Behind The Blog featuring Simply Sorcha…

Simply Sorcha

If there is anything certain in the universe, it’s that Ireland is undoubtedly swarming with glowing pink bodies today (appearing semi-radioactive) from what can only be described as the mini heatwave which descended upon our bank holiday Monday. What a scorcher it was as back gardens & beaches were crammed with budding barbequers relishing in the sun rays, enjoying their burnt hot dogs & cider. I on the other hand was inching around the shade – wilting like an extra from Bram Stokers. Needless to say an Ikea parasol is the most life saving investment I’ve ever purchased, and if you’re pale skinned you’ll more than understand 😉 On a slightly different note, my new summer sandals arrived and they are THEE comfiest things I have EVER worn. Seriously, they really are! *happy sigh & happy feet* 😀

Ooh talking of happy, I’ve yet another cheery blog buddy to introduce y’all to today as the gorgeous Sorcha from Simply Sorcha joins us on the virtual sofa for a quick chatter about life behind the scenes of her ‘oh-so-chic’ beauty & lifestyle blog. With a love of cosmetics, a sprinkle of wanderlust, fun features and a talented flair for writing, Sorcha’s blog is certainly not one to miss out on so if you haven’t already check it out then get over pronto & check in 🙂


In only 5 words describe what readers can expect from your blog:

Lifestyle, beauty, honesty and fun!


What inspired you to start blogging?

As clichéd as it sounds, it was my love of writing. I used to write all the time, I previously had a travel blog and also wrote short stories. But lately I’ve just been writing for work, and not for myself, so in January of this year, I made the leap and began blogging again.


Tell us about your blog name… what made you decide on it?

Simply Sorcha, is ‘simply’ about me. My life, my loves, my interests, my experiences, my travels, and anything else happening in my life that I think people would like to read about. I deliberated for weeks trying to come up with a name that covered everything I wanted to write about, in the end it just made sense to name it after myself!


Do you ever suffer from Blogger’s Block & if so how do you overcome it?

Absolutely. It happens quite regularly and usually if I’m a bit stressed out. I second guess myself a lot and wonder if I’m just boring people, or whether my posts are even interesting. I’m sure most bloggers experience that every so often. But when I’m having days like that, I try just think about what I like to read in blog posts and go from there.


What’s your favourite post to date? 

Ah… That has to be my wedding photography post, Wedding, Photos, Love.

I got married last December so I shared this post when we received our photos from our photographer. It is my most-read post to date with over 2000 views, yay!


Describe your everyday clothes style:

Hmmm, casual chic maybe? My staple daily outfit usually consists of a jacket of some sort, a top or blouse, skinny jeans and ankle boots. But I do love glamming it up for a night out!


What are your current top 3 beauty items?

This changes all the time, but currently my favs are:

Urban Decay Gwen Stefani Eyeshadow Palette

Charlotte Tilbury Retoucher Concealer Pen

MAC Lady Danger Lipstick


How do you like to relax & unwind after a stressful day?

By soaking in a long, hot bath with a great book and a glass of red.


Describe your ideal Saturday night:

Going for dinner with my hubby and/or friends, chatting and drinking the night away.


What do you do to relax?

I’m really into meditation and mindfulness so I try to switch off and meditate as much as I can. I also love nothing more than putting on my PJs and slippers, and curling up on the couch with one of my favourite movies.


Everyone has their bad habits, what’s yours?

I’m a complete stress head, even though I try very hard not to be!


What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

Trips away with my family in summer – it’s the simple things.


What was your favourite school subject?

English! Hence why I love writing so much I think…


What’s your dream job?

To be a published, successful author.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would love to be a full time, professional blogger, and also have a family.


What top 5 things are on your bucket list?

Oh there are just so many things on my bucket list but my top five would have to be:

Travel Australia

Buy a Chanel Handbag

Visit The White House

Write a book

Buy a house


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

N/A (Only because I can’t think of what to say here!)


Who inspires you?

My parents. They have an incredible work ethic and are the most generous people I know.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

I’m totally obsessed with quotes, there’s nothing else like one for a bit of inspiration. But I think my favourite would have to be:

‘For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be what you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again’. – F. Scott Fitzgerald


What top tips would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own blog?

Given that I’m new to the blogging world I still have a lot to learn myself, but social media has really helped grow my readership and followers. So I definitely recommend setting up as many social media accounts as possible and really engaging with your followers.



Tea or Coffee = Tea


Coke or Pepsi = Coke (Diet!)


Messy mayhem or Super Organised = Super Organised


Cute kitten or Playful puppy = Cute Kitten


Night In or Night Out = Night Out


Heels or Flats = Heels


Lip Stick or Lip Gloss = Lipstick


Rock Chick or Pop Princess = Rock Chic


Paperback or E-book = Paperback

pink heart

Contact Sorcha:

Blog Address:





Snapchat Username: imsimplysorcha

Thanks so much for stopping by & of course do say hi in the comments below… we adore a good chatter here on Confetti & Curves

Karen signature

7 thoughts on “Behind The Blog featuring Simply Sorcha…

  1. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Hi everyone, happy Tuesday!

    As I am still recovering from my weekend trip away to the beautiful, fun island of Ibiza, I’m afraid I haven’t had time to schedule a blog post for today.

    What I have got for you however, is the virtual sit down I did with the gorgeous Karen from Confetti and Curves Blog. If you missed my post talking about this a few weeks ago you can read it here.

    But more importantly, I’m so thrilled to say my interview is now live on Confetti & Curves so please have a read below and let me know what y’all think!

    And don’t forget to drop over to Confetti & Curves and check out Karen’s lovely blog.

    Sorcha x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwh thank you for such a fabulous introduction & of course for sharing with all your lovely readers too Sorcha! Such a pleasure having you feature and getting to know you better 🙂 You’re such a gem! Hope you enjoyed every moment of Ibiza, it’s such a superb place & was my very first beach holiday with the girls, so very fond memories indeed 🙂 Huge hugs… Karen xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Behind The Blog featuring Simply Sorcha… |

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