My 5 Top Tips for Awesome Autumn Skin Care…

Autumn Skin Care

Hello lovelies…

Can you believe it’s the start to yet another week? Is it just me or is time whizzing by absurdly, right before our very eyes? Anyhoo, I don’t know about you guys but I’ve noticed a few changes in my skin this weather (good & bad) Firstly, I’m sure you’ll all sleep better tonight knowing my nightly skin care routine is still going strong… if you missed it first time round click here for the update. To be fair, for a gal who really doesn’t like kerfuffle and has always taken the easy/effortless option to removing make-up via baby wipes, I’m really surprised I’ve stuck to the routine and ever more shocked to admit I actually look forward to it every night! *gasp*

However lately I’ve noticed that our wonderful winter weather is coming in thick and fast… slowly fading are the bright sunny mornings that fill the room with sunlight & warmth and instead I find myself peering out at rain drops, tumbling leaves and muggy grey skies.

Living right on the coast line of the Irish sea, it brings no surprise that my lips and skin are beginning to feel the pinch of all this seasonal shift. So with that in mind, I’ve had no alternative but to up my game and make a few minor changes that could really help my skin survive the cold winter months ahead… I’m shivering already!



1) Eliminate Junk in the Trunk: I’ll be the first to admit I’m far too fond of over indulging in sugary and fatty foods that aren’t doing my skin (or waistline) any favours whatsoever. So rather than topping up my trolley with sticky treats, I’m loading my fridge and cupboards with hoards of lush green veg & fresh fruit including blueberries, strawberries and plums which are high in antioxidants. Go me eh? *cheeky wink*

2) Vital Vitamins: A friend recently introduced me to the Tesco Effervescent Vitamins and I have to admit since using them this past month I’ve noticed my skin looking and feeling remarkably better than it’s been before… no surprise really considering that Vitamin C helps boost the body’s own production of collagen, a protein that helps maintain healthier skin. And of course as we all know, Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant that helps boost the immune system – pretty much vital when it comes to fighting those nasty winter bugs. If like me you’re a tad forgetful, I’d personally recommend keeping a little box of Vitamin C pastilles in your handbag which you’re more likely to spot on a daily basis than if they were tucked behind a pickle jar in the kitchen cupboard!

3) Drink & be Merry: As weird as it may seem, I actually really struggle with drinking water regardless of how fancy it’s presented or how much I’m told it works wonders for clearer looking skin. For me, the taste (quite simply) isn’t nice at all and so in the past I’ve tended to stick with my beloved sugary fizzy drinks *tut tut* However, I’m well aware these aren’t exactly the most healthy of liquids to be guzzling regularly so recently I’ve invested in a nice big bottle of diluting Ribena (again rich in vitamin C) to flavour the taste of water and cut down on my carbonated nasties. I know, it’s not perfect but it’s a step in the right direction. Every little helps, right?

4) Marinade in Moisturiser: Like I said my pale Irish complexion doesn’t bode well this time of year (or any other for that matter *sigh*) and so I’ve made a pact to keep myself as supple as possible. Virtually every room has a little tube of moisturising lotion hidden somewhere, so I can always keep my face and hands feeling hydrated. I’m also prone to getting a really dry nose & lips when out walking along the beach, so I tend to keep a little chap-stick in my coat pocket that I lightly dab over my nostrils for protection (sounds bizarre but I promise it works) to avoid my nose from looking red, flaky & dry… also really good if you’re loaded with the cold and constantly honking into tissues!

5) Under wraps: For all those lovely long autumnal woodland walks or early morning commutes at a freezing cold bus stop (gee I’m so grateful for my car) it’s vital to keep wrapped up as much as possible. Hat, scarf, gloves – the whole heap. Honestly, your skin will love you for it! I’ve recently dug out my little owl woolly hat & matching gloves and am thinking I could be doing with a cute new scarf to complete the look… if that isn’t the perfect excuse to go accessory shopping ladies then I don’t know what is! *he-he*

So there you have it, my personal five steps to keeping skin looking and feeling loved this autumn. If you have any cold-weather skin care tips to share I’d love to read them in the comments below…  cheerio chums 🙂

Karen signature

28 thoughts on “My 5 Top Tips for Awesome Autumn Skin Care…

  1. I also live in Ireland and I feel you! The weather here can be very challenging for the skin. Daily gently cleanse and good moisturiser are a must.


  2. I have an owl hat as well, it is my favorite! I find drinking tea is a good way to flavor water and still get antioxidants! Also, drinking from cute cups makes drinking water more fun! Stay warm!


    • Ahhh, Katie you’re taking a chance posting that… they’re the product of Satan himself (apparently) lol You’ll be shunned!!! haaaaha 😀 Awk well, at least you’re using Make-up remover wipes huni – I just opted for whatever baby wipes were on offer that day *sigh* :L Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I would definitely agree that water is a great part of anyons skincare people don’t realise until they’ve tried it for a while though, i promise drinking water really does help and you will get into the routine of it because i did and i used to live off lemonade and fanta haha but who doesn’t love a bit of junk food ehh? haha x x


  4. I also struggle to drink water no matter what. I have come to realise that what it takes to get me to drink water is to exercise as often as possible because that make me crave water and on week days I have set a rule for myself that I am not allowed to drink anything other than water between 7 am and 3 pm. It has helped quite a lot although it is quite extreme. The exercising had me drinking approximately 2 litres of water yesterday. 😀 x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly Nadine we are soooo blooming alike, the only time I will drink it (without shuddering at the taste) is after a work out, especially when it’s straight from a cooler machine, but that’s only because I’m absolutely parched! The issue I have is when there’s options at home/out – I guess I’m just going to have to work out more!! Well done on your huge consumption yesterday… I hope you haven’t grew a set of camel humps since then?! hehe :L X

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      • We are extremely similar. 😀 I also won’t reach for tap water. It has to have been in the fridge because it’s just better somehow. Hahahaha I think I still look quite human, don’t worry. :’D

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Karen,

    Love the post! I especially like your baby wipe confession (honesty is always the most refreshing!). I too occasionally use make-up remover wipes (such as Olay and Neutrogena) to “wash” my face at night and remove makeup. I still use them when I travel, but I’ve found they never completely remove my mascara. My new favorite trick is coconut oil! I had it lying around anyway, and it takes off eye makeup like nothing else, and doesn’t sting, plus is all natural! Give it a go if you have any. I bet most oil works- I know that olive oil does too!

    Also, have you tried to infuse some water with fruit? Maybe leave some strawberries, lemon, or even cucumber in it?


    • Hey Laura, thanks so much for your kind compliments & for commenting – I’m really glad you did because bizarrely enough I was just reading an article on coconut oil a few days ago and was amazed at the versatility of it. Really need to get myself a bottle as it sounds blooming amazing!!
      Haven’t actually tried mixing fresh fruit with water but I’m intrigued, my mind is conjuring up a picture of total refreshment. maybe that’s the key to it – tricking my mind?! I think I’ll buy some peaches and strawberries & give it a go – if all fails I can just fish out the fruit right? lol Thanks for the tips lovely, much appreciated 🙂 X


    • Such a shame you can’t get them, they are fab. Maybe Walmart might do some sort of variation or possibly a local drug store? I know our pharmacies sell them here too – fingers crossed you find them soon 🙂


  6. I find the best way to treat skin during the winters is to massage it with a squirt of coconut oil before you go off to sleep. Take a bath in the mornings like one usually does. The coconut oil softens the skin and improves hydration + gets rid of sagging, wrinkly skin over time 🙂


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