Monthly Favourites…

Happy Hump Day Y’all…

I literally cannot beeeelieve that yet another month has whizzed by. Considering this last few weeks has been party planning for birthdays gallore, the time just seems to have escaped me. However that can only mean one thing chums… a monthly favourites chatter. Yes indeed ladies, I’ve gathered up some of my most treasured goodies from the last few weeks & compiled them into one compact ramble for you all to feast your ears and eyes upon! There’s a mixture of make up, home ware and a few other random’s this month so why not grab a full tea cup and curl up in your most comfiest chair for the low-down on what I’ve been loving this September.


What’s been your favourite or most used items this past month? As always thanks so much for watching, don’t forget to say a quick hello in the comments below 🙂

Cheerio chums…

Karen signature

pink heart

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41 thoughts on “Monthly Favourites…

  1. That plum balm sounds delightful! You mentioned you’re not a fan of shea scents for body butters – I absolutely love The Body Shop’s shea butter haha. I am currently using The Body Shop’s Vitamin E body butter and it smells lovely, slightly floral but not overpowering and a really neutral, non-interfering scent. Have a whiff if you get the chance 🙂

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    • It’s such a lovely balm Chanelle!!! Definitely a lovely long lasting tone of it too 🙂 I think with those scents I’m just so tired of smelling them… kind of sickened myself of them huni, so the raspberry is such a lovely change 🙂 I’ll be heading up to Belfast over the next few weeks so will have to stop into the Body Shop and check it out as it’s been sooooo long since I’ve bought anything from there!! 🙂 X

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  2. Oh Karen: I was watching this at my desk during my lunch break and I burst out in a fit of embarassed giggles when you mentioned me making all my colleagues stare… you are too kind! So happy you love the MF mascara, it is just the best.
    Also, we need to add kindle to our twin blogging list: I never really wanted one because I love the smell of books but since I have had my kindle it has been attached to my hip. It is brilliant!

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    • lol lol you’re such a hoot Anne – I can just imagine that scene now!!!! 😀 I ADORE the MF mascara – it’s amazing, really do give a false lash look!!! Ooooh I knew it… see we really are two peas in a pod!!! lol Even our reading habits are the same…. aren’t kindles just so darn handy? 😀 Maybe a little clip-on ‘paper’ scented gadget would be the perfect solution 😉 hehe XXXXX

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  3. Great earring holder! Anything acrylic is magnifico!! Oh man, Yankee Candles are so divine! You’re lucky you own one. I need to get one, or two, or three! That’s the only downside about mirrored products. They show fingerprints like crazy! I have a mirrored cabinet, and it has lots of paw prints on it. Paw prints? I mean human prints. You have a kindle?! Awesome 🙂 the owl case is perfect! Can you believe tomorrow is already October?? Happy Wednesday xoxoxo

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  4. I love the eating rack, I usually have everything tossed in my jewelry boxes, which things get lost easily. I’m a fan of Yankee candles I always gravitate to cinnamon, apples, pumpkin, or vanilla, I’ll have get a whiff of the one you shown. Btw your cat eyes are gorgeous! what liner do you use?

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  5. I love Yankee Candles. I’ve actually been on a candle burning binge of late, trying to go through a couple of one I bought and never got around to using. Personally, and I know you cannot get these in the UK, I love the bath and body works candles. The tins for then are so sleek and cute, and they just smell absolutely wonderful. My favorite scent from there is called Paris Daydream, which smells nothing like Paris, but it smells exactly like how some French men smell. So that’s why I like that.

    I actually also posted a monthly favorites video on! I’d love it if you would check it out!

    Much love from the States!

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    • Honestly huni I think I’d clear out Bath & Body if I landed in the States lol I’ve heard such good things about them – grates on my frustration so much we can’t get them over here *sigh* Oooh they sound absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! What could be nicer than the smell of a French man (a good looking one of course lol) wafting round your home?!?! Ahhhh! Perfect 😉 hehe
      Oh Rach I’m so sorry huni, I’ve had such a busy week I’ve only got to jump on to wordpress very quickly each day so will definitely check out your video!!!! So sorry for missing it!!!
      Sending lots of hugs from Ireland, hope you’re having a fab weekend & thanks for the heads up about the video ❤ XXXXXXX

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      • That’s what I do every time I walk on there. What I like about a lot of their scents is that they aren’t completely overwhelming, like I feel like some candles are. They burn slowly, and the fragrances aren’t killing your nose with scents. There is nothing I dislike more than a scent that kills your nostrils. If you ever come over to the states, I highly recommend that you come with one completely empty bag for everything you will buy over here, as that is what I did when I was in Europe last time!

        It’s totally fine dearie! I hope everything calms down for you over there so that you can kick your feet up and relax for a moment! And don’t worry about missing it at all! It’s out there all the time for anyone to see!

        Hope you get some time to relax girlie!

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      • Oh I know what you mean – I have a little vanilla wax melt and it’s waayyyyy too strong… just a bit overkill with the scent! It’s almost stingy in the nose – very bizarre! My hubby is convinced it gives him throbbing headaches, thankfully though that Yankee Candle one I have (Seasons Blessings) doesn’t seem to do that!
        I think I’ll need a few of those empty bags… or maybe even a shipping container lol You’s have soooo much awesome stuff over there!!!
        Awwh you’re such a sweetie – I always like to try and keep up with my blog buddies but the work schedule at the moment is just crazy, needs to calm down a bit so I can get ahead of myself for a while 😀
        Thank you lovely, very same to yourself ❤ XXXXX

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      • You guys have tons of brands over there that are hard to get over here as well, so I understand your pain. Like your Rimmel London line is SO much larger over there. You cannot buy the Wake Me Up foundation over here. It’s so bad that I have had friends go and pick one up for me if they are ever in the UK. Makeup guru problems… Am I right?

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      • Oh it is huuuuge over here – one of my favourite lines too, it’s so good!! Oh no, that is bad if you can’t even get the foundation 😦 Why do we always end up craving products that are only sold the other side of the world?! Grrr !!! Makeup Guru problems indeed huni!!! XX

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  6. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  7. Pingback: Cute Acrylic Earring Closet… | Confetti and Curves

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