Billion Dollar Brows: 60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows REVIEW…

Billion Dollar Brows Review

Considering that I’m pretty much on the go from very early morning, I was beyond intrigued when Billion Dollar Brows sent me their 60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows kit to put through it’s paces! ‘Impressive brows in a minute?’ Surely that sounds too good to be true?! However with a busy weekday schedule I’ll try anything aiming to reassure me that I’ll end up looking pretty & preened in a fraction of the time… plus what busy mama would deny rolling up her sleeves to test this interesting little box of brow goodies? 😉

60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows Review



DO YOU HAVE 60 SECONDS? Great! With this kit, you can add a brilliant pop of color to your brows in ONLY A MINUTE!

Includes two of our most popular brow products: 1 Brow Powder Taupe and 1 Brow Brush

Quick Tip: Simply dab the powder and glide along your brow line with our angled brush and blend with spoolie brush.

(Source: Billion Dollar Brow website)



Retailing at £24, I’ll be the first to admit it’s certainly a little pricier than standard drug-store brow products. However, even the packaging oozes glamorous confidence and a professionalism that hints you’re in for something a little (or a lot) more special than potential lower priced offerings. Nestled neatly inside the impressively branded box you’ll find the only two things you need to beautify your brows:

A dual ended brush (one end a spoolie and the other a brow brush)

Billion Dollar Brows dual ended brush


A 2g pot of of Brow Powder in Taupe.

60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows Review Taupe



Okay, let’s start off by discussing the brush… I’ve used quite a few brow brushes throughout the last 12 months & can honestly say that none have been as impressive as this. It’s incredibly comfortable to hold, the bristles are firm enough to very precisely sculpt & shape, whilst all the time remaining super soft on the skin. The brush is quite clearly for applying the powder by building it up to the intensity you desire, whilst the spoolie end is used for blending & brushing through. Yep, it’s as simple as that.

Moving onto the Taupe powder, I was actually quite taken aback with the consistency. Although it’s a powder, it seems to have a wonderfully creamy texture that makes the application smooth & without any messy fallout whatsoever. Amazingly you only need a small amount to really make an impact to the shape and finish of your brows so this petite pot is going to really last the duration. One thing I love about this particular powder is how versatile it is for covering a whole range of skin & hair tones as it’s completely build-able. Whether I’d be a bright blonde or dark brunette, this soft Taupe colour is the ideal match! As a matter of fact, it’s their most popular shade for that very reason. One fantastic point to mention about the tone is how similar it is to my natural brow colour it remained – it has the perfect amount of ash undertones in it to mimic the natural shade of my brow!



Considering I’ve tried a multitude of drug store offerings (some of which I’ve actually been rather impressed with) the Billion Dollar Brows certainly blows any potential contenders clean out of the water with it’s creamy fallout-free powder & beautifully buildable ashy tones that manage to stay put for the duration of the day… without any need to set your brows with a regalia of other products either! It’s quick, simple to use and although it may not be as easy on the pocket as some of the other brow products, I’m pretty certain you’ll love it every bit as much as I do. It literally oozes professional brow artist at work ladies 😉

Of course what review would be complete without an obligatory before and after shot right? Here goes…


(A rather untamed & messy looking brow before applying)



(A much more neater, shapelier & contoured brow after applying Billion Dollar Brows. All in 60 seconds too!)


Absolutely – a huge yes to both! Go on, treat yourself to this amazing kit – in my opinion it’s well worth the investment for amazing looking brows that perfectly compliment an array of skin and hair tones!

pink heart

Do you have a favourite brow product at the moment? If so, what are you currently using? Is Billion Dollar Brows something you’d consider adding to your stash of beauty staples?

Whatever your thoughts do let me know in the comments below: we always delight in a healthy dose of beauty chatter here on Confetti & Curves 😀

Cheerio Chums…

Karen signature

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**A huge thank you to the team at Billion Dollar Brows for sending this product in return for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own after extensively trialling the product for everyday wear.**

48 thoughts on “Billion Dollar Brows: 60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows REVIEW…

    • Me too Chanelle, honestly it’s fantastic!!! Brows are something I’m only grasping the basics off at the moment but I’m really looking forward to perfecting the art of it 😀 Most definitely a fan of it!!! XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I have spent a lot of time searching for the perfect brow product because my eyebrows are dark and I have had some issues with them ending up too dark with some products and running the risk of becoming too strong a brow! However recently, and because it’s kind of my go to make up, I have really fallen in love with Bobbi Brown’s Natural Brow Shaper in Brunette which keeps them nice and tidy and also gives a bit of colour but not too much unless I really build it up. But I might give this one a try when my current product of choice runs out, sounds like a good’un! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so difficult finding the perfect shade, some like their brows much darker Sophie, but like you I prefer it as close to my natural shade as possible! I’ve heard great things about the Bobbi Brown range but am yet to try it out for myself – firmly on the wish list for sure 🙂 Do give this a go, I really think you’ll like it and looking at the product it would seem to last for ages!!! Thanks for the feedback lovely, hope you’re keeping as well as can be XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! What amazing results. I wish I could get my eyebrows looking so… “On fleek” as the kids say. Oh dear… Have I just embarrassed myself there?! 😳

    Anyway, I think I’ll give them a go. 👍

    Have a wonderful day, my friend xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol lol Oh yes the whole ‘on fleek’ business – I still feel a million years old when I attempt to say that huni…. these young’uns and their lingo eh? hehe Do give it a go, it’s by far the best that I’ve came across, and soooo quick!!! 😀 Hope you’re keeping well sweetie *hugs* XXXXX


  3. Wow, I’ve never heard of this. But anything with billion dollars in it, I’m all for 😀 and no, I don’t have 60 seconds, hahaha just kidding. The end result looks fabulous. You can really tell a difference. Happy it worked out for dem brows!! Happppppy Freaky Friday! Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great review and the results are so natural! I have really sparse eyebrows and typically use either a pencil or powder to fill them in. Using the pencil probably takes 60 seconds (now that I’m so practised) but powder still takes me a while. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aren;t they huni? I’m so surprised at how natural it has turned out, totally buildable to the natural colour of the brows! Honestly, this powder will have you done in no time 🙂 hehe Hope you’re keeping well lovely lady XXXX


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  6. Think I will definitely be giving this a go. At the moment I’m using the Anastasia Beverley Hills Pomade in Taupe and although a lot of others seem to love it, I find it goes quite clumpy in places and yet doesn’t build up nicely on the tail of my brows…. Plus Billion Dollar Brows is far more affordable! Loved the review ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oooh I’ve just used it in todays video as I was trying the Best Sellers Kit – really easy to apply Rach. Brow gel isn’t something I’ve used before but it sure helps to keep it all in place huni 🙂 Yep, definitely a good review for the Billion Dollar range – excellent choice 🙂 XXXXX


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