May Favourites…

Happy Wednesday Chums!

We’re already half way through the week and officially into June *woo hoo* summer is right on our doorstep… if only the bizarre Northern Irish weather would act like it!! However as we’re into a whole new month it’s that time yet again where I share my monthly favourites – including an exciting little announcement 🙂

So curl up in your comfy chair, grab a cuppa & catch up with my latest chatter. Don’t forget, if you’ve posted a monthly favourites blog post or video feel free to pop the link in the comments below so we can all check it out! Otherwise do say a quick hello, it’s always a treat to catch up with you lovely lot…

Karen signature

*Don’t forget to check out the Confetti & Curves Giveaway by Clicking Here*


70 thoughts on “May Favourites…

    • Thank you so much Em, hugely appreciated & so glad you enjoyed it 😀 The lush scrub is beeeaut – love it so so much! Oh do check out the Barry M brow kit – it’s superb 🙂
      Oh wonderful – thank you for the link, really looking forward to checking it out huni X

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    • Awwh thank you so much chummy 😀 Funnily Emma reeeeally wanted me to get that one but I was in two minds so opted for the shocking pink bubblegum – couldn’t resist lol Thanks again for watching & your kind comments – have a wonderful week ❤ XXXX


  1. Hi Karen from Confetti and Curves!! Lush Bubblegum scrub is awesome! I got it before and wanted to eat the whole jar. Well, not the jar itself 😀 consuming your own dead skin is the new trend. The nail polish is so pretty. That’s good it didn’t chip. I see a side raid, ooooh pretty! Congratulations again on having 1000 followers Karen!!! Xoxoxo❤️

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  2. Hi Karen! How are you today? I actually got this video on YouTube last night and I really enjoyed it!! I left you a comment there as well. I really wish we had those Lip Bombs here. Maybe they work better than the actual EOS ones lol. Again, lovely favorites!! ❤ XXXX

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    • I’m doing great thanks chum, are you keeping well? I swear I am blown away by those little lip bombs – Katie I KNOW you would love it soooooo much!! I can’t find the EOS ones anywhere so think I’m going to order online as I need them – such a balm addict lol Thanks again for watching huni, shall pop over to YT laters & get replying *huge hugs* XXXXXXXX

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      • Thanks Karen I am doing all right. Was up early this morning and then fell back asleep lol. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. 🙂 Well I only have access to the EOS Balms. I would love to get the Summer Fruit one. Hmm I just might have to pick it up next time I get out to the store. I would love to go out today but I’ve been having a hard time getting motivated this week lol. I have my Ipsy vs. Birchbox May Unboxing post up today. Yesterday was Tester Tuesday’s post. 🙂 *huge hugs* XXXXXXX

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      • Oh you and your early morning rises!!!! No wonder you need a wee power nap mid morning – I’d be wrecked Katie lol
        Ooooooh that summer fruits one sounds deeelish 🙂 Lucky gal!!! Awww poor you with the motivation, I know the health can really get tough but you can only do what your body can handle – if rest is needed then that’s the best thing for it huni. I’m just about to pop over to your blog and catch up on what I’ve missed out on… can’t wait 😀 hehe See you there!!!!! lol XXXXXXXX

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      • I know right? I wish I could just sleep in lol. I will be up early tomorrow though for an appointment so no naps in the mid morning for me.
        I think I’m also lacking motivation because I just feel completely bummed lately. 😦 I have just been chilling out with Miss Allie. She is a great comfort to me. Going to read your other comment now. 🙂 XXXXXXXX

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      • Awwwwh Katie 😦 So sad to hear you’re feeling down… maybe it’s because you’re back in Vegas as I know you struggle being away from all your friends and family. Hope your health is keeping as well as it possibly can be huni… wish I was there to cheer you up!! Sending you the biggest of hugs – hope your appointment went well XXXXXXX

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      • Thank you so much Karen! I am feeling a bit better. I think your right, it’s because I’m back in Vegas away from friends and family. Getting through the next 4 months isn’t going to be easy. Thank you so much for always encouraging me and for being so kind! You’re such a great friend Karen! Sending you back HUGE hugs!! My appointment did go well and I was glad that it didn’t take very long lol. XXXXXXX


      • I will definitely take a look! 😀 I finally got around to filling in my ‘Behind the Blog’ form (how slow am I?! Uni has taken over my life!), just wanted to double check you’ve received it? I’m hoping I sent it to the right email 🙂 xxx

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      • Just had a mild panic attack thinking I had somehow deleted it huni but yes I’ve got it!!!!!!!! *phew* lol Haven’t got round to scheduling as yet but shall drop you a little email over the next few days with your date etc – thank you sooooooo much for returning it to me, I can’t wait to feature you!!! Very excited lovely 😀 XXXXXXX

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    • I promise you they are gooooorgeous!!! Best thing in the world is scrubbing the lips and then marinading them in the lip bomb lol It’s soooo good 😀 Thank you so much for watching huni!! Ps: Loving your blog – looking forward to reading your posts 🙂 X

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      • Thank you so much for the support! I’m hoping I can make it into a successful adventure for me and my readers. And, yes, I totally need to try a good lip exfoliation and the lip bomb! Although, I’m with you, and I think I’d be too grossed out to eat it afterwards. lol!

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  3. Congratulations again on 1000 followers my dear! ❤ And I will need to check out that Lush lip scrub….I've only tried their Mint Julips scrub, and this one sounds just as lovely 🙂

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    • Awwwh thank you sooo so much Mil… that means so much!! Yes please do as it’s lovely, I’m not a fan of mint tasting products so a great alternative if you like something a little sweet 😀 XXXX

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  4. Ah the Lush lip scrub. My sister is obsessed with it! They do smell so good though. I’ve never used it myself but I think I might get myself one next time I’m in near one of the stores in Cork or Dublin.

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    • lol Honestly Emma I’m getting that way too – looooove it 😀 Oh you must use it, it’s fab, tastes amazing!! Hope you get to treat yourself soon – have a wonderful week and thank you sooo much for stopping by ❤ XXXX

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      • I worry that I’ll wire my way through it because it’ll taste so good. ‘what happened to your lip scrub, you just got it?’ ‘…um…I got hungry…’ XD


  5. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

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