first national competition. I was 15 at the time and never expected to win so it was a huge shock and honour for me. The other one was Prom my Senior year. I ended up going to the Prom at my old school because the Prom my school had was crazy expensive. The one I went to was very small, maybe fifty of us total. We had dinner there and learned how to swing dance. I knew lots of people there so it was great to catch up with my old friends.


What was your favourite school subject?

I loved history in high school. My teacher made the lectures very interactive and interesting. In college I would have to say Psychology is my fave. I love it so much that’s what I decided to major in.


What’s your dream job?

I have always had a passion for helping people in any way I can so I’ve decided to become a psychotherapist. I want to help children and adolescence with  mental health disorders because I know how debilitating they can be.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Five years from now I hopefully will have my Master’s degree in Infant Mental Health or something along those lines. I would love to be living in a city of some kind working as a therapist in a private practice.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Study abroad in Hungary for a semester.

See the Royal Ballet perform.

Become fluent in a foreign language, Hungarian in particular.

Attend IMATS, Vid-Con or Comic-Con.

Model for a dance catalogue or be in a small film.


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Oh gosh, I probably would have to say that taking college classes while still in high school was an achievement for me because I wasn’t one for studying back then. I worked extremely hard to get  good grades in both schools. It did pay off in the end because I graduated with six college credits as well as a 3.7 GPA.

Another achievement I am very proud of was originating the role of the Mother Nature Fairy in an original ballet that a studio near my hometown put on. The director could have chosen anyone else from her studio for that role but she reached out to me instead. It was a huge honor.


Who inspires you?

My parents have been together for 27 years and that is something that truly inspires me. I have so many friends with divorced parents and I’m just really grateful and lucky that my parents have been together for so long. I really hope that when I get married…way off in the future, that my relationship is as strong as my parents.

Angelina Jolie also inspires me because I love all the humanitarian work she does and how she deeply cares for everyone.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I am huge on quotes. The one I absolutely love is, “Never let go, never give up, never run, and never ever surrender.” ~ Dr. Amelia Shepherd from Grey’s Anatomy. This quote is what keeps me going in times of distress.

The other quote I love that is really personal to me is, “I may be small but I’ve got giant plans. To shine as brightly as the sun.” ~ Astonishing from Little Women. I am very small for my age (5ft) and I have giant plans. And if I end up achieving my dream then people will see me shining like the sun.


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Have patience with yourself, look at other blogs for inspiration, don’t stress about what people think, how many views/comments you get etc. Make sure that if your blog has a “theme” that all you write is written in your own words and is accurate.



Tea or Coffee = Both

Coke or Pepsi = Coke 

Messy mayhem or Super Organised = How about an organized mess?

Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Cute kitten

Night In or Night Out = Depend on my mood.

Heels or Flats = Heels.

Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lipstick

Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chick

Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Tara:

Instagram & Twitter: @_ballerinaboss_

Facebook Page: @ballerinaboss

Pinterest: @ballerinaboss18

SnapChat: @ballerina.tara


Don’t forget: If you would like your blog featured on Behind The Blog then get in touch via the contact page by clicking *here*, I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for reading & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves  🙂

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