Make-up Empties…

Hello Chummies…

Once again, it’s that fun filled day of the week where I settle down for a quick virtual chatter *woo hoo* Today’s video features moi raiding the contents of my empties basket to bring you an assortment of products I’ve finally finished using over the last few weeks.

Considering that I’ve quite a few empty bits & bobs lying about I thought I’d split it into categories, focusing mainly on make-up today. So if you fancy finding out what’s hot and what’s not before my stash hits the trash then grab your cuppa, get comfy and settle down for a 10 minute ramble.


Have you tried and tested any of these products? What’s your most surprising make-up find most recently? Have you anything that you purchase over and over again? Whatever your thoughts I’d love to read them in the comments below so don’t forget to stop by and say a quick hello 🙂

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Cheerio chums…

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57 thoughts on “Make-up Empties…

  1. Great video 🙂 Do let me know if you find a decent drugstore concealer, still trying to find one as well.
    The No7 foundations are just great, I love the Stay Perfect version myself but might check out the matte version because it looks so good on you 🙂 xxx

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    • Oh I will…. so far and still nothing *sigh* however my quest continues 😉 Do by all means try out the No 7 – I honestly can’t recommend the Beautifully Matte highly enough – my skin loves it!! Thank you for that lovely compliment chummy, made my day as usual *hugs* Xxxx

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      • Same here, I recently tried a Catrice concealer but it is just too drying…
        Oh yes, my local pharmacy has just turned into a boots and I am so excited (although I am trying not to be too excited, I am sure they will carry almost nothing from any decent range). hugs back!

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      • Ahhh we don’t have the Catrice range over here for me to try but shame it’s not working out… seems like the drugstores brands really need to up their game!! Oooh that’s an exciting revelation about the Boots store chummy – fingers crossed it well exceeds your expectations 😀 xxxxx

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      • I still find it a bit strange Catrice hasn’t made the jump into boots or superdrug yet, it is a great brand.
        And I agree, they are often so drying which is great for teenagers but not for ladies like ourselves 🙂

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  2. I am a fan of the Rimmel Scandal Eyes Lycra Flex as well. I recently purchased a Maybelline mascara which was nearly double the price but I prefer the Rimmel 🙂 I find it adds such a nice, natural curl and gives better volume. Great video Karen! xx

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    • I really am impressed by the Rimmel Chanelle… although I picked it up by accident it was well worth the mistake!! I have to say I’ve never really been one for Maybelline’s mascara’s simply because they don’t seem to do much for my lashes 😦 Definitely onto a winner with Rimmel!! Thanks for stopping by huni & hope you’re keeping well XXX

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      • Yes!!!! It was the Rimmel Lash Accelerator – I knew it was a greenish coloured tube but ended up totally lifting the wrong one *sigh* Looks nothing like it either lol You should check out the Max Factor False Lash Effect… soooooooo good!! Anne from Doves & Roses recommended it a while ago – it’s fab!! Very long and fluttery lashes.. they really do look false but in a nice way if that makes sense 😀 XXX

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      • I’ve just looked up the Max Factor one online, but I’m not liking the price tag 😛 makeup over here can be so expensive 😦 If it’s on sale or discounted I’ll be sure to pick it up! Was it just the one in the black tube? xx

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      • Oh really 😦 That’s a shame!! It’s a little bit on the pricier side here too but probably not as much as it would be over there… yes it’s the one in the black tube! Do you have Gosh cosmetics over there huni? If so their mascaras are very good too and a little more reasonably prices… however my sis swears by the Barry M Lash Vegas… that’s another one to look out for 🙂 XXXX

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  3. Karen, I don’t think you guys have NYX over there but if you do try their HD concealer. Otherwise, I forget the name of the two concealers you mentioned in this video but have you thought about mixing them since one was really thick and the other was too thin!!?? Sorry I’m not too helpful, lol!

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  4. Love lush and their products! Yayyy for good staff. I can tell you’re ready for the Fall time. Your makeup and your nail color is simply divine. Yes, divine 🙂 I’ve heard good reviews about the Rimmel concealer. I’ll need to give that a go. But my bags under my eyes are hopeless :/ xooxo

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    • Honestly Mil, my face must have screwed up when she mentioned it as she tried to convince me it was fine – sooooo glad I trusted her… I’m a sales persons dream though, can’t say no! lol Honestly it is aaahhhhmazing – if you see it buy it, you won’t be disappointed!! Well, I sure hope you won’t lol XXX

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  5. Hello Karen! Just thought I would comment here too as well as on YouTube. 🙂 I really love watching empties videos and took some time this morning to watch my favorites including yours of course! 😉 Funny thing, I am cleaning out my bathroom tomorrow and will have plenty of empties that will be thrown away lol. Maybe once I come back I will start doing empties or if I ever start doing YouTube I could do an empties video too. It’s always nice to know what people think of things and whether they would be repurchasing them or not. 🙂 XXXXX

