Until I Met You: Awesome Things About Being A Mum…

me and ems

Whoever suggests being a parent is easy is either in complete state of denial or 5 years old & cuddling a Tiny Tears doll. I’m convinced of this not just from my own experience but from also watching my own mum raise 4 children of her own. Okay, so I admit she made it look a little easier than anticipated… even during those days when I’m pretty sure all she longed for was a one way ticket to an undisclosed desert island with a suitcase full of her favourite tea bags & four finger Kit-Kats. Needless to say I adore her for everything she unknowingly taught me about raising a little person of my own. Nothing was sugar coated – she’s real, honest and fiercely protective of “her wee chicks” as she dotingly called us.

Yep, I know – this post seems totally out of the norm from my usual beauty rambles, but having spent the last few days cooped up & recharging the batteries back to some kind of normality it’s got me feeling all smushy about just how much I wholeheartedly appreciate my own little girl. As much as I could sit here and roll my eyes about every tiny little nuisance that us parents put up with, on the contrary I’m reflecting on all the things I love about having a daughter. All the things that make me smile, those little moments your heart captures and you think to yourself “this little person will never truly understand just what they mean to me”.

I’m sure many of you who are mums (or dads) will already get what I mean – there are days that you can literally feel the arrival of countless grey hairs, but then there’s the other days when you just know you’re beyond blessed to have such an almighty purpose in your life. Well for me, today is one of those days… the blessed kind. And so thank you Emma for everything you do; the morning hugs, always telling me I’m beautiful, asking me if I’d like a cup of tea, kissing me on the cheek as you run outside to play in the garden, breaking my mood by erupting into cheeky fits of giggles when I’m angry, making me little hand drawn cards, putting your absolute heart & soul into revising so darn faithfully for your upcoming exams – even though it’s your summer holidays!!! You deserve everything you wish for, not because you want it but because of the patience & strength you pour into working for it. At only 10 years old you’re inspiring your mum beyond measure. I thought I had determination, until I met you.

pink heart

 So, what’s your plans for today? I’ll be having giggles galore spending time with my daughter, then afterwards I’ll call my mum and tell her all about it 🙂

Cheerio Chums…

Karen signature

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16 thoughts on “Until I Met You: Awesome Things About Being A Mum…

    • Ack Amanda that has me all welled up huni! Thank you!! It’s so lovely to read that, and such a huge compliment coming from you as all your posts have such a crazy effect on me… whether it be humour or otherwise ❤
      Raising a glass (well a tea cup actually) to all us wee mummies out there, we're pretty darn blessed 😀 XXX


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