I’m lovin’

My fav things


I’m a simple girl at heart (and head, some would say) however I do have a few favourite things that make my life a tiny bit more pleasant at times. I must admit some of these aren’t particularly exciting, however parenthood tends to zazzle things out a tad and suddenly a life that was once filled with stilettos, false eyelashes and luminous alcho-pops is exchanged for a life of fur lined slippers, baby wipes and half drunk cups of tea. Sounds endearing doesn’t it?

Just a few of my creature comforts & favourite things…


  • Gomez. He’s my darling little black and white kitty that was abandoned by his mummy when he was born. Unfortunately Gomez got himself stuck in the birth canal *ouch* and ended up a little empty-headed for it. He adores snoozing under telephone tables, loves cheesy puffs, has fallen head over heels in love with my floor mop (we’ve called it Fiona) and has recently conquered his fear of grass *woo hoo*
  • Fashion. I should mention I own very little with a designer label, in fact you’d have to look pretty darn hard to find one amongst my mish-mash of high street threads. However, after spending quite a few years in bridal retail I still carry a slight obsession for fancy frocks. Being a plus size gal I’m also a bit of curve ambassador!
  • Comfy footwear. I confess, I’m a lover of anything that makes me feel like I’m walking on a pair of white fluffy clouds an am often found shuffling around the house in slipper socks or items that look like sparkly hush puppies –also known as Snoozies. I adore boots and anything with a heel, if it looks painful I’ll probably love it but never actually wear it *sigh*
  • Flowers. What gal doesn’t love flowers? Providing they’re not a wilting bunch from the local petrol station.
  • Scarves. I have a scarf obsession, even in summer time I’m usually found melting with a slightly lighter alternative draped around my neck. In a bizarre way they make me feel skinnier… and I have absolutely no idea why.
  • Stationary. I have a slight ‘uhhhbsession’ for colourful notepads and mechanical pencils – I’ve even been known to splash out on sticky notes and ornate pens that cost a small fortune… I do believe there is nothing sexier than a filo-fax peeking seductively from ones handbag. Oooft.
  • Costas. Oddly enough I don’t drink coffee at home, I’m more of an Asda One Cup type of gal, however when hubby and I sneak off for a date-day (every once in a blue moon) it always starts in Costas where we spend hours talking nonsense or glaring into space over our huge coffee cups. Medium Café Caramella & a giant Belgian teacake please.
  • Autumn. If I could make this season last all year I sincerely would. The colours…. Oooh the colours. I’m blessed to live in a very pretty and relatively rural part of N. Ireland which consists of the most glorious road trip into town. One side is Strangford Lough in all it’s splendour and the other is vast plantations of woodland. On a sunny autumn day the colours are seriously incredible.
  • Nail Varnishes. I hoard these little babies all over the house (yet very rarely use them) as my darling little sister has an even bigger collection than I do that I often rummage through every weekend I visit. She’s young, single and has no kids to empty her pcokets so a majority of her wages are spent stocking up in Superdrug. Perfecto.
  • My Family. All adorable in their own quirky little ways, I couldn’t possibly love them any more than I already do. They’re full of fun yet occasionally grumpier than I am.
  • Books. I shall hold my hands up and admit it: I AM THE SLOWEST READER IN THE WORLD. There I’ve said it… that wasn’t so bad. I had a conversation with a fellow writer last Tuesday who was blathering on about his vast library of hard-backs and how every writer should aspire to having the same honorary collection. This makes me uncomfortable for three reasons A) I don’t like them, they’re too heavy to hold. B) I’m a kindle kinda girl who is lucky to squeeze in three pages a night if I fall into bed early enough. C) Hard backs are banned from our house as I once fell asleep reading one and almost gave my hubby mild concussion *Sorry Steve*
  • Chocolate Fudge Cake. Betty Crockers Fudge Icing… there is no words.
  • Make-up. I have a full morning ritual, even on those lazy days off when I know I won’t be venturing out over the door. I could be sitting in the grottiest little pair of pj’s imaginable yet have a face made up like a broad-way dancer. I am utterly naked without my make-up… which is a harrowing thought in itself.
  • Scented candles. Unfortunately hubby hates them and claims to get a headache before I even stretch to light one *sigh* However we have come to a compromise by finding a gorgeous radiator sachet in Orange & Honey from Greenleaf. They work wonders and leave the room smelling rather delicious. I’ve also just discovered (two minutes ago) that they sell a magnetic radiator gadget to hang them on *Spending Spreeeee*
  • Writing. I’m a relatively shy little being when it comes to flinging my opinion out onto the interweb, however this year I’ve been letting my hair down and blogging about a series of shenanigans including my journey into writing, parenthood, weddings, beauty bits’n’bobs and other girly topics. Wherever I am there’s a notepad beside me or my fingers are getting a workout on the laptop. I have very health conscious digits, even if the rest of me has went largely pear-shaped.
  • Music. I can’t say I’m a fan of anyone in particular however I am rather taken by Lana Del Ray lately, I just love that moody vibe & great melody to back it up. Other tunes on my iPod include Annie Lennox, Enya, Chris De Burg, Adelle, Andrea Bocelli, Pink, Aerosmith and I’ve even been known to warble along to the occasion tune from Olly Murs, Maroon 5 and Michael Bolton *Pffft, obviously*


I rather enjoyed that. I hope you did too…


Toodle pip 🙂


Karen signature


20 thoughts on “I’m lovin’

  1. Okay Karen. You are my go-to make-up guru. I love the look of lip gloss but hate the sticky feel of it. Anything you recommend that has high shine but not-so-sticky feel? Help!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol Lisa – I shall have a rummage through my make-up collection and get back to you asap!! Although one springing to mind is the Hawaiian Tropic gloss, it’s in a squeezy tube (kind of like the Juicy Tubes) and looks/tastes/smells amazing. Plus it’s got a non glue like feel – I hate it when my lips feel clamped together with gloss *yuk* 😦 Hope that helps a little whilst I have a rummage for a few others lol x

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