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    • Ahhh I think Katie is trying that one but not loving it 😦 Seems to be settling in her lines – which is what’s happening to me. Could just be our age now, we’re not spring chickens anymore Stephie lol lol Might have to check it out just incase though 😉 live & hope eh? hehe xxxx


      • Haha you crack me up. You guys are still young, what are you talking about? Perhaps a little bit of eye cream before you apply the concealer? Sometimes that helps me. I let it sit for a while and then apply concealer. Just a suggestion. 🙂

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      • Is that a kind way of saying we need to fill the canyons in before layering anything else on Stephie?!?! hahaha Ohh Katie would be having a giggle if she read this now! lol Will surely give that a try huni, could very well be the solution 😉 will keep you posted XXX

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      • LOL! I love that description though I’m sure it’s more like a tiny crack than a canyon. 😉 Well sometimes when our eye area or skin in general is dry, lines are more prominent. Adding some moisture kind of plumps them up and they look less noticeable. Of course, over the years, line will become more pronounced as it’s a natural part of aging but keeping skin moisturized is essential as without it, they will seem more obvious. Keep me posted. 🙂

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      • You ARE the skin oracle Stephie!!! I’m telling you huni – your advice is sound 😀 I’ll stick with the tiny crack, sounds so much better lol I do have a little under-eye roll-on that I’ve been using which apparently has caffeine & cucumber in it to eliminate puffiness etc – Honestly not sure it’s working massively well, but wow it stings… without sounding odd in a nice way! I can’t help thinking pain = results lol Think I might give up on it and invest in a good (but affordable) eye cream instead 😀 X

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      • Aww thanks so much Karen. It has been an interest every since I was young. Yes, canyon is what I have on my forehead, lol. I literally have this tiny hole/pore on my forehead and lord knows it is deep. Is it by chance the Garnier one? Pain being beauty is true to a certain extent when you are looking at chemical peels, retinol, injectables etc but I don’t think eye cream should be one of them. Yes, try an eye cream and see how you do. I haven’t tried drugstore eye creams in a long time though so I wouldn’t know which ones to recommend from there. I’ll let you know if I think of one that’s budget friendly. 🙂

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      • Maybe more like a stingy tingling sensation – it only lasts about a minute and feels weirdly nice but I’m guessing it’s probably not supposed to be happening then :-/ I think I’ll try an eye cream like you say and see how I fair with it! Thanks again for all your help Steph 🙂 You’re a gem!!

        Ps: Oooh that little deep pore you have sounds strange, is it a scar or something? At least I know I’m not the only one with an uneven facial landscape huni lol lol XXXX

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      • Oh well if it is temporary, then that should be fine. Sometimes it happens to me if my eyes are swollen or so. I thought it was like a burning sensation that lasted longer. Yes, keep me posted on which you like better. You’re so welcome Karen! No, it’s not a scar, it literally is a tiny hole, lol. I have no clue how it happened but there it is. My sister one time took a needle, we disinfected it of course, and she put it inside and I could not feel a thing. It seems like it is pretty deep. So weird. No, you’re not alone. 🙂

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  6. Pingback: Keeping Up With Karen… | Confetti and Curves

  7. Have to agree with you there about the Lush staff in Belfast. It was close to two years ago that I was there but it was my first time ever going into a Lush store. I was looking for something to get my sister for Christmas and had no idea what any of the products were but they were very helpful and helped me pick something out.
    I’ll have to keep that face mask in mind 🙂

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    • Yep, they really are a fab bunch up there Em’s, glad I’m not the only one with a great experience! I must admit I was really impressed with the customer service and product knowledge! Oh definitely keep the facemask on you list of treat to try… it’s amazing 😉 XXXX

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      • Seems to be one of the few stores where the staff actually seem to like their jobs. Shame we don’t have one in Limerick but hey, that’s just an excuse to go shopping in Cork for the day 😀
        Actually, now that I think about it, my older sister has been ordering things from the Lush store online and getting them delivered here because she’s not at home during the day to collect them but she keeps telling us to put the package in the fridge when it arrives – I’d been wondering why but I’m gonna guess that the facemask could be the reason for that!

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      • I have to say,they all seem very cheery in it – clearly as you say they like it!! Oooh I used to live just outside Ennis and Limerick was a city I used to visit quite a bit for shopping. I thought the folk were sooo lovely in Limerick, really friendly Emma!! Shame though you’s don’t have a Lush store 😦 Yep, you gotta keep the facemask in the fridge and use it within 3 weeks… sooo worth it though, maybe she’ll let you try some – it’s awesome!!! XXXXX

